Controller Of Fairy Tail

Chapter 180 Waste Is Waste

There is only one possibility, and that is that the green liquid he prepared did not make Midnight stronger, but instead made this waste become more waste.

Brain, who couldn't believe all this, continued to taunt Midnight and let him continue to attack him. How could Midnight, who had turned into a monster, control his emotions? He beat his father with his fists like crazy.

When the exhausted Midnight sat on the ground gasping for air, Brain had to accept a painful reality, that is, the potion he prepared did not make Midnight stronger, but made this guy worse.

Brain walked up to Midnight, looked at his son who had turned into a monster, he spat in his son Midnight's face, and then slapped him again.

"Waste is waste. I thought that if I let you drink a stronger potion, you would become stronger, but I didn't expect that you are still a waste. How did I give birth to you, a waste? Are you my seed?"

Midnight was scolded by Brain again and cried. He also knew that he was not as good as before. The more Brain looked at his son, the more he disliked him, especially now that his appearance had become extremely ugly. Brain pointed at the door and said to his good-for-nothing son.

"Get out of here quickly. I don't want to see you again in my life. I won't allow anyone to tell you that you are my son. I don't have an ugly and angry son like you. Get out of here."

Midnight didn't want to leave. He knelt on the ground and begged his father to find a way to turn him back into a human. However, Brain poured cold water directly on him. Brain said ruthlessly to his son Midnight.

"That potion is irreversible after you drink it. I can't turn you back into a human. If you want to blame, don't blame me. If you want to blame, just blame Ye Yuan. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have given you the potion to drink." , If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be like this. If you want revenge, go to Ye Yuan to take revenge. Go and kill Ye Yuan now.”

Brain kicked Midnight, and Midnight left Brain's residence in despair. But now that he had turned into a monster, he was hostile to everyone when he walked on the street, and some people threw things directly at him.

Unknowingly, Midnight could only hide from the crowd, but somehow he saw a familiar person. They were really enemies, and he met Ye Yuan.

The moment he saw Ye Yuan, Midnight was so angry that he wanted to eat Ye Yuan's flesh and drink Ye Yuan's blood. It ran towards Ye Yuan like a tiger.

Ye Yuan naturally noticed Midnight. When Midnight was about to rush in front of him, he slowly raised his hand, and an invisible force restrained Midnight.

Ye Yuan, who looked confused, did not recognize the monster Midnight in front of him. He thought it was some eyeless monster harassing him.

He was about to destroy this monster, but a familiar voice came from this strange mouth, and Midnight yelled at Ye Yuan.

"Ye Yuan, you must die a good death. Don't eat your flesh and drink your blood. I will never let you go as a ghost in my life."

Ye Yuan, who frowned, walked up to Midnight who had turned into a monster and asked.

"Your voice sounds so familiar. Could it be that you are Midnight? Why did you become like this? Could it be your damn father's fault?

Although he complained about his father in his heart, Midnight still wanted to defend his father, Brain, and he continued to curse.

"How is that possible? My father cares about me very much. He had no choice but to make me stronger, so he turned me into this ghost. My father is also very painful."

When Midnight said these words, his eyes were vague and he didn't dare to look directly into Ye Yuan's eyes. Ye Yuan was not a fool. He could tell Midnight was lying as soon as he heard it.

But what does this have to do with him? This is other people's own family affairs. Just be yourself. Originally, he wanted to kill Midnight, but Midnight turned into a monster and looked extremely ugly. Living was torture for him.

Ye Yuan, who was stretching, said with a nonchalant expression.

"Well, you can continue here to talk about how good your father is to you. All this has nothing to do with me. After all, this is a matter between you and your father. I have something to do so I won't disturb you. .”

After saying that, Ye Yuan was about to leave, but Midnight would not let Ye Yuan leave easily. His huge arm blocked Ye Yuan's way. Ye Yuan looked at him with a provocative look and asked.

"Do you think you are my opponent now? Do you think it will take a few tricks for me to kill you? Don't ask for trouble and disappear from my eyes quickly, or I will beat you up. I will beat you so hard that you don't even know your mother."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yuan looked Midnight up and down again. Now that Midnight was so ugly, no one could recognize him, so there was no need for him to hit him.

Feeling humiliated, Midnight gritted his teeth and prepared to punch Ye Yuan to death, but he thought that his fist could not even hurt his father, "let alone Ye Yuan who was stronger than his father in front of him.

Ye Yuan didn't want to continue spending time with Midnight here, he said to Midnight coldly.

"Good dog, if you don't block the way, get out of here. If you continue to stand here, I will kill you." "

Without waiting for Midnight to make a move, Ye Yuan kicked him away. However, after taking a few steps, Ye Yuan felt something wrapped around his leg. He looked down and found a black tentacle wrapped around him. Caught his own calf.

He looked back and found that Midnight was walking towards him step by step, but he had become a bit bigger as a monster and his walking speed became slower.

For this kind of brown sugar guy, Ye Yuan decided to give him a lesson to let him know that he is not easy to mess with. When Midnight slowly walked up to him, Ye Yuan raised his head high (good for it). He raised his fists and prepared to teach Midnight a lesson.

But what he didn't expect was that Midnight knelt down and kowtowed to him. Midnight asked Ye Yuan with an aggrieved look.

"Ye Yuan said you are strong, can you help me, let me become a human being, I don't want to become a monster, I don't want to be discriminated against by others, I want to continue to be a human being, please, help me

It's not that Ye Yuan doesn't help Midnight, Ye Yuan doesn't know how to help Midnight at all. Besides, Midnight and his father have caused a lot of trouble for him. Why should he help him? Ye Yuan said to Midnight angrily.

"Get out of here, why should I help you? You are not mine, I tell you not to appear in front of me in this life, or I will beat you every time I see you.

Ye Yuan was telling the truth. His patience had its limits. It was Midnight's luck that he didn't take action now. .

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