Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 369 Desperate Individual Soldier Video

Underground facilities on Minos.

The living and learning area closer to the surface, in a large auditorium at the easternmost end.

There are five floors here. The seats on the first floor extend from the front podium to the seats at the end of the auditorium, which can accommodate a total of 7,000 people.

The second to fifth floors extend from one-third of the first floor. Counting the seats on the first floor, this auditorium can accommodate a total of 27,000 people.

The engineering team built this giant auditorium in the Minoan underground facility from the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019.

The main purpose is to allow students to participate in various ceremonies at one time when recruiting USS, Ghost Agent, and Astartes on a large scale in the future.

Or it can also be understood that the company Hank and Kent have more funds on hand, and they built it purely because they wanted to build it.


In order for the five thousand students on the island to have a clear view of the podium, they were distributed by the instructors to the front positions on the first, second, and third floors.

At this time, the instructors also rarely asked the students to obey the discipline and keep quiet, but allowed the students to have free time to talk.

The students sitting at the front end of the first session discussed William and the Spartans who followed him.

"Hey, when I was training before, I seemed to see the chief instructors...talking to a person wearing a different military uniform. I can't see clearly, but it must be our boss."

"Not just the boss, I also saw a few people wearing Thor's Hammer and PIA armor. They should be the early Spartans."

"I heard about the attack of giant beasts not long ago. All the Spartans participating in the war, if divided equally, each of them needs to eliminate seven giant beasts...My God."

"Hey, I heard from the instructors that the company has canceled the construction plan of the god body, I think... we should never be able to drive the god body in the future."

While the students were chatting, a USS instructor with the rank of major stepped onto the large podium and reminded:

"Okay everyone, I'm going to play a video next, keep quiet."

After hearing the major's words, the students sitting in their seats followed the instructions and quickly quieted down.

Soon, the many lights on the top and sides of the auditorium went out, making the entire auditorium instantly dim.

Immediately afterwards, above the large podium, a three-dimensional screen presented by a large holographic projection emerged, and a video began to play.

The angle of view shown in the video screen is an old-fashioned individual camera that could be installed on the FAST helmet more than ten years ago.

Through this first-person perspective, the soldier can be seen holding a personally modified and obsolete SCAR-H rifle.

The soldier and a group of team members squatted behind bunkers piled up with various tables and sundries, as if they were in an underground corridor of a certain building, and aimed their guns at a line of enemies not far in front of them. Open gate.


Every soldier in the video is surprisingly quiet, and even the students sitting in the auditorium can clearly hear the heavy breathing of the soldiers.

"Boom! Boom!!"

Suddenly, there was a lot of muffled gunshots behind the gate.



"Help! Help..."

Immediately afterwards, there were countless calls for help.

"Everyone is ready to respond to the enemy." At this time, a speech similar to a commander came from the video:

"We are the last line of defense of the headquarters, and we also need to provide enough time for the general to retreat, do you understand?"


Including the "protagonist" who provided the video screen, and the soldiers guarding here, they all responded loudly to cheer themselves and their comrades in arms.

Within a few seconds, the screams and gunshots behind the gate stopped suddenly, and then...

"Boom! Boom!"

Then it seemed that some kind of 'someone' or something was banging on the gate violently.

The seemingly extremely solid gate began to bend and deform at a speed visible to the naked eye under the violent hammering of that thing.

In just a few seconds, a gap opened in the center of the twisted and deformed gate.

Seeing this, a group of students sitting in the auditorium also became nervous, and they all guessed what was behind the gate.


Suddenly, a mosaic face came out through the gap in the gate, and screamed loudly at the soldiers guarding the passage.

Even though it was mosaiced, the students were still able to guess from the vague outline that it was gray-skinned and skinny, and the mouth was expanded to an extent that ordinary people could not reach...


"Fire! Fire!"

"Da da da! da da!"

Accompanied by the commander's yelling, all the soldiers vomited the ammunition in their guns at this 'man'.

However, even if bullets of various calibers hit this 'person', they still cannot prevent him from continuing to open the gate.

Within a few seconds, the gate was completely destroyed by this 'person', and it also quickly came to the soldier who took the video.


Its mouth opened again unbelievably, and it rushed straight at the soldier's head.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!!!"

The soldier also yelled out of fear, but the soldier did not choose to run away, and was still pouring the SCAR-H ammunition in his hands towards the 'man'.

The H behind SCAR-H is the abbreviation of Heavy, which means that the caliber of the bullet fired by this SCAR is the old-fashioned 7.62 x 51 NATO bullet.

There are many students here who are fond of arms and firearms, and they all know the power of this SCAR-H, which has long been eliminated.

But even with a large-caliber warhead, it couldn't even stop the gray-skinned 'man' half a step away. Its mouth covered by the mosaic directly covered a large area of ​​the video screen.

Later, due to the problem of perspective, the students in the auditorium didn't know what it did to the soldiers, but they also knew that the soldiers must have been sacrificed.

Sure enough, the video picture became unstable as the 'person' left, and finally continued to play from the angle of the soldier lying on the ground.

I saw the 'man' rushing into the middle of the heavily armed soldiers, killing them as if entering no man's land, but the soldiers fell down and died one by one.

The video ends when the last soldier falls to the ground and dies, and the 'person' disappears from the view of the screen.


After seeing this video, the atmosphere in the entire auditorium instantly became heavy.

Needless to say, from the moment the gate was slammed, the cadets knew that these soldiers were dealing with an anomaly.

When the 'person' appeared on the video screen and quickly slaughtered all the soldiers present, the students also felt what despair is.

Ordinary human soldiers, when faced with this abnormal phenomenon that cannot be killed with bullets, have only one fate, and that is to die in battle.

However, what the students admired was that even though they knew that this abnormal creature could not be killed, this group of soldiers still showed the courage to die rather than retreat.

Next, before the students got out of the heavy, the holographic projection played another video.

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