Correct Posture For Redemption

Chapter 61: ,Small dogs

After Gu Miru left the world, she returned to the system space.

After staring at her body for a while, Lin Zhong knelt down in front of her and repeatedly confirmed her breath.

Repeatedly confirm whether she is really dead.

After confirming that Gu Miru was dead, Lin Zhong's expression cracked completely.

He knelt there, and didn't stay stunned for a long time, he quickly pulled off Gu Miru's collar, dug out the hidden weapon on her shoulder in vain, then covered his lips and gave her poisonous blood.

The poison in the system space was targeted, except for Gu Miru, even if Lin Zhong swallowed the poisonous blood, it would be fine.

He drained the poisonous blood from Gu Miru's shoulders, but Gu Miru remained silent.

When people just die, they are not cold, and their bodies are even very soft.

Before the dead men who were chasing the assassins came back, Lin Zhong hugged Gu Miru and found a tree hole near the water, then calmly covered the hole and drilled in together with Gu Miru.

He didn't know what he wanted to do, what he was doing.

He didn't think about anything, he didn't think about the task, he didn't think about what to do, and he didn't even believe that Gu Miru was dead.

He just followed his long-suffering and restrained desire to find a place to be alone with Gu Miru, and hugged Gu Miru into the tree hole.

He sat withered in the tree hole, holding Gu Miru in his arms, and kept trying to wake her up.

Lin Zhong opened his mouth several times, but couldn't make any sound, he could only keep shaking Gu Miru.

But Gu Miru didn't wake up, Lin Zhong held her in his arms and hugged her tightly, but he still felt a little bit of Gu Miru's body becoming cold and stiff.

Lin Zhong never let go of her. He sat in the dark tree hole and listened to the occasional whistle from outside.

This is the voice of calling for their companions, and the dead men are estimated to have discovered that they are missing and are anxiously looking for them.

But Lin Zhong never touched the whistle on his neck.

He can't let these people find him, and if they find him, they will definitely separate him from Gu Miru.

He has not been alone with her for a long time.

He hadn't been allowed to hold her like this for a long time.

Every time Lin Zhong went to find her, it didn't take long for Gu Miru to drive him away.

It seemed that staying with him for a while more bored her. Lin Zhong didn't dare to go to her later. He kept restraining himself. He restrained himself and cut his inner arm and thigh into pieces.

Every time, it was a day when Lin Zhong couldn't see Gu Miru.

He survived by that.

Now he took out the blade again habitually.

But he quickly retracted the blade again. No need for pain and blood to paralyze today, he was holding her.

He was finally able to hold her.

Lin Zhong lowered his head and looked at Gu Miru's gradually stiff corpse in the hollow of the tree where his fingers could not be seen.

He lowered his head and pressed his warm body against it, trying to make her soft and warm again.

Lin Zhong bowed his back, and he didn't know how long he had been in this posture, and the sky outside gradually brightened.

Lin Zhong was still sitting with Gu Mi in his arms. His body temperature didn't warm her body, but because he had been holding the dead person in his arms for too long, he also became cold all over.

However, Lin Zhong never let go of Gu Miru, the sky brightened, and a ray of light climbed into the tree hole where they were living.

When Lin Zhong saw Gu Mi's pale complexion, he finally realized that she was really dead.

She is dead.

Lin Zhong was shaken by this fact and his mind was buzzing.

He couldn't believe that Gu Miru died like this...

How could she be dead?

Then what was he restraining before, what was he paralyzing himself, knowing that she would die, he would never bear not to go to her.

Will not bear to let go of her.

Will not endure!

Lin Zhong hugged Gu Miru tightly again, shaking her hands to move her stiff limbs.

Lin Zhong raised his head in the tree hole and met the light of the sky, the tears in his eyes slowly crawled across his cheeks, and there was a dull gray in his eyes.

She is dead, what will he do?

Lin Zhong got up, removed all traces outside the tree hole, then covered it again, and finally climbed back.

There was no light in the tree hole.

Gu Miru brought him out of the cycle of death and gave him wings of freedom.

But Gu Miru didn't know that Lin Zhong's wings, even his feet, could only fly and run around her.

She is dead, where can he go and how can he go on?

All the warmth of his life became cold in his arms a little bit, and it also took away all of Lin Zhong's body temperature and desire to live.

He decided to rot in this tree pit with Gu Miru.

Gu Miru said, "Loving someone is not enough to be close to the other person. I want to be one with the other person."

Lin Zhong thought, if it rots with her, it can be considered as one.

So when their bodies rot in one place and can no longer be separated, will they be in love?

Lin Zhong hugged Gu Miru and stayed in the cave quietly waiting for them to become one.

He did not commit suicide, because he did not feel pain and despair, and he was even full of expectations and longings now.

Looking forward to and looking forward to, and Gu Miru become one.

This time he didn't want to destroy himself, he didn't want to destroy the world, he was welcoming death with excitement.

And the process of death, for him, is enjoyment.

He was finally able to stay by her side as quietly as before.

You don't have to suppress your desire to get close, and you don't have to be afraid of being expelled by her.

Lin Zhong closed his eyes and even smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He could hear a lot of people looking for them outside, but the place he was looking for was hard to find.

Perhaps a thorough search of the mountains can be found. At that time, they were already integrated, and no one could separate them.

