COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 161: Bourbon: I really don't understand Buddhism.

Sitting in the corner of the promenade, listening to the sound of the water falling from the waterfall, and enjoying the spring cherry trees full of trees.

Shuji Tsushima sat by the promenade with a teacup in his hands, looking at the falling cherry blossoms in a trance.

"I didn't expect to meet His Highness Noah again..." The old abbot sighed with emotion, and poured a cup of tea for Lu Chuanwu in a leisurely manner.

"The tea stem is standing up..." Tsushima Shuji stretched his head and looked at the teacup.

"Mr. Midori will have good luck." He nodded.

"...borrow your auspicious words." Lu Chuan said mildly.

He doesn't believe in so-called good luck.

Rather, he was a little surprised that Kaa believed such a thing.

Looking at the tea stalk standing up in the teacup and saying that there will be good luck, it is no different from those ordinary children.

"Everything is the guidance of the Lord... I should say so." The young man replied to the abbot's last sentence.

First with a holy expression, and then chuckled.

"It's not Noah who is in the church in Neon, but Shuji Tsushima." He said to the abbot.

"Is Father Artnai okay?" The abbot still clearly remembered the priest who had a one-sided relationship.

It's the other party... looks too outstanding.

Even if his eyes were covered with black ribbons, he couldn't stop his dazzling eyes, which would only make people feel pity for not being able to be watched by the other party's eyes.

That priest is more like God himself than a believer of God.

"Father..." Tsushima Shuji shook his head, his eyes drooping very sadly.

" that so..." The abbot also sighed.

"He went back to heaven."

"As soon as I saw him, I knew that a person like him couldn't stay in the world for too long..."

He was just passing by to take a look at it.

"Ah..." Tsushima Shuji held the teacup and lowered his head, meaning he didn't know what to say.

Tsushima Shuji: I didn't say he died~ You made up your mind~

"Master Tsushima, your body..." The abbot looked at the boy again.

He remembered that when the young master was in the church, his health had not been very good.

The same child as Father Artenai...

I don't know when I will leave the world.

"...I've lived to this day, I'm very satisfied." The boy lowered his head and smiled.


"Has Master Xiuzhi ever stayed in a church?" Lu Chuanwu asked curiously.

Did Kao stay in church?

Even familiar with the priest inside?

"Ah, I stayed there for a while when I was young, and my family hoped that the Lord would remove all the disasters from me..." Tsushima Shuji said in a flat tone.

In fact, the adoptive father is playing as a priest.

He even arranged for him to become the godson of the previous generation of popes and took the Christian name - Noah.

Means "survivor."

It's really sarcastic all the time.

Whether it's for Shuji Tsushima, Cahors, or Osamu Dazai...

The word "survivor"...

All too sarcastic.

"His Royal Highness Noah in the church was also very famous..."

"It's called the book-holding angel hidden in the church."

"Many believers come here, but unfortunately, His Royal Highness Noah only stayed for three short years..." The old abbot shook his head.

"Hey... Was Master Xiuzhi that famous back then?" Lu Chuanwu was shocked.

He was also extremely shocked.

Was Kaa not a member of the organization as a child? Why are you still in church?

Book Angel? what book? The Perfect Suicide Manual?

The way he unlocked those believers...

Don't let them die...

Scotland: Compared with the title of Angel with a Book, I actually think His Majesty the Demon King is very kind and friendly...

"...It's just an accident." Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

What is an angel with a book! Back then, the adoptive father was still called the agent of God on earth in the church!

And he blindfolded his eyes in disgust.

Pretend to be blind.

He also joked, "In this way, Noah and you together, we have two people with one eye."

When people who don't know come to ask about the situation, they will fool them with a holy appearance.

"My eyes can only look at the gods."

"The gods are at ease in their hearts, so... no need to open their eyes."

With the appearance of a devout believer, he is convinced that other people are fooled.

As if the person who constantly stared at Shuji Tsushima was not him.

Even Tsushima Shuji had his story arranged by him.

"The eyes of this Highness Noah..." someone asked.

"God likes this child's eyes very much... So..." The blindfolded priest lowered his head and patted the boy's head.

"So that's how it is..." The believers nodded and became even more fanatical towards them.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

What a nasty guy.

"I don't know if there will be a chance to see the book-holding angel His Highness Noah again..." The abbot thought thoughtfully.

Tsushima Shuji: No chance, impossible, give up.

The last generation of popes is dead.

"Stop talking about the past, let's go and see how Mr. Amuro and Mr. Qingnian are doing." Shuji Tsushima put down the glass and stood up.

"Speaking of which, it's time for them to end." The abbot also put down the cup and stood up.

"I just don't know who won." Lu Chuanwu also stood up and said.

"We'll find out when we go and have a look." Tsushima Shuji said casually.

Afterwards, the three of them were in the kitchen and saw a group of monks with expressions as if they had ascended to heaven.

Around Amuro, he kept turning the beads and reciting the scriptures.

Three: ?

Large-scale cult scene?

"Abbot, you are here." Monk Qing Nian stood up and bowed to the abbot.

"This is..." The abbot looked at the other monks around.

"...Everyone was moved by Mr. Amuro's cooking, as if their souls had been sublimated..." Qing Nian explained.

"Abbot, you can taste it." He handed over a small bowl.

Inside are unremarkable vegetarian buns and dumplings.

The abbot took a sip, and his expression changed.

"I seem to... see the Buddha..." He murmured and looked in the direction of Amuro Toru.

In his eyes, Amuro Toru's image has become a noble and tall existence with dazzling Buddha light.

There was a long and far-reaching sound of chanting.

He involuntarily turned the beads and recited the scriptures together.

Amuro Toru, surrounded by a group of monks chanting sutras:  …

I always feel that this is very much like being overstepped by someone's practices after death...

"As expected of Mr. Amuro..." Tsushima Shuji applauded.

With his applause, the monk gradually sobered up.

"Buddha's Kitchen is well-deserved." Tsushima Shuji said with emotion.

Tsushima Shuji: As expected of you

"Since it's over, let's leave first..." Tsushima Shuji was about to run away.

"Wait a minute," the abbot interrupted.

"I don't know if this Mr. Amuro would like to leave the recipe to us..." The abbot came to Amuro Toru with a gentle tone kindly.

"Ah...of course..." Amuro nodded.

"It's not a big deal, as long as you like it."

"If that's the case... Mr. Amuro would also like to visit our temple when you have time... Instructing you on the scriptures..." The abbot said earnestly.

Toru Amuro: Huh?

Scripture? guide?

I won't?

"No...this guide..." He had a tone that wanted to shirk.

"Please don't be modest, relying on the boundless Dharma contained in your cooking..."


Amuro Toru: Sudden.

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