Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 313 The Unique 'Civilization' of Human Beings


After confirming that William really wanted to form a contingent of containment objects, Andre just stared silently at the 'son' who always came up with weird ideas in front of him.

a long time.

"Hey." Andre shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and patted William's shoulder, just sighed:

"You are the boss of the company, I will do whatever you say, and it is unconditional support.

But for the formation of this special task force, I still have one suggestion, that is, there must be members of our human beings to monitor these 'murderers'. "

"Yes, I know."

William also showed a kind of humility to accept it. He knew the nature of the non-disclosure agreement, but the veteran who was over sixty years old did not.

"Hey, you, every time you talk nicely and promise well, but you often don't fulfill your promises."

Andre gave a wry smile again, as if he was still complaining that William had been involved in the containment operation, which made him almost unable to return from hell.

"This... Hehe, yes, I will pay attention to it later."

As for William himself, he felt that he was wrong, so he could only chuckle.

Immediately afterwards, he found that his strong adoptive father, his temples and hair had already turned gray, and there were more dull spots on his face.

And because of this sudden epidemic, the veteran looks very tired and seems to be less energetic than before.

In the end, no matter how strong a person is, they are no match for the erosion of time.

The veteran is really old.

Seeing this, William felt that his nose was a little sore, so he cleaned up his emotions and suggested to Andre:

"Andre, after dealing with these trivial matters in the Middle East, you can stay in Hafa for a while, just in time to cooperate with Catherine's experiment."

"Huh? What kind of experiment needs my old man to participate in?" Andre asked with a little interest.

"Try the Fruit of Life." William said quietly.

"It turned out to be this... not... William, you just said the fruit of life?" Andre couldn't react.

"That's right." William said seriously:

"The Fruit of Life has been shown to allow humans to resist, cure any disease, and also allow humans to have a certain degree of rapid self-healing ability, and even..."

"Eternal life." Andre interrupted William's words, and his tone became a little serious:

"Although I am religious and don't read the Bible very much, I still have some understanding of the tree of life and the tree of wisdom.

Boy, don't you want me, the old man who is about to enter the coffin, to live forever? "

"Don't say those unfortunate words, just look at your physique, it's a sin to live less than a hundred." William frowned slightly, a little displeased with Andre's self-deprecating.

Then he did not veto: "Yes, it is to give you eternal life.

After the experiments of Catherine and Rebecca, as well as the research that consumed a lot of D-class personnel, the Fruit of Life did not find any side effects.

So I... I want you to stay as Umbrella's general, and you're not old, not old at all. "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing that his 'kiss' son was somewhat euphemistic and a little arrogant, Andre couldn't help but smile freely, and then patted William's shoulder heavily.

He said, "You kid, is it so difficult to say that you can't bear me? Huh? Forget it, I don't trust you to manage the company alone, so I'll accompany you for a while."

"Hiss..." William's brows furrowed even more, he raised his hand and kneaded his left shoulder that had been 'patted'.

There was even an idea in his heart, feeling that the old man's haggard face was just pretending... With his current superhuman physical fitness, being slapped by this old man was so painful.

Every time!

After slowing down, William no longer bothered with the question of how strong Andre's palm was, but told Andre:

"Andre, Catherine and Athena are at the source of the incident, and I'm going to go there to see their deciphering progress.

Also, the person I envisioned for the Containment Task Force was there to keep them both safe. "

"Okay." Andre put away his bold smile, returned to the old Umbrella who was not angry, nodded and said:

"I'll take care of it here, you can go."


Then Andre returned to the bridge alone, preparing to direct the security matters in the Middle East. William led the waiting blue team and left the aircraft carrier in a Pelican painted by the Zero Fleet.


Inside the cabin of the Pelican;

William stood behind the aft hatch, looking out through the observation window on the hatch and enjoying the view.

Due to the deliberate guidance of the United States and the various Middle East war movies shot by Hollywood, when people mention the Middle East, they will be linked to 'desert', 'barrenness' and 'war chaos'.

The thing is, there are oases in addition to the desert, as well as all kinds of fascinating sights.

The various relics, cities and altars of early human civilization alone can be described as countless in the Middle East.

Like the legendary Troy, people are sure that its location is in Turkey.

In particular, there are the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Iraq, the two rivers of life that nourish the Mesopotamian civilization.

Some scholars also speculate that if the Garden of Eden mentioned in the Bible really exists, it is most likely in this watershed.

It is a pity that these countries that gave birth to early human civilization, such as Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, were either military coups or wars.

I was also disturbed by a 'shit stirrer'.

So that scholars from all walks of life cannot continue to study human history and civilization, countless ancient relics have disappeared in a wave of A-10 attacks.


Thinking of this, William couldn't help sighing, still sighing in his heart:

'It's clear that I haven't fully understood how I came here, but I have developed a thermonuclear weapon that can destroy myself. This is... human civilization. ’

"Boss? Are you thinking of something bothering you again?"

Just as William was secretly sighing, Myron, who was sitting at the back of the cabin without wearing a helmet, asked in a puzzled way.


William turned to look at the 'child' who had always been carefree, put away the sad face before, and showed his usual kind smile:

"As long as you can guarantee that every mission will not go wrong, I should have nothing to worry about."

"Haha!" Carl, who was sitting opposite Myron, couldn't help but chuckle when he heard William's words:

"Boss, how did you know that he accidentally knocked down a Pelican yesterday? Haha!"

"Tsk!" Myron suddenly changed his naive face, pointed at Carl and said loudly, "Shut up for me!"

"Oh?" William followed Carl's words, raised his left eyebrow lightly, and looked at Myron with his hands behind his back.

Deliberately accentuating the tone: "How can I hear the complaints of the ground staff? The money for repairing the Pelican will be deducted from your salary and bonus."

"Don't..." Myron sullenly said, "Why do you let me catch up every time..."

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