COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 237: maybe a memory from the past

After he Edogawa Conan ran out with his short legs, Midorikawa Wu stepped forward and closed the door.

"You're nice to him." Amuro removed the mask of a taciturn, gentle and reliable bodyguard and sat beside him with his legs crossed.

"After all, I'm a kind and considerate big brother." Tsushima Shuji responded indifferently.

"Haha." Amuro smiled expressionlessly.

Guess I believe it or not?

"All in all, if you want to stay in the hospital tomorrow, I'll let Jinjiu come and invite you out of the hospital in person." Amuro emphasized the pronunciation of the word "please".

The technique of inviting people to gin is, of course, direct hands-on.

"Yes yes—" Tsushima Shuji responded with his eyes closed and his voice stretched.

"I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow—" He buried himself in the quilt and said in a dull voice.

"Then we'll pick you up tomorrow." Lu Chuan Wu and Amuro Toru looked at each other, Lu Chuan said calmly.

The boy lost his voice.

Probably the default.

Midorikawa shook his head with a smile, and dragged Toru Amuro who was about to lift the quilt away.

Zero again provokes Kaa like this...

I am afraid…

Scotland's disapproving eyes.jpg

The room fell into total darkness.

Tsushima Shuji had a dream.

It is different from the vague memories that seem to be separated by obstacles in the past.

This time the dream is very clear.

He even smelled the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus in his dream.

He is no longer in the black world.

But came to a world full of light.

There were people coming and going, and he stood in the center of the crowd, no one could see him.

Until he saw a figure.

Black hair, black eyes, looks exactly like him, a tall young man, or a teenager.

The stars hold the moon in the crowd.

"Lin Xiu—" someone called.

"Let's go play together after class." Someone asked with a smile on his shoulders.

"By the way, it's a pity that you didn't attend that comic exhibition last time. Many people wanted to take a photo with your leader, Jae..." Everyone moved around Lin Xiu.

Passed by Tsushima Shuji.

"Next time, I will definitely go." The black-haired and black-eyed Lin Xiu had a very friendly personality and answered with a cheerful smile.

"When are you going to come out of Zhongyuan Zhongya again? Levi is fine. 186's Levi and Zhongyuan Zhongya are too handsome, too handsome..."

"The five enlightenments you gave are also very good..."

"When will my husband come out..."

"Next time, my husband must be released!" Someone whispered.

"Hey, instead of letting him be your husband's cos, why not just turn him into your husband, so that we can change husbands every day."

The girl who said she wanted to let Lin Xiu out of her husband suddenly blushes.

"Paper man husband is the best! Do you understand!" She glared at the boy and rolled her eyes.

Then turned and ran.

"Two-thirds of our club's popularity is supported by you. Sure enough, you are indeed the school grass of our school..." The boy who held Lin Xiu's shoulder proudly patted his shoulder.

"Come on, play a more handsome character next time, let more school sisters come to play with us." Encouraged.

"You actually let Lin Xiu seduce Miss Sister!"

"No! Lin Lin is our pillar, and we rely on him to support the scene."

"Lin Lin, promise me, don't fall in love before graduation." Someone said sincerely.

"You are too embarrassing for me." Lin Xiu smiled helplessly.

"Okay, you actually cursed me to be a single dog." He said, raising his hand to hit the other side.

"If you can't fight, you can't fight, come and chase me." The boy had to provoke a wave before running away.

Lin Xiu immediately followed with a group of people.

"Don't let us catch up, or you'll be finished." Someone said harshly.

One after another, Shuji Tsushima, who was standing there, passed by.

No one looked back.

Tsushima Shuji didn't even look back to see the backs of them leaving.

Scene transition.

It's on a basketball court.

Lin Xiu was active in the field wearing the No. 9 jersey.

Break through, break through, continue to break through.

Goals, goals and goals.

Caused the frenzied screams of the audience on the sidelines.

Ninety percent are girls.

"Lin Xiu—"

"Lin Lin... Come on!"

Shuji Tsushima was also in the middle of the basketball court this time.

Watching familiar and unfamiliar people run past him again and again.

Hearing the screams and cheers coming from his ears, he was completely indifferent.

The scene shifts again.

It was the day he attended Comic Con.

Watching Lin Xiu skillfully apply makeup in front of the mirror, put on a wig, beauty contact lenses, and bandages.

Put on the chief slaughter's clothes and put on a red scarf.

Out of the changing room.

Then, it appeared where it first landed.

A villa on fire.

The two stared up at the starry sky.

and getting smaller.

Tsushima Shuji stood beside him who had just appeared in this world, and sighed.

The surrounding scene suddenly shattered.

Again he stood in a world of darkness.

"Why are you showing me this?" Tsushima Shuji said with a smile.

"Because of you, the host, you are too deep into the play." The system's voice came from all around the darkness.

"You're just playing Osamu Dazai, not Osamu Dazai himself." The system's tone was rarely serious.

"You can't lose yourself," the system said.

"Lost yourself... huh?" Tsushima Shuji whispered, suddenly laughing.

"Isn't this a better way to complete the role? Isn't the character set 100% in line?"

"How do you know that in your eyes, the so-called losing yourself is not a part of my role?" The black-haired boy looked around in the darkness and sat down with his legs crossed without paying any attention.

"Really?" The system asked hesitantly.

"Guess what?" The boy laughed wickedly.

"The purpose of blurring your host's memory before is to allow you to complete the role better." The system explained earnestly.

"But host, your spirit is not right now."

"You're becoming more and more like Osamu Dazai."

"Even the desire to die is the same."

"After reaching 100 percent acting, go even further."

"Anyway, I will let you remember your past memories, host." The system seemed very angry.

"You used to be such a cheerful, kind, optimistic and popular person!" the system said loudly.

Tsushima Shuji smiled with an unintelligible smile.

cheerful? Kind? optimism?

"I'm also very cheerful, kind, optimistic and popular now~" The teenager sat cross-legged on the ground, cupped his cheeks in both hands, and muttered with his cheeks puffed out.

Wow, that really sounds like a sticky description.

The system seemed to be stunned, and the answer was half a beat slower.

"You have obviously become a black side! A black side who kills like a numb! A black side who is exactly the same as the black one!" The system said in a heartache.

"But I'm playing the role of Osamu Dazai, isn't it? It's time to kill the leader." Tsushima Shuji closed his eyes and lengthened his voice to retort.

"Does he want to be kind and considerate to help the grandma cross the road in the dark? Is the leader Zai going to the basketball court to spend sweat and youth with a bunch of people?" He asked righteously.

This kind of thing is obviously what a dwarf would do.

"Isn't it ooc?!" His expression was also very distressed.

"Anyway..." The system got stuck.

"Anyway, you have to remember that what is illusory is illusory, not real! You are not Dazai!" The system said sternly.

"Yes-" Tsushima Shuji waved his hand.

"Of course I can distinguish unreal and real." He said indifferently.

[No one knows better than me. ]

[No one knows who I am better than I do. UU reading]

"My name is Dazai, Osamu Dazai." He stood up, standing in a world of darkness, tilted his head and smiled.

"Host—" The system screamed again.

"Don't worry, don't ruin my acting program." The young man stood in the darkness, his eyes were dark and indifferent, but the corners of his mouth were raised and his tone was low.

"Of course I know that I am Lin Xiu, a normal person who is cheerful, optimistic and popular." He smiled brightly and said it as if it was true.


It's disgusting.

"Host, you just know." The system seemed to sigh.

"Ah." The young man stood in the darkness, his smile unintelligible.



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