Lin Zhong lay quietly, getting close to Gu Miru from time to time and kissing her forehead.

His Adam's apple rolled slowly, and after a while, he supported his arm, turned to cover Gu Miru, and he looked at her.

A good mistake.

Her pale face made him unable to look away.

His kiss went down her forehead a little bit, and finally landed on her cold lips.

Lin Zhong tapped the sticker lightly, and then rubbed it slowly.

His slightly arched back shivered more and more, and he finally let out a low, hoarse cry.

He is not sad, but excited.

It's an uncontrollable throbbing.

"You said..." Lin Zhong's voice was so hoarse that it was almost inaudible, it was just an angry voice.

He kissed the lips of a corpse that had been cold for a long time and said, "You said... If a woman really likes someone, she will not be pushed away or avoided by being kissed."

Lin Zhong grabbed Gu Miru's shoulder and asked her, "You didn't avoid me, and you didn't push me away."

"Do you like me too?"

"Do you like me too?"

"are you…"

The voice behind Lin Zhong was pressed in his throat, he kissed Gu Miru over and over again, like crazy.

Ask every time you kiss.

Of course he didn't get an answer.

Finally he said: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your default."

"You like me too." Lin Zhong lay on Gu Miru's body, he didn't move.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Zhong raised his head again.

There was some light in his dark eyes, he thought!

He thought of a way to make Gu Miru come back to life!

He hugged Gu Miru, kissed her, and said incoherently, "I'll kill King Su and Fu Yu'er!"

"Kill the prince, kill myself, kill... all the important characters in this book, the world can start all over again!"

"You wait for me," Lin Zhong said, "when I kill them all, you will be alive!"

Lin Zhong held Gu Miru's face, because thinking of this good idea, he couldn't restrain his smile.

He was like someone in a desperate situation, grabbing the last straw.

More and more people were searching outside, and Lin Zhong mobilized all the abilities he had learned during this period of diligent concealment and assassination.

While hiding Gu Miru, he avoided those who were searching.

He took water, washed Gu Miru, and combed her long hair with his fingers.

After finishing her clothes, she took advantage of the night to hide her under the waterfall with Gu Miru on her back.

The freezing cold under the waterfall could keep Gu Miru's body from rotting.

Lin Zhong made a desperate gamble. He wanted to kill King Su first and then the crown prince. If the world didn't reset, he would come back with Gu Miru's body and kill Fu Yu'er.

When Fu Yuer dies, he kills himself again, and the world will be reset.

He didn't even know that, under the premise that the hero was disqualified and the plot collapsed, even if the hero was killed, the world would not be reset.

The main system must select the male and female protagonists for the world to function properly.

And under this kind of chaos, if Lin Zhong died, he would be dead forever.

Lin Zhong hid Gu Miru and stood under the waterfall for a while. He needed the cold stream water to help him recover.

It is not so easy to kill King Su and the Crown Prince.

The guards in their mansion are all extremely strict, besides... Gu Yancheng is also looking for him.

Lin Zhong refused to hand over his body to Gu Yancheng, he was afraid that Gu Yancheng would bury or burn Gu Miru.

Lin Zhong was afraid that if he was burned and buried, Gu Miru would not be able to survive.

He was agitated by the cold water and regained some energy, and he came ashore from the water with red eyes.

He was dripping with water all over his body, and his clothes were wet against his sturdy body.

His sullen eyes were filled with loneliness, like an evil ghost crawling out of the water, going to claim his life from the world.

He easily avoided the dead man who opened the door to search, and quickly merged into the darkness of the mountain forest, like a ghost in the night.

In the system space, Gu Miru watched this scene from beginning to end, and her eyes were already full of tears.

"Too stupid." Gu Miru said, "I thought he at least... shouldn't."

It's not that she doesn't understand love, it's not that she doesn't understand the stubbornness and affection in Lin Zhong's eyes.

But Gu Miru felt that Lin Zhong would at least not seek life for her. He cherished his life so much that his self-destruction value hadn't risen even one cent. Even dropped to 0%.

Because he didn't want to pull everyone to death, but wanted to pull everyone to a new life.

He just wanted Gu Miru to come alive...

Gu Miru pressed her stuffy heart, and when she saw Lin Zhong kissing her body and asking her if she liked him, her heart was broken.

She stared at Lin Zhong's figure in the darkness of the night, closed her eyes, and said to the system: "Tell the main system, I agree to its conditions, punish me for accepting it. As long as I live my life, I will I am willing to transfer to the system group and bring new people."

She couldn't and didn't want to miss Lin Zhong.

Gu Miru has met sincerity countless times in her life as long as others.

Every time she accepted it calmly and let go without regret.

But only this time, because of Lin Zhong's forbearance and restraint, because she had always refused to bow to the main system, thinking about getting more points so as not to be restricted, she felt that it didn't matter if she didn't accept him.

She made Lin Zhong scald like a fire of magma, with a summer-like feeling like his name, to pay for a corpse.

But it was never his business alone. Gu Miru looked at Lin Zhong frantically holding her body and went crazy, and realized that she could never be indifferent to him.

She felt heartbroken about her avoidance of him.

She wanted to personally answer Lin Zhong's question about her body.

Gu Miru agreed to make a transaction with the main system for the first time since binding.

Choose to go back after leaving the world to prevent the tragedy from happening.

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