COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 288: daughter of the Fujiwara family

"I of COS Dazai Osamu got into the Conan crew (!

After Kiriko left Poshima, Shuji Tsushima greeted Butler Tanaka.

After all, most of the Tsushima family's affairs are handled by the other party.

Shuji Tsushima...lazy.

"Did you really decide to help that Poison Island Kiriko?" Butler Tanaka just asked seriously.

"Ah." Tsushima Shuji said casually.

"I understand, but those guys who actually want to repair your life, Master..." Butler Tanaka's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.

"Don't worry about them, leave it to Kazuko Kazushima." Tsushima Shuji rested his chin in one hand and yawned lazily.

"After all, I promised to cooperate, and I always have to give partners a chance to show themselves."

"Otherwise, people will be worried." Tsushima Shuji stretched and stood up.

[People only cooperate with useful people]

"As you wish." Butler Tanaka said.

Their young master... After all, he has grown up.

"Flowers can wither at any time." Tsushima Shuji sighed meaninglessly.

This is especially true of so-called oral agreements, which can be invalidated anytime, anywhere.

"Pay attention to the target of the Nimianhui, and when the target dies, send a gift to Miss Kazuko Kazushima." Tsushima Shuji casually instructed.

"For example... the heads of other cadres?" He smiled lightly and stretched out his palms against the window glass.

"Yes, I understand." Butler Tanaka simply responded.

Both Bourbon and Scotland are on task.

In the short term, I am afraid there will be no time to appear in front of Shuji Tsushima.

Even Wei Que was kidnapped.

Mingming also sent a message not long ago to complain about whether Bourbon was too busy. He turned his head and the other party was busy, and he was pulled to be busy together.

I'm afraid that the two of them fought again, right?

After the poison island Kiriko came to visit, another couple came to visit the next day.

Tsushima Shuji: many people know that someone wants my life?

Of course not possible~

No one wants to kill someone and makes a big splash to let a bunch of people know who they are going to kill.

That is to say, what the other party entrusted happened to be the Nimianhui, and the poison island Kiriko happened to be the cadre of the Nimianhui.

The couple who came to visit today are named Fujiwara.

Of course, there are a lot of people with the surname Fujiwara, and there are differences, such as direct line and collateral line, and there is no special treatment at all, just ordinary surname Fujiwara.

The Fujiwara couple who came to see Shuji Tsushima were members of the direct line.

Fujiwara Kensho and Fujiwara Rena.

Both of them were extremely thin, and Fujiwara Rena was even more thoughtless and unhappy, but she could still see that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

And Kensho Fujiwara, the thin and gentle middle-aged man took a deep breath and said solemnly: "To disturb President Tsushima, Rena and I are here this time for our youngest daughter Miho."

Tsushima Shuji nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully to what he had to say.

Miho Fujiwara... Who is that?

"Three years ago, Miho fell in love with a commoner boy..." Fujiwara Kensho began to tell what happened to his young daughter.

Tsushima Shuji: Oh, I'm familiar with this routine! teacher! I know the answer!

The eldest young lady from a wealthy background falls in love with a commoner boy, and the eldest young lady's family must not agree! sure

Sure enough, Kensho Fujiwara continued: "Reina and I naturally refused to let her be with that kid, Miho is the child that Rena and I love the most, and we have taken great care of her since childhood, how can I bear to watch it? She suffers with the commoner boy?"

Tsushima Shuji nodded.

Yes, that's right, it's this routine, the heroine's parent in the TV series also said the same.

The next step is that the Fujiwara family bullied others and beat the mandarin ducks with a stick. The eldest lady broke off the relationship and ran away from home in a fit of anger, and forced her to stay with the male lead.

"But Miho, she committed suicide to force Rena and I to agree to their marriage..." Fujiwara Kensho said with a painful expression.

Tsushima Shuji: old routine...

Nanami Lisu needs your script.

"Rena and I are heartbroken. The love for Miho for so many years is nothing compared to that kid's rhetoric..." Fujiwara Kensho glanced at his wife who was crying silently.

"So, in a fit of rage, I said to cut off relations with Miho." He patted the other party's shoulder to reassure him, and continued.

"Miho... she left us without hesitation and married that commoner boy."

"Even though I cut ties with her... but Rena and I couldn't help but keep an eye on her life."

"The kinship of blood is always so hard to let go..."

Tsushima Shuji still nodded his head in agreement.

Blood relatives...

When I was young, I couldn't eat in the same room with my so-called father and brother.

It is only separated by a door, but it seems to be separated by an abyss.

He also accidentally stepped into a place that did not belong to him, and was then severely reprimanded.

In a family where everyone follows the rules, *doing things like this will get stabbed in the spine, I'm the only one.

Oh no, this is the life of Shuji Tsushima when he was a child in reality, not mine.

I'm just an ordinary person who grew up in a harmonious and loving family, and played Osamu Dazai because of my time travel. I'm just an ordinary, cheerful, kind, and popular ordinary person.

"Miho left us. After marriage, she seems to be still living happily. Originally, Rena and I should rest assured..."

"Until a week ago, Miho disappeared." Kensho Fujiwara clenched his fist.

"When I asked a private detective again to take pictures of Miho's recent daily life, the private detective told me that Miho had not gone to work for a week."

"It didn't show up near the house either."

"I can't find it no matter how much I look for it, it's like being evaporated from the world...or hidden by gods." Kensho Fujiwara said, his cheeks twitching uncontrollably.

Tsushima Shuji: ...but you came to me, you should know that it was a murder case...

That is to say...

You already have speculation about the death of Fujiwara Miho in your heart.

"Is this a request from the Fujiwara family, or..." the black-haired boy asked after listening to everything calmly.

"It's my personal entrustment." Fujiwara Kensho said decisively.

"Miho...she is no longer a member of the Fujiwara family..."

"But she will always be my child." He had a complicated expression, with a little nostalgia in his eyes.

"I see." Tsushima Shuji nodded.

"Mr. Xianzhang probably already has a target of suspicion." The tone was flat.

Fujiwara Kensho looked at him deeply.

"...The man who coaxed Miho." Kensho Fujiwara said.

"I need a reason." The thin and gentle man said in a low At this moment, he looked no longer simply like a father who had lost his beloved daughter.

He is... the direct descendant of the Fujiwara family.

The whole dynasty is full of Fujiwara of the Fujiwara clan.

"Why?" Tsushima Shuji seemed puzzled.

"No, that's not the reason, but the truth." He shook his head slightly.

"The truth you want." The black-haired, kite-eyed boy raised the first smile when they entered the door.

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