! ?

After hearing William's voice in the communication, all the Astartes were both surprised and happy. After all, they have not been able to fight side by side with their boss since they completed the transformation operation and became the real Astartes Pass.


Only the word 'surprise' was left.

Myron looked around, trying to find his fatherly boss.


At this time, the unique hydrogen engine noise of the Pelican came from above everyone.

look up.

I saw a Pelican painted by the Zero Fleet hovering over the area where Myron was standing. The hatch at the rear of the cabin slowly opened, and there was no intention of landing at all.

Immediately after...

"Whew~—Tapa!" (x3)

The three of William, John, and Karl took a "leap of faith", jumped directly from a height of tens of meters, and smashed three small holes in the street.

Nova also followed a group of seniors, jumped out of the cabin with relatively light steps, and landed on the road almost silently.

Keisha stretched her wings directly, radiating her holy light wantonly, so that the Astartes stationed on the street could see her.

"Angel? This is the first time I've seen a real angel..."

"According to the insiders of the company, the main reason why Sirius Sishang was able to stabilize the plague of insects was because of the assistance of angels."

"Our mentor is a demigod, and the angels are also on our side. The boss will fight with us and win!"

"Must win!"

"For Umbrella!!"

Without William mobilizing before the battle, Astartes encouraged himself after seeing Kesha's arrival.

After William and others all left the cabin, the Pelican, which was in charge of transportation, quickly lifted off and returned to the Infinity on the same route.

on the street.

William took off the Gauss submachine gun hanging on his back, walked slowly to Myron, who was much taller than him, and said softly:

"Since you like to whine so much, you can lead the charge."

"Ha!" Hearing this, Myron immediately excitedly said: "Boss! I'm just waiting for your words!"


With both hands firmly holding his 1.25cal heavy-duty blaster, Meren took a step that was out of proportion to his figure, and quickly rushed towards Yuri's unfinished palace.

"This guy has become a Primarch, since he is still so naive."

Carl, who was standing beside William, looked at her 'brother' who would never grow up, and felt that he hated iron.

"Hehe." William smiled lightly, without commenting on Myron.

Take it easy.

Behind the helmet, William's face returned to grim, and he raised his left hand forward, and said in a deep voice:

"All the airdrop troops follow my command. Next, we will fight with Yuri's super soldiers. All the troops except the Astartes will stay where they are, and continue to move the fainted people away from the streets.

Astartes, come with me! "

After finishing speaking, William didn't care about the grievances of the paratroopers and heavy soldiers. He tightly held the Gauss submachine gun in his hand, and quickly chased Myron who was running ahead.

The four Primarchs, Nova and Keisha immediately followed William and rushed towards Yuri's palace.

And the Astartes of the legions who were named, of course, followed their genetic father and mother, "joyfully" holding the bolt gun tightly to charge.


On the contrary, tens of thousands of hell paratroopers and heavy soldiers, as well as UNSC airborne divisions, still stood still and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they were all wearing helmets, it was impossible to see the facial expressions of this group of soldiers, but it is not difficult to imagine the despondent expression of not getting more meritorious service.

There was a moment of silence.

The tens of thousands of paratroopers who stayed in the southeast city also realized the reality that they were no match for super fighters, and began to carry those citizens who passed out on the streets.


"Tu! Tu!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Ha! Hahaha! Come again! More enemies! I want bonuses to buy more games and figures!"

Just look at the main road leading to the city center, Myron, who stands out from the large force, runs fast and shoots wildly at the Yuri recruits who are blocking the way.

The Astartes who followed behind, after this joint battle, can be regarded as thoroughly understanding the horror of a Primarch.

Myron's bolt caliber is 1.25cal.

In the traditional sense, this is no longer a gun, but a cannon.

But it was like a toy gun in Myron's hand, completely ignoring the recoil force and shooting quickly, and the accuracy far surpassed that of human beings.

Although it is assisted by power armor, when an ordinary Astartes operates a 1.00cal heavy bolter, it simply cannot run and shoot at will like Myron.

"Shoot! Swoosh!" (Laser sound of particle beam gun.)

"Crack! Crack!" (Quick single click of a Gauss gun.)

At this time, William, who was following Myron, also asked Serena to control two floating guns to surround the surrounding area, accurately sniping the virus snipers hiding in the distance.

And he is also holding a Gauss submachine gun with both hands, quickly and with a high hit rate to deal with those Yuri recruits.

At the same time, John, Nova, Robert, and Corax who accompanied William were also doing crazy output.

"Mortals" like Yuri recruits, UNSC Army soldiers, and virus snipers are no match for a bolter, or William's unique spike rounds.

As for Carl...

She didn't use the only electromagnetic sniper rifle, after all, she didn't want to expose the existence of this weapon prematurely.

So now Karl hangs the electromagnetic gun vertically on the back suction cup of the power armor, holds a .075cal caliber bolt pistol in both hands, and assists her boss and brothers as much as possible.

And Keisha has spread the wings on her back, flying above the 'Astarte Torrent', forming a biological barrier that emits temperature and radiance, providing absolute defense for the friendly forces below.

With the leadership of the boss and the father and mother of the Primarch, and feeling the light of the angel, the morale of the Astartes is extremely high.

"Heretics! Taste the Bolt!"

"Die! Die!"

The metal battle roars of the Astartes resounded throughout the city, and could be heard clearly even in the outskirts.

Just as William was leading the Astartes army all the way...

"Om-! Om-!"

Tens of thousands of bolt warheads hit Keisha's biological barrier.

If you look closely, you can still see that the tails of these warheads are still spraying flames, trying to penetrate the biological barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But unfortunately, these bolt bombs failed to penetrate the biological barrier, and violent explosions occurred one after another.


The smoke from the explosion even blocked everyone's sight for a short time.

After a few seconds.

When the smoke in front cleared, in front of William and everyone was the city center of No. 5, where Yuri's unfinished palace was located.

The palace is extremely large, the main part is a giant stone pyramid shaped like the Mayan culture, and the top is an administrative building complex that looks like the Kremlin.

Surrounding the bottom of the pyramid is an extremely spacious square of marble stone bricks.

And the ones who just fired the bolt bombs towards the biological barrier were the 'Astartes' gathered in the square.

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