Continuous School

28 Performance Anxiety

I'm currently sitting in my room in front of my desk. Laptop open, Textbook spread out, pen in hand. The curtains are open and a bright wonderful beam of light is hitting the side of my face, lightening my attitude. The sound of the birds as they sing their wonderful songs, and the wonderful bees that fly around working their hardest. I look out my window and think of what a wonderful world it truly is. I face back forward and start to write down notes for my upcoming exams. Completely prepared for anything that comes my way.

That's what I wish I was doing. Instead, I'm sitting in front of my laptop with my textbook open and a pen on the floor. The curtains and window are both closed and my room light is on. Sadly, it's the beginning of winter. There are only two weeks left till Christmas break and I've got to deal with upcoming surprise exams that they decided to throw at us. I've been staring at my laptop for hours whilst checking my phone in hopes that someone will message me. Except, the only numbers I have are the two idiots and my parents. I keep checking the same social media apps expecting to see something new but no matter what it's all the same.

The exams are going to be tough. I've already thought it through about how I'm going to get out of them. None of the plans I've thought of will work. They are all too extreme and I don't know where I can buy live squid at this time.

Out of all the exams, there is one that is really worrying. That is the Drama exam. This exam not only requires me to perform perfectly but I also have to rely on three other people. I'd be fine if I could blame just myself like always but I can't blame everyone, I'd just look like an arse.

Despite not being the lead in the play I've been practising daily by talking to myself in the mirror before I take a shower. My role was simple. I had an important part to play, I was the role of the villain. He isn't really a villain, he just wants the happy couple to break up. I mean if I can't be happy why should they?

I say it's simple, but it's more of a confusing love triangle.

Despite Ruby's love for Ethan she only wants to see Ethan happy and decides to help him get with Kaylee by stopping me. That's basically it. I don't want to spoil anything for you all.

We kinda went off track with the theme 'Dancing within the Shadows' and somehow had to turn it back into something.

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