It can be said…

William is good at cooking these days, and he frequently repeats the phrase in his mind: "Simple ingredients, often only need the simplest..."


William, who had just finished eating the sandwich, quickly shook his head when the words came to his mind, and drank the remaining glass of milk.

"Huh..." Take a breath.

And immediately turned his attention, focusing on the TV that was broadcasting the latest news, trying to forget that brainwashing sentence.

William, who had finished his breakfast perfunctorily, was lying on the sofa and turned his head to look at the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the faint morning light on the horizon at the end of the sea.

My mood finally became much better, and he chuckled lightly: "Hey, my wife is pregnant, why am I also neurasthenia?"

William, who was completely paralyzed on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling lazily.

Stunned for a moment.

"Crack it! Kick it!"

William stretched his waist fiercely, and the joints all over his body made a crisp clicking sound, which was considered to be completely awake.

Turn off the TV, stand up, take the empty plate and glass to the kitchen bar.

After putting the quilt and dishes in the automatic dishwasher, William walked to the changing room on the first floor.

She took off her pajamas, put on a white turtleneck sweater and jeans, and grabbed a brown trench coat.

The garage is reached through the corridor inside the villa.

Flip the switch on the wall.

"Click~!" echoed through the garage.

The incandescent light that suddenly turned on was a bit dazzling, but it also allowed William to see all kinds of cars, sports cars or SUVs neatly arranged.


Some more.

William took a few seconds to choose the more understated one, then grabbed a pair of brown leather boots from the shoe rack beside him and walked down the stairs to a black RS7.

Open the door and get in, start the engine, press the brake and press the handbrake button.

Then he threw the windbreaker on the co-pilot's seat, and left the steering wheel with his left hand before slowly driving the RS7 out of the garage.

Then travel on a road similar to that of a manor, towards the urban area of ​​Halfa.

Since Umbrella's business has become more and more successful, and even developed into a giant of all walks of life, William asked the engineering team to slightly decorate the villa.

It was only reinforced and connected to the Halfa underground passage system before, and there was not much modification on the outside.

And now, William has already purchased all the land next to the sea view villa, and built it into a manor with a quiet environment, which is just enough to make Hal Xi'an's heart grow.

There are also many houses in the manor for Hank and Alphas to live in.

As for William today, he doesn't want to exercise.

In fact, even if he is lazy every day, he will not gain weight with Wesker's physical fitness.

Fitness is just a habit.

Driving away from the estate, William drove the RS7 onto the widened road, a world that was far different from the one he had just arrived in this world.

Halfa is a city built on the 'mountain' and by the sea. Although it is known as the second warmest city in Canada, it can still experience knee-length snow in winter.

Snow shoveling in winter and road building in summer.

Moreover, Haffa has a long history, and the roads are completely built according to the ideas of the last century. They are narrow and there are many one-way streets.

More labor unions and lazy nature in Western countries, it is difficult and difficult to renovate the entire city, and the cost will be astronomical.

But since Umbrella completely "controlled" Hafa, the above problems have been easily solved.

With the rapid construction and generous financial support of the engineering team, the city that was the birthplace of Umbrella was completely transformed.

Not what it used to be.

It's nearly six in the morning in April.

If according to the previous words, the morning in Hafa is dark and silent, and there are a lot of homeless or drunk people and so on.


William looked at both sides of the street through the car window, and only felt that Hafa was already like a near-future city in a science fiction movie.

The crosswalk has a guardrail with holographic imaging, a light yellow bar with rolling warning letters, if someone jaywalks...

The police stationed at each street corner will remind pedestrians who violate the regulations to return to their original positions on the spot, and will also impose fines depending on the seriousness of the situation.

Halfa City Police Department is also one of Umbrella's assets, with the best police equipment, and every police officer is a non-staff who has signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Although the overall technological level of Hafa is not as good as that of the Martian city, it is the most economically and culturally developed city on Earth.

Six o'clock in the morning.

On both sides of the street, there are policemen patrolling daily, as well as young people wearing all kinds of trendy clothes, with haggard and empty faces on their faces, as if they have just come out of a disco.

Of course, even in cold and snowy conditions, those who go for morning jogs in reflective clothing are indispensable.

Hafa seems to have become a city that never sleeps, with people of different roles coming and going all the time.

William in the car smiled.

In addition to being satisfied, I also want to drive the development of large cities around the world and move further into the future.

Drive to a Tim Hortons on the edge of the city and park the RS7.

Pick up the co-pilot's windbreaker, get out of the car, lock the door, leave the parking lot and walk into the store.

Ask the clerk for a cup of hot coffee with French vanilla, and a chocolate donut.

They are all high-calorie and high-sugar foods, which must not be seen by Halsey, so William can only come out as soon as possible to satisfy his cravings.

This is the store he frequents.

And whenever it's half past six in the morning...

"Boss, I'm in the mood to drink coffee today."

Li Mu, who is also dressed in a trench coat, will also visit this Tim Hortons.

Since Li Mu and Rebecca got a marriage license and retired from the secret service establishment, he has lived in the mayor of Hafa.

And Umbrella was not stingy with the agent who made outstanding contributions. He directly gave an apartment next to the city center and was assigned to Hafa to work as a civilian employee.

Li Mu, who is no longer a fighter, still maintains the habit of getting up at four or five in the morning, and also likes to eat some 'junk food' with Rebecca on his back.

After all, the Phantom has been hovering at the Troy base for a long time, so Rebecca's work place has also been temporarily moved to the hive, which means that she can often go home.

Li Mu didn't expect that Rebecca, who looked like a 'smaller' before marriage, would take care of it after marriage.

So the two smell each other...

No, married men with the same interests have long regarded this store as a meeting place.

I saw Li Mu ordered a cup of hot chocolate and a classic sandwich, sat next to William, and asked with a smile:

"Boss, how is the doctor's body?"

"Well..." William glanced at the mechanical watch on his left hand and said, "I'm going to the hospital this afternoon to give birth. When she gives birth to the children, my pleasant vacation will end."


William asked back: "By the way, you and Rebecca have been married for more than half a year, so ... have you considered asking for a younger one?"

"Actually..." Li Mu took a sip of hot coffee and said with a smile on his face, "She has it."

"Not bad, congratulations."

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