COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 1049: cold blooded capitalist

Qin Jiu put away his sniper rifle after witnessing a bullet blowing the head of a reporter, and left the rooftop calmly.

His bullet was aimed at the person behind Shuji Tsushima, even if Shuji Tsushima stood there and did not hide, the bullet would not hit him.

And Bourbon's actions caused him to be injured, which had nothing to do with gin.

He just didn't like the feeling of the bullet missing, so he picked someone at random to catch his bullet.

"So the real target is not Kayo, but another person?" Vodka observed the unscathed young man with a telescope, and then hurriedly followed behind Gin.

It's impossible for the eldest brother to miss it.

He said that it was impossible for the elder brother to shoot Kayo.

"No, I just fired a random shot." Qin Jiu returned to the car with a cold expression.

Just fired a shot at random, hit a random person, that's all.

Vodka looked bewildered.

So their mission this time... is considered complete? Still not done?

The blond man was protecting the boy until he fell to the ground, and even his sunglasses fell off. Surrounded by a group of reporters, the faces of Shuji Tsushima, who escaped from the dead, and Toru Amuro, the hero who rescued him, were so uncovered. The reporter took pictures.

Everything is so coincidental.

As long as you know the two of them, you can't help but admit that this is them when you see the photo.

Even though some of the reporters who came together died, and some reporters were terrified, others became more enthusiastic.

"President Tsushima, what would you like to say about this narrow escape?"

"Do you know who assassinated you?"

"How would you thank this Mr. Bodyguard who saved you?"

"Do you have anything to say about the reporter who was implicated in your death?"

Microphones were handed to Shuji Tsushima one after another, regardless of the wound on Toru Amuro's shoulder and the thoughts of the boy who hadn't stood up yet.

"Please keep quiet." The black-haired and kite-eyed boy frowned slightly and reminded the reporter in a low voice.

Even in such a situation, he still didn't look embarrassed, on the contrary, he was so calm that people could not help calming down.

"I am very grateful for my narrow escape this time, and I am also very grateful to my bodyguard, and thankful that I will discuss it with him in private."

"As for the reporter who was implicated... Tsushima will send a condolence money to the society."

Surrounded by long guns and short cannons, the black-haired boy calmly and indifferently spoke words that couldn't find any mistakes but made people feel too cold-blooded and heartless.

"Apart from that? Do you have anything else to say? He has suffered a disaster!" A reporter couldn't help but ask.

"If he hadn't come, this kind of thing would never have happened." The young ruler just said indifferently and casually.

"What did he come for? Did I order him to come?"

"Are you asking the question, are you really complaining about him?"

The boy raised the corners of his mouth and asked these few questions, but he didn't say anything after that, but it made everyone present feel that he was being ridiculed.

Why are they here? What else could it be for, in order to learn the latest trends of the Tsushima Club from the interview with Shuji Tsushima, and then release the news to get bonuses and fame.

As for the question... Of course, it is not about complaining about the dead guy. After all, everyone is not only unfamiliar, they are even competitors, and they all belong to different newspapers, so how can they sincerely complain about each other.

Just looking for a reason to cause controversy.

No matter how Shuji Tsushima answers, they can make up a complete news that is false and true.

Because they know themselves so well in their hearts, when facing Shuji Tsushima's rhetorical question, they have a sense of shame of being stripped of all their clothes and facing the world naked, which makes them angry.

"Whatever you want to write, it doesn't matter if you write me as a cold-blooded and heartless guy, or as an ungrateful white-eyed wolf." The black-haired boy lowered his eyes and patted his clothes as if he thought it was dirty.

"My money probably won't run out. It doesn't matter if I buy a few more newspapers. It won't cost much anyway."

"Are you right?" He looked up at the reporters in front of him and asked with a smile.

When you have enough money, your troubles will always be less.

The expressions of the reporters present changed and changed, and finally showed a polite and flattering smile.

"That's what you said," they replied.

What if the newspaper office is bought and they become employees of the other party? What if you get fired after offending the other party at this time?

What if they go to any newspaper, and that one is acquired?

It is obviously not a wise decision to offend the head of the Tsushima Club.

"Can we make way now?" Shuji Tsushima didn't care about their changing attitudes, and just asked lightly.

So the reporters around him took three steps back at the same time, and the reporters in front of him divided a passage like Moses divided the sea.

Shuji Tsushima lifted his feet and walked out of the encirclement.

Toru Amuro covered his injured shoulder and followed.

A group of bodyguards who felt dereliction of duty quickly surrounded Shuji Tsushima, blocking him tightly to avoid another bullet.

It wasn't until Shuji Tsushima was escorted into the office that he stopped and stood guard at the door.

As soon as he entered the office, the curtains were automatically closed.

Toru Amuro sat on the sofa with an unattractive expression.

"The guy from Gin must have aimed at me and hit me?" He let go of his shoulder, revealing the shoulder with bullet marks. That piece of clothes was already soaked in blood, and he used it to cover There is also blood on his hands.

"Gin won't do that. If you pounce in a different direction, you won't get hurt at all." Shuji Tsushima waved his hand and explained for Gin.

"At that time, there was no choice at all. If you were late, you would miss the opportunity to perform." Bourbon said while taking off his clothes.

Where do I have time to hide?

If he missed it, Gin would have to take another shot to match them.

You will be ridiculed by the other party.

The blazer and shirt were torn, and the wound on the shoulder showed the bone beneath.

After all, there is less meat on the shoulders.

"I'll help you deal with it." Scotland looked at his friend and shook his head, while taking out a medicine box from under the desk next to him.

"It's troublesome." The blond man went to the sofa tiredly. UU reading

"The sofa will get dirty." Shuji Tsushima looked at the sofa under Bo itself with regret.

"...I'll pay for it." Bourbon gritted his teeth.

He was injured, but Kayo only cares about his blood staining the sofa?

Cold-blooded brat.

Scotland skillfully began to clean his friend's wound and apply medicine to bandage it.

"But you are really a sanctimonious guy." Bourbon thought of something interesting, and smiled mockingly and recklessly.

Pretentious, lying brat.

(end of this chapter)

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