Continental Hero Senki

Settings: Continental Map + α

There was a voice saying I wanted a map of this world, so I'll post it.

This world takes much the same shape as the real world Earth. However, the location and availability of mountain ranges, cities, forests, lakes, marshes and other fine terrain have changed. Just the coastline, you can think of it.

Summary of information on the Kingdom of Silesia inhabited by Yuzef and the surrounding countries. Border lines are appropriate for reference purposes. The place where the number is written is the general position of the capital. "??? means" I haven't thought about it yet ".

① Kingdom of Silesia

Capital: Sironsk

Führer: King Franz Silesia

Army: 15 divisions normally

② Eastern Empire

Capital: Tsar Ligrad

Führer: Emperor Ivan Romanov VII

Army: 400-500 divisions normally

③ Republic of Karlsbert (Military dictatorship)

Capital: Sokolov

Führer: Interim President Edvart Harha

Army: 30 divisions normally

• Ostmarc Empire

Capital: Esterburg

Führer: Emperor Ferdinand Ventzel Arnolt von Romanov-Hermesberger

Army: 70 divisions normally

⑤ Raskino Free Country

Capital: Lasquino

Head of Government: Zelig Gediminas, Head of the Interim Government

Army: 1 division normally

⑥ Union of Livonia Nobles



Army: 70 divisions normally

(7) Second Reich of Christ

Capital: Christ


Army: 80 divisions normally

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