Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 121 Goodbye, Travelers and Pioneers

"The colonial ship has arrived over the Sidonia Plain."

"Hades and Ares have also reached the north pole of Mars and are performing scans."

"In the process of screening the best landing sites for the landing craft."

"The first people to land on Mars are on standby."

At that time.

An endless stream of reports came from the bridge of the Spirit of Fire.

This is a feat of human landing on Mars. We must make various preparations, and we also need to prepare various video recordings for the colony ship.

For example, Armstrong of Apollo 11 stepped off the ladder from the lunar module and stepped on the surface of the moon, and said the words recorded in the annals of history:

"That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind."

Although William as the boss thinks these are too formal, but from a commercial point of view, making a promotional film about Umbrella and Mars can attract some more money.

Fame and money can be obtained, why not do it.

William is not interested in being the first person to step on Mars. After all, the Umbrella he established is not only as simple as being recorded in the annals of history, as long as he wants to, the government that writes the "annal of history" is under his control.

What's more, the Canadian Ministry of Education even included his name in textbooks, and more countries will follow suit in the future.

If William still wanted to be the first person to land on Mars, it would be a bit of a belly.

As for who to choose as the first person, William immediately decided to choose the best employee of Umbrella to execute, the name...


At this time, Serena, who was standing on the center console, reported to William Hui: "The landing site has been selected, and Director Wang is also ready to set off. Do you need me to connect the real-time video here?"

That's right!

It is precisely for Umbrella's conscientiousness that he led the engineering team to build a large number of military bases around the earth, as well as four giant containment centers.

Even the six warships and four colonial ships in the sailing to the dawn plan were built by the engineering team he led.

Of course, Umbrella's fortune is also indispensable, transforming the city of Hafa into a fortress, a metropolis centered on culture and economy, and the construction of beehives.

He is Umbrella's most mysterious and valuable employee, Wang Zhaofeng.

Hearing Serena's report, William smiled slightly: "Well, I also want to see the scene of Director Wang going down in history."


Serena waved her hand lightly, and the screen of the center console was connected to the protective clothing helmet worn by Wang Zhaofeng.


Switch to the center console screen;

Wang Zhaofeng's helmet camera.

First-person perspective.


Wang Zhaofeng's helmet camera screen uses the same operating system as AAES or other airtight individual combat uniforms.

It shows the physical status, name and employee number, and can also assist in scanning the nearby terrain, etc.

I saw Wang Zhaofeng leading a group of engineering team members in white protective suits, walking in the hangar of the colonial ship similar to the Spirit of Fire.

The target was a civilian version of the Pelican, a landing craft painted white.

Since there is no video recording tool installed inside the helmet, it is still impossible to see the real face of Director Wang from the center console of the bridge of the Spirit of Fire.

Under the watch of the entire fleet, Wang Zhaofeng led the engineering team into the landing craft and sat down at the innermost seat.

And report: "Huo Ling, this is Wang Zhaofeng, the director of the engineering team. We have made all preparations and request permission to land."

Serena's voice came through the communication: "The Spirit of Fire has received, the request is approved, and it is over."

After being instructed, Wang Zhaofeng glanced at all the employees in the cabin.

Then he said to the pilot in a slightly trembling tone, "Take us to Mars."

"Yes, Director."

Following the pilot's answer, Wang Zhaofeng's real-time picture shook slightly, which should be caused by the movement of the landing craft when it took off in the hangar.

Pilot: "Please confirm that the protective suit is working properly."

Wang Zhaofeng: "Confirming."

In the picture, all the engineering team members, including Wang Zhaofeng, are checking the airtightness of their own protective clothing.

after a few seconds.

Wang Zhaofeng: "The protective clothing is working fine."

Pilot: "Received, decompression in progress... Decompression complete."

"Dong-dong-" When the decompression in the cabin was completed, there were also two dong-dong sounds on the screen.

It appears that the landing craft has landed on the surface of Mars.

Immediately afterwards, the pilot's report came from the communication: "The landing craft numbered Y-336 arrived on the surface of Mars at 12:07 on August 8, 2008, Earth time."

at the same time.

The entire engineering team in the cabin stood up one after another.

And Wang Zhaofeng walked through the crowd to the rear of the cabin, waiting for the door to open.


The hatch was cracked and opened gradually, and the speed increased, and finally the hatch came to the surface of Mars, which was used by Wang Zhaofeng and others as a pedal.

Through the camera on Wang Zhaofeng's helmet, everyone in the fleet watching the live broadcast can clearly see the surface of Mars.

Mars is not all earth-colored like the Photoshopped photos provided by NASA.

In fact, except that the surface is still dark red, and the sun is much smaller, it is not much different from the daytime on Earth.

The real-time screen flickered.

Wang Zhaofeng was moving slowly, stepping on the soil of Mars through the hatch of the landing module.

Taking a few steps forward, he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and he reported: "Wang Zhaofeng, director of the Umbrella engineering team.

At Earth time...12:09, I successfully completed the walk on the surface of Mars. Except for the too light steps caused by gravity, I have no discomfort for the time being! "

After saying this, Wang Zhaofeng officially became the 'first person' of Mars.

Wang Zhaofeng's emotional control is definitely not as good as that of a pilot from the army, but he can also express the joy of human beings walking on Mars.


The bridge of the Spirit of Fire;

Mike, who was standing on the right side of William, looked at the real-time picture from the screen and couldn't help sighing:

"This Director Wang is really lucky. To be the first person on Mars is enough for him to brag for a lifetime."

"Haha." William also smiled slightly, turned around and walked to the porthole at the end of the bridge, looked at Mars under the 'foot' and said softly:

"Selina, inform the engineering team to get used to the gravity of Mars first, and then start the construction of the outpost. The sooner it is completed, the better."

"Yes, boss." Serena was still conscientiously assisting William with all arrangements.

While watching the beauty of Mars, William commanded Carter in a low voice:

"Captain, lock the Voyager 1 and 2 launched by NASA, and the Pioneer 10 and 11.

Jump in order of the nearest position, and then…”

Having said that, William turned to look around at all the people on the bridge, his eyes finally fell back to Carter and said solemnly:

"Bomb those aircraft with electromagnetic acceleration cannons. Umbrella has no shortage of these four tungsten projectiles."


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