Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 507 Rui Ge who can brush bugs

Inside the wormhole's network.

It is intricate, dark, and dry here, and there is no way to expand a larger formation in the passage. In the widest case, only six people can walk side by side.

The hard-boned 201 company led by Gene was still wearing federal equipment, and they could not feel any sense of security in this narrow wormhole network.

Fortunately, the hard bones wore multi-functional glasses specially designed for special agents, which allowed them to see all the current conditions clearly, and to detect the movements around them.

In his hand, he is no longer the 'toy gun'-like Molly Tower, but a gun of the Gauss series.

In fact, after signing the non-disclosure agreement, this hard-boned 201 company is already a soldier of Umbrella, and theoretically it can get better equipment.

But Arachie's brain worm is not stupid.

The Arachi Zerg on Planet P have stopped attacking Umbrella's frontline supply base for several days, and they are obviously afraid of being attacked by the Primarch and the Astartes.

So the 'milky fat' must be able to distinguish between the federal soldiers and Umbrella soldiers, so William let the hard bones as bait to penetrate into the wormhole.

But even so, the 'milky fat' should be able to guess that Hard Bone 201 is a bait unit, but William is still confident that he can catch this brainworm.


When William met Johnny Rigg in person, he actually let the system secretly test the protagonist of Starship Troopers.

As a result, William felt like he'd found a treasure.

According to the original words of the system:

[Name: Johnny Rigge.

Current combat power: 160.

Peak combat power: ? ? ? (unknown).


① Zerg nemesis;

In the face of Zerg enemies, luck is greatly improved, even in the most difficult and dangerous situations, you can survive, and your combat power will also be temporarily increased by 50.

②'The protagonist's halo';

Because he is the first protagonist of the "Starship Troopers" series, he has good luck that ordinary people can't understand.

When encountering a fatal danger, luck will be greatly improved again to avoid the fatal situation.

At the same time, due to the existence of this stunt, Johnny Rigge is also very easy to meet the brain worms of all kinds of Zerg.

③ natural ground force commander;

Johnny Rigge is one of the few protagonists in various science fiction movies who has been promoted from private to general, so he has extraordinary appeal and command ability.

Therefore, when the ground combat troops are under the command of Johnny Rigge, the combat power and morale will also be greatly improved.

④ Passive enhancement;

In view of the fact that Johnny Rigge lost his parents, his teacher, Lieutenant Gene Rischacco, and his second girlfriend, Tiz Floss, successively in the Starship Troopers series, he has this stunt.

Whenever Johnny Rigg loses a friend or relative, his combat power will increase by 20.

Johnny Rigge's current combat power has been +40.

If Tiz Floss dies, then Johnny Rigg's combat power will be increased by 100 at a time, and it will make Johnny Rigg's promotion path unimpeded.

There is no limit to this stunt, but the deceased character must be Johnny Rigg's best friend, relative, or loved one.


Note: High combat power does not mean that Johnny Rigge's physical fitness exceeds the limit of human beings, at most it only reaches the limit of human beings.

Johnny Rigge's combat power often represents luck.

For example, during executions, the executioner's gun will jam, or the rope will automatically break during the hanging.

And with the higher the combat power, the weapons or mechas controlled by Johnny Rigge will often hit the target's weakness, in order to kill several times his own enemies. 】

'Fuck! ’

At this time, after William knew about Rui Ge's 'panel', the classic Chinese words flashed in his mind.

It is said that "teammates sacrifice to the sky, mana is boundless", but Rui Ge's special attribute is simply a "bug". If you die, you can add 20 combat power. If you die, isn't it super god?

But this is very unrealistic. One person can't cap a hundred close relatives and friends, so it is impossible to brush bugs to make Ruige super god.

As for Tiez's death, it was true that Rui Ge was promoted from acting sergeant to lieutenant by jumping several ranks.

Therefore, Johnny Rigge, who has so many special attributes, is the most suitable to attract the brain worm 'milky fat'.


back to reality.

The hard bones formed teams of three and three, keeping a distance from each other, and continued to send deeper into the wormhole.

And in order to attract the attention of the bugs, the hard bones did not keep marching silently, nor did they talk in a low voice.

Gene led Rigo and Tiz as a group, walking in the middle of many squads.

"Lieutenant..." Tiz asked Gene with some doubts: "Are you sure that the person named Russell didn't send us to die?

Their unit called Umbrella obviously has so many... 'Supermen', but only one of our dissatisfied companies is allowed to go deep into the wormhole..."

Gene, who had been frowning slightly, did not reply, but Rigo responded to Tiez's words: "Didn't Mr. Russell also send ghost agents to assist us in completing the mission?"

"Mr. Russell..." Tiz said in surprise, "Brother Rui, when did you use the honorific title?

and also…

Just those twelve ghosts, can they really protect us? "


As soon as Tiz's voice fell, Prous's voice came from behind Tiz.

Immediately afterwards, Purus and Nova released the optical camouflage function of their equipment, so that Rui Ge and others could see them clearly.


Seeing the two ghosts appearing 'out of thin air' immediately shocked Tiz and the hard bones.

After all, none of the group could find out that the ghost agent led by Prous really sneaked around like a 'ghost'.

But the cold-hearted Purus did not have the time to scare the soldiers, but whispered to Jean:

"We have sensed that a large number of bugs are coming here, and the target brain bugs are also among them, so ask your soldiers to form a formation and prepare to delay the influx of bugs."

"No problem." Gene nodded with a serious look, and said to the command to raise his voice:

"Ape people! Form a defense for me to stand here! The killing team and reinforcements are behind!"


As the hard bones responded loudly, they began to form a defensive formation in this narrow passage as ordered by Genn.

Five people squatted side by side in front, and five people stood upright in the back, forming the first wave of volleys.

The rest of the people stood behind the ten people, filling the vacancies when the ten people were emptying their ammunition, so as to continuously shoot at the insect tide.

As for the other ten ghost agents, after successfully attracting the brainworm, they also released the function of optical camouflage and defended with the hard bones.

In times of necessity or crisis, this group of psionic agents will also release psionic attacks to assist the 201st Company of Hard Bones.

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