Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 115 Umbrella's File Analysis 2

Here is the file for 'The Flatworm Man'.

The project's super self-replication ability and hostility to society, if it is not controlled and allowed to replicate indefinitely, it will definitely seriously affect the order of normal society.

For the above reasons, the researchers and lieutenants of Containment Center No. 1 classified the object as Euclid.

The containment center is required to extract tissue samples from the subject on a monthly basis, refrigerate and transport them, and send them to the hive for research.

The goal is to analyze and decipher the full cloning capabilities of the project.

Not going well.

On March 17, 2008, Hive slowed down its investment and research on the project.


④Project: TV in shopping mall.

Nickname: Motorola.

Class: Euclid.

The following files are the entire process of containing the object;

1. Video Archives.

Three adventurous young men and women, Johnson, Lucas, Ava, their real last names will not be entered.

On the evening of February 2, 2008, the three decided to explore an abandoned shopping mall in a city in the United States in order to increase the attention and traffic of their YouTube channel.

The file is from the HVR-HD 1000C camera purchased by the trio, shot by Lucas.

file to play:

The red signal light on the screen flashed, and the lens screen was quickly displayed.

In the center of the picture is a suburban and typical North American double-storey shopping mall, surrounded by overgrown parking lots and trees in the distance, making it extremely 'lonely'.

The trees on both sides of the entrance were dead, and under the illumination of the moonlight, the reflections imprinted on the ground were ghosts with claws and claws.


Lucas, who was behind the camera, whistled: "Okay everyone, the video of this expensive guy is normal, let's go in."

At this time, Ava, whose face was mosaicked, walked into the camera, looked at the dilapidated door of the shopping mall, and persuaded slightly:

"Guys, is there really a feels like a cemetery from a Halloween movie, do you really want to go in?"

Immediately afterwards, Johnson, whose face was also treated, walked over to Ava, took her by the shoulders and said without fear:

"Haha, Ava, you are too whimsical, how can there be ghosts in this world? Besides, isn't the purpose of our coming here to dispel those rumors?"

The camera moved forward, and Lucas echoed: "That's right, let's go."

Since the following video content is not nutritious, it belongs to the three people who introduce various horror stories outside the mall, so the speed is x4.

After entering the mall, speed x1.

The floor tiles are covered with thick dust, and the shops are locked with rolling shutter doors down, and most places cannot be entered.

The three people's breathing can be clearly heard on the screen.

During their time at the peripheral stores, they also tried to find seemingly terrifying props to increase the effect of the video recording.

But as it goes deeper, the surrounding atmosphere becomes more and more strange beyond words.

The sound of breathing gradually became rapid due to tension.

Finally, the three of them came to the mall's central lobby, which has a huge indoor fountain.

Approaching, the camera is aimed at the dry pool.

It was full of rubbish, such as soda cans, plastic bags, packaging boxes, and all kinds of wood.

Some trash is dust-free, like someone or something has just thrown it in recently.

"Hey guys... look at this."

Johnson's voice sounded from the back left of the screen, and at this time Johnson's voice trembled slightly, no longer as confident as before.

The camera swings to the left, phantom, focusing on the ground where Johnson's hands are pointing.

A series of long marks, about five centimeters long and one centimeter wide, surround the fountain pool.

Ava appeared beside Johnson, squatted down and analyzed, "These look like footprints. Could it be that the things in the pool were brought by the owner of the footprints?"

"Hey, Ava," said Lucas behind the camera. "I've never seen any animal with footprints like this."

"Me too." Johnson, who was also half-squatted, nodded.

Later, the camera found that the trajectories of some 'footprints' lead to the interior of the mall.

The three of them plucked up their courage again, ready to follow the 'footprints' to continue their exploration.


They came to the door of a candy store, and the 'footprints' disappeared under the locked door of the store.

Through the lens, the candy store looks intact from the outside.

The double door with two windows is a simple way of locking the iron chain from the outside door handle, and the original owner did not put down the rolling shutter door.

Johnson tried to pull the chain open to open the door.


The three finally decided to break the glass together.

Johnson found a brick nearby and smashed it through a glass on the door on the right side of the camera.


The violent movement of glass breaking spread to every corner of the mall in an instant.

They walked easily into the candy store through the broken window.


"~~~~~§~" some strange music sounded.

"What's this?" Ava approached Johnson in the camera and said.

"Well..." Johnson frowned and said, "It's like old-fashioned jukebox music, very old."

"Everyone in the audience! I swear, this is definitely not the music we played for mysteries!" Lucas was a little excited.

"~!!" The music seemed to be coming from all directions, and it was getting louder and louder.

Ava and Johnson in the camera are terrified, obviously frightened, and the shaky picture shows Lucas as well.

Suddenly, Ava, whose face was facing the camera, widened her eyes, raised her hands tremblingly, and opened her mouth slightly to let out a terrified roar.

The screen flickered.

On the right side of the camera, Lucas's right hand stretched out and covered Ava's mouth in time to prevent her from screaming when the girl was frightened.

Then the camera looks in the direction of Ava's finger.

I saw a 'rat', standing on both legs and passing by the door of the candy store. The footprints it left on the dusty floor tiles were exactly the same as the 'imprint' just now.

From a distance, it looks like it's made of a centimeter thick piece of paper, and it moves like...

A 2D object that walks on a 3D plane.

It still looks cute.

"Hoo..." (x3)

Although the trio didn't know what it was, the appearance gave them a good impression and the tension eased a bit.


Lucas, who was in charge of the camera behind the camera, seemed to recognize the cartoon mouse and explained to his friends:

"I remember it... It seems to be called Brooke, a character from my grandfather's favorite cartoons as a kid, and he used to share those old cartoons with me..."

"Wait." Johnson interrupted Lucas's words, raised his finger and trembled softly outside the door: "There seems to be something behind the little mouse... there seems to be something."

is a…

A black cartoon cat with a height of four meters and a width of only one centimeter!

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