COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 248: 7 Hai: Who wrote the **** script?

Lisu Nanami's new film has been successfully completed.

Immediately after that, the filming of the next TV series.

This is a TV series about the love and hatred of a wealthy family.

Childhood separated as a child.

Fall in love as a teenager.

A young lady, the son of a housekeeper.

And the wealthy father who beat the mandarin ducks.

The love between the eldest lady and the son of the housekeeper was discovered by the wealthy father. The son of the housekeeper knelt down and begged bitterly, but his hands were crushed by the father who did not distinguish between right and wrong.

The eldest lady = the hostess.

The housekeeper's son = the male protagonist.

The male protagonist, who is a genius in the field of violin, could not accept this blow, and drove his car into the sea.

After the eldest lady, who is the heroine, found out, she ran away from home in a fit of anger, becoming strangers to the original family members.

After that, it was a bizarre incident in which family members died one by one.

In the end, the only surviving members of the family gathered in everything.

Including the eldest lady who has been away from home for many years.

The killings continued.

By the way, the script for the last movie was also provided by Tsushima Corporation.

Nanami Lixu looked at the script, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Which idiot wrote the **** script?

Does anyone actually watch this kind of thing?

From the sweet love at the beginning, to the eternal separation between heaven and man, and then the plot develops directly into the suspenseful horror style?

Why do you want to make such an idiot and **** plot?

She squeezed the script's slender fingers silently, squeezing the corner of the script into a wrinkle.

"Nanhai... This script is said to be tailor-made for you." The agent on the side said cautiously.

For fear that Nanami Lisu would not say a word.

"I see." The dark-haired woman's brows and eyes lingered in a cold and sullen mood.

"Who is the male lead?" She just asked flatly.

"It's Mr. Yasushi Yanagisawa." The agent replied quickly.

Nanami Lisu stopped talking again.

The depressive aura on her body was even more pronounced when she was silent.

"Okay, let's shoot." She put down the script and stood up.

"Okay." The agent nodded again and again.

Fortunately, the cash cow is still very dedicated.

"Is she...?" Nanami Lisu asked, looking at the girl standing in the crew, with long pink hair and pink eyes, a white dress, and her whole body was filled with a calm and gentle aura.

"That's Miss Katori Hayami, and she will take the promotional photos this time..." The agent glanced at him and introduced.

"She's a little-known beauty in the photography world..."

"First meeting, Miss Nanami." The pink-haired woman came to Lixu Nanami with a quiet smile.

"First meeting, Katori-san." Nanami Lio smiled brightly.

But no matter how bright the smile is, the depressive breath between his brows and eyes lingers.

"I will photograph your beauty 120%." Kathori Hayami said with admiration.

"I did the cover of this month's Vivi magazine."

"Want to see?" she asked.

"If possible." Nanami Lisu smiled.

"Of course." Katori Hayami said, and took out a magazine from his bag.

"Cover model: Qianyang Makino, cameraman: Katori, see you early." The pink-haired woman pointed at the small line of characters.

On the cover, I saw a handsome and handsome model wearing a white soft turtleneck with long brown hair **** at random, holding a silver chain turquoise gemstone necklace in one hand, and kissing the gemstone with her head raised and her eyes half-squinted.

Those eyes are the same color as gems.

"The filming is really good. As long as Miss Katori's strength is stable, she will definitely take our Nanami beautifully..." The agent touted it.

lupin bar.

Tsushima Shuji was lying on the bar, banging his glass in a bored manner.

The moment the door was pushed open, a wind chime rang.

"Yo, Oda Saku." He raised his hand.

"Long time no see." He greeted.

"Didn't we meet not long ago?" The red-haired man sat on his seat and said calmly.

The bartender didn't need him to order, and he was accustomed to bringing out a distilled wine.

Oda Sakunosuke nodded to the bartender.

"Really..." The boy lay down on the table again.

"But it just feels like... and Oda Saku you... long time no see." He said in a dazed look.

The wind chime at the door rang again, and the door was pushed open again.

Gin came in with vodka.

He sat down in front of the bar without saying a word.

Then silently raised the glass.

There is a rare calmness in the breath.

Gin and Kao were silent, and vodka did not dare to speak at will.

Tsushima Shuji ignored them.

It also led to the scene where the three seemed to be completely unknown.

"By the way, Oda Tsukuru, let me tell you, I wrote a script..." The boy said as if seeking compliments.

"Filming is already underway..."

"You must watch it then." He stretched out his fingers and flicked the wine glass, smiling.

"...You've already written the script..." The red-haired man said with emotion.

"I haven't figured out what to write yet..." He looked solemn.

What subject are you writing about?

"I'll go back first." He finished his glass and stood up.

Tsushima Shuji watched his back disappear from sight.

Then he slowly turned his head and lay down on the bar again.

"Yo, gin~" he greeted with his face close to the bar.

Gin snorted coldly, closing his eyes and ignoring him.

"Yo, vodka~" He silently greeted vodka again.

"What script did you write, Kaa?"

Vodka looked at the gin with her eyes closed as if she couldn't hear anything, and asked with a smile.

Tsushima Shuji sat up immediately.

As if waiting for someone to ask this question for a long time, I can't wait to say it immediately after encountering someone asking.

"It's about a case I came across!"

"The tragic love between the rich lady and the butler's son..."

"And the revenge plot..."

His eyes were bright and full of pride that he had written this script.

"Sounds great." Vodka nodded in agreement.

It's the first time Kao wrote a script, and it's very good to be able to write it like this.

Gin with his eyes closed, his hand holding the wine glass is slightly harder.

"Brother, what do you think of Kao's writing?" Vodka asked fearlessly.

Tsushima Shuji also hurriedly stared at Gin with expectant eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Kao's gin looking forward to it:  …

He silently put down the glass.

"A plot that only an idiot would watch." He was full of contempt for the IQ of this group of people.

"Big brother... I saw it." Vodka on the side said naively.


"Shut up, vodka." He glanced at the vodka.

The vodka suddenly began to swig.

"What... This is an adaptation of a real case..." Tsushima Shuji muttered in dissatisfaction.

Pulled Gin's hair.

"These methods are written by me based on the cases I have encountered."

"There are a lot of police who can't find the killer's method..." he said while pulling his hair.

He silently rolled the pulled hair into a small white ball and put it on the bar to play with it.

"That's those cops." Gin sneered after taking a sip of wine.

"Huh—" Tsushima Shuji blew the little white ball away with a sharp blow.

"There's nothing to talk about with someone like gin who doesn't understand appreciation." He was dissatisfied.

Then he stood up without hesitation and left the bar.

I don't know how to appreciate the gin:…

"This kid..."

"The temper is getting bigger and bigger." He crushed the empty wine glass.

Pulling his hair, tossing bourbon and scotch, and widdell...

The vodka drank glass after glass in silence, without saying a word.

Kao does this...

Brother, you didn't say anything...

Don't you agree?


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