COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 151: male publicist at banquet

"I of COS Dazai Osamu got into the Conan crew (!

As soon as they entered the venue, someone gave them a small pink box.

Brooch of the Dark Star.

"Every guest present needs to wear this dark star..." Under the explanation of the person in charge of distribution, everyone put on a brooch.

How should I put it, the people who were with Shuji Tsushima today all wore black suits.

Although not wearing a black coat.

Coupled with their looks and figures, it was already enough to resemble the Cowherds who got in.

Not to mention Yinglan's group of people, who started their own business directly in the corner of the cruise ship, in the position of several sofas.

coax - woman.

Looking at Ying Lan's group of people who were coaxing one after another from the ladies.

"The queue has already begun..." Tsushima Shuji glanced at the surrounding circle and said.

"...I heard before that the young master of the Xuwang family opened a male public relations department in his school..." Atobe Jingwu looked complicated.

"It turns out to be true." Akashi Seijuro said calmly and unhurriedly.

"Looking at their proficiency... it can't be fake."

"It's really professional." Tsushima Shuji said quietly.

Suddenly, he saw the figure of the elementary school student.

"That child..." Atobe Keigo and Akashi Seijuro also saw it.

"The child from the Maori detective's family who I saw last time at the Four Wells family." The two of them thought deeply.

"Ms. Mori and Miss Suzuki are classmates." Tsushima Shuji explained.

"That Maori detective is also one of the people in charge of security today." Akashi Seijuro glanced at the crowd around him.

"How many police officers are there? They really worked hard for that phantom thief." Atobe Keigo didn't care.

"Brother Tsushima." Edogawa Conan ran to Shuji Tsushima.

"Tsujima-kun." Maurilan followed suit and nodded towards Shuji Tsushima.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

"Miss Xiaolan."

He glanced at Mao Lilan, smiled and said hello in a gentle tone.

Kudo Shinichi: What's the matter with Tsushima's tone!

"Isn't this Atobe and Akashi, you actually came with Tsushima." Suzuki Sonoko greeted carelessly.

"Ahhh." Atobe Keigo replied.

"Miss Sonoko doesn't need to be with Madam Tomoko?" Akashi Seijuro asked calmly.

"Hey hey..." Suzuki Sonoko smiled.

"There are so many handsome guys here. I came here when I was curious."

"By the way, what are you doing over there? There are so many people." Suzuki Sonoko looked around the place surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

"Hmm..." Tsushima Shuji lowered his head.

"It's just a trivial matter not worth mentioning..." Atobe Keigo looked up at the lamp.

"It's just Suwang-kun and his friends playing around," Akashi Seijuro explained.

"King Xu..." Suzuki Sonoko stroked her chin thoughtfully.

"! The young master of the Xu Wang family who has French blood!" She suddenly realized.

"It is said that he is very handsome, I have never seen him much." Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

Sure enough, handsome guys play with handsome guys.

"Xiao Lan, let's go take a look together." She took Mao Lilan's hand and ran towards the surrounded place.

"Wait..." Maurilan tried to refuse.

Refuse to fail.

She was pulled away.

A pupil suddenly died fisheye: cut, woman.

Due to too many guests, Xu Wanghuan and others were too late to receive everyone.

At this moment, he saw three people who were talking in low voices not far away.

His eyes lit up, and he rushed out of the encirclement.

"Let's solve the troubles of beautiful women together, Tsushima, Akashi, Atobe." Su Wanghuan stared eyes.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

"I don't know how to do it..." Atobe Keigo turned his head and prepared to take Tsushima Shuji away.

"I'm not good at..." Akashi Seijuro smiled and prepared to refuse.

"Come on, come on." Yinglan's group of people forcefully dragged the three of them over.

Shuji Tsushima, surrounded by the eyes of a group of women:…

What should I say?

Excuse me, is someone going to die with me?

"Quickly think of a selling point for yourself." Xu Wanghuan secretly said.

"Sell... order...?" The black-haired boy looked confused.

Take a look at the buzz around the business going on.

"I see." He nodded towards Xu Wanghuan.

Beard King Ring: ? Hey? Know so soon?

The black-haired and kite-eyed youth was pale in complexion, cold in temperament, and melancholy in his eyes.

Snow-white bandages were wrapped around his neck and hands, and his right eye was also wrapped in snow-white bandages, like broken china.

He stared at everyone with those kite-colored, melancholy eyes that seemed to contain a lake of sadness.

Soft tone.

"Excuse me... Is anyone willing to die with me?" His voice was soft as if it would be blown away by the wind in the next second.

Su Wanghuan: Wait a minute, this won't work...

"I, I, I!! Master Tsushima!"

"Please die with me!!"

"And I!"

Xu Wanghuan fell into silence as he looked at the excited group of people.

Xu Wanghuan: Understood! Tsushima's selling point is melancholy and fragility!

"...Thank you." The black-haired kite-eyed boy's smile was barely discernible at the corners of his mouth.

Tsushima Shuji: Damn it, if you really want to die with me! ! It's all scene talk.

Tsushima Shuji, with the cold, melancholy and fragile character of your son, made his debut successfully.

Currently the business is way ahead of everyone else.

Atobe Keigo and Akashi Seijuro were also surrounded by a group of women.

Although Keigo Atobe is reluctant to do things like male public relations that are not in line with his own aesthetics, he still maintains a polite and alienated attitude towards the women around him.

Akashi Seijuro is also the same, with a gentle and polite attitude towards the women around him, and maintains a social distance without a trace.

As for Shuji Tsushima, with his cold, melancholy and fragile character, no one dared to attack him.

Although one group of people is overflowing with maternal love, another group has a strange hobby for him...

Xu Wanghuan and others are used to it.

"Your eyes are more beautiful than the dark stars." He held Maorilan's hand and praised.

Kuroba Kaito pretending to be Maurilan:…

Usually it's okay to say this to a girl by yourself, but once it's someone else saying this to you...

Kuroba Kaito: This guy is disgusting.

"Thanks...Thanks..." She blushed and thanked.

"What, it's too central air conditioning." Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfied.

"Let's go, Xiaolan." She pulled Mao Lilan and turned away.

"Stay away from this kind of cowherd-like man." She said to Mao Lilan.

Beard King Ring:  …

Immediately burst into tears.


On the other side, Keigo Atobe, who was finally irritated by the chatter of a group of people, stood up.

"Really, it's up to you to do this kind of thing yourself."

"Let's go, Tsushima, Akashi," he greeted.

" Shuji Tsushima also stood up.

Tsushima Shuji: I can finally leave. I wanted to vomit blood and leave.

"Then, let's say goodbye first." Akashi Seijuro stood up unhurriedly and nodded politely to the people around him.

"King Su, come on." Tsushima Shuji walked towards Su Wang before leaving.

In the future, the No. 1 Cowherd Team of Neon will be you.

"...Xuzhi is such a good boy... I'm so moved." Xu Wanghuan was moved to tears.

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