
Chapter 481: 【What it is? 】

Chapter 481, what is that? The servant who stood outside the backyard saw a little relief when the General came out from the backyard unharmed. (Reading Network)

However, looking at General Xia Ya's face seemed very unsightly.

Xia Ya's face is not calm. To be precise, it should be a black face. What's more strange is that his dark face is not full of anger, but he still has a little embarrassment and grievance. Received some kind of insult in general.

(Damn, it takes a price ......... this **** Merlin, what a messy **** idea !!!)

Charlie was annoyed, and more of a helplessness.

His mother, if at the price that Merlin said ... I don't want to be a **** of a dragon knight! !!

Dora's voice came to me when I ran out of the backyard and came to my office.

"Master Meilin ......... what is the way to tell you? What is the price? Why do you seem to be in a strange mood?"

Charya didn't say anything, just snorted.

…, Just now, in the backyard, when Merlin finally said Naosuke, "the price" and the method, she first used a strange spell to temporarily cut off the sensory connection between Dora and Charlie.

"I can't let the sly dragon know for the time being. I don't want to tell it after you hear it."

This was Merlin's request ... "No, or an order.

So Dora didn't know what Merlin's last words to Charlie were.

And Xia ... "..., see his mother's ghost! This way, Lao Tzu will not tell Dora! No! Lao Tzu will never think this way again! Never even mention it again !!!!!!

Merlin's words just rotten in his belly! !!

Charlie's mood was very impatient: "Don't ask, I will never say ..., ... well, what about this dragon knight thing!" !! "

Dora was a little reconciled: "But Xia, don't you want a mount? After you put on the dragon scale armor, there is no mount." ... "

"Damn!" Charlie was stimulated by this remark.

Which pot is not open?

"I ..." Xia was so angry that she suddenly slammed the table fiercely: "It's really impossible, I'm going to find a dwarf and want to be a wild animal! That thing can carry thousands of pounds." Problem! !! Damn, I can't ride a real dragon, so I'll ride the beast! Anyway, I heard that this thing also has the blood of the Dragon race? "

"That's the rumor at all!" Dora was dissatisfied with Xia's words that insulted the noble blood of the Dragons.

"In short, I don't want to mention this again!" Xia Ya hummed and ended the conversation between the two. No matter how much Dora exchanged, Xia also ignored it.

Alone in the room for a while, Xia waited for a little calmer mood, then went out again, and rode out of the city to the military camp outside the city.

He really did it when he thought about it, and went directly to the dwarf's station, found the rock, and made his request straightforward.

"I need a terrestrial beast to temporarily serve as my mount."

The dwarf grinned at this request, and headed for Xia Ya, the honest rock still couldn't help but tell the truth: "That ..." Honorable General. This, the terrestrial beast domesticated by our dwarves, is extremely capable of bearing weight. "However, this creature runs too slowly. A normal human runs at full speed and faster than it. Such a defect, I am afraid Not suitable as a mount on the battlefield ... "

Charya didn't believe it. She pulled on the rock and let the dwarf bring a beast to try.

The appearance of the terrestrial beast is indeed a bit of a "dragon". No wonder in the legend that this creature has some kind of relatives with the dragon family. From the appearance, the terrestrial beast is very similar to the dragon family of the soil system. It's just a lot smaller.

This terrestrial animal brought by the rock has a body more robust than the most majestic bull for more than three laps, but the neck is not as long as a real dragon, and the limbs are as thick as a hundred-year-old trunk. It is full of rough **** scales, which is also extremely hard to touch.

The introduction of the rock said that the outer skin of the earth-walking beast is very solid. It even has a petrified effect. Ordinary swords can't cut the skin of this giant beast, and only the powerful dwarf can damage them with a heavy hammer.

After listening to Rock's proud introduction, Charlie shamelessly touched her chin, and then made a request more shamelessly.

"Oh? This is hard. Can I try to cut it?"

Rock almost heard none of them sitting on the ground.

Cut it? !!

Just others, you are a warrior who can kill the dragon! Even if the ground beast has a solid skin, it cannot resist the blow from the Dragon Slayer.

The beast brought by the rock was domesticated by him. Where would he be willing to throw it to Xia to test the knife?

As soon as he saw the expression of the rock, Xia he laughed and said, "I'm kidding. I didn't try it. I'll let my soldiers try it, right?"

Rock hesitated, looked at some of the guards standing behind Char, and hesitated ... Although these guards are also considered strong men among humans, they are nothing strange to the dwarf.


In order to be careful, Rock also proposed that the candidate must be picked by him.

Then the honest dwarf made two laps in the **** beside Xia, and finally picked out the guy who looked the youngest and the least majestic.

Rock chose this man for his own reasons.

According to the dwarf's point of view, strength is directly proportional to age. The older the age, the longer the time for cultivation, and the stronger the throne.

This young warrior selected by himself looks really young, how long can he practice martial arts? Besides, the group of guards around Xia are all with large arms and round waists, and they are murderous, but this one looks a little more pleasing to the eye ...

But soon, Rock found out he had made a fatal mistake!

"Oh? Hawk, our dwarf brothers have picked you." Charlie's eyes showed a sympathetic look. She looked at the rock and patted the shoulder of the rock: "Good eyesight! This is the first master of the guards around me. "

First, first, Gao Zhengyan immediately opened his mouth!

The one picked by the dwarf was Hawk, the head of the light mercenary regiment that had previously run wild on the wildfire field.

The two mercenary regiments recruited by Xia from the Wildfire Plains. The leaders of the two mercenary regiments, the older Russell, are prudent and prudent and have already served in the army.

This Hawke, because of his fierce temperament, still stays with Charya for the time being. He has always been a guard in charge of defending the government and has not gone with Charya.

And at the moment, the other guards that Charya was carrying were all strengthened cavalry soldiers in the "strong riding camp". From the appearance, these soldiers strengthened with the magic fluid of the muscle fruit, one by one The body looks taller and stronger than Hawke (although Hawke is also a rare strong man).

Moreover, the soldiers of the strong riding camp are all veterans who have been in the field for a long time. They have killed countless people. They have experienced the scenes of the blood of the corpses, and all of them are full of evil spirits. Hawk was only a mercenary in the past, murderous. Naturally, it is not as good as that of the strong riding camp.

But Xia said that Hawke was the first master of the guards around him, but he did not exaggerate at all!

Hawk is a standard mercenary warrior. His martial arts are very exquisite. "The strength has reached the level of the empire's mid-level samurai. He can use the fighting spirits proficiently, and the martial arts are strong." It is also a good master!

And the other guards, even if they are very murderous, but after all, they are not orthodox warriors, but they have been trained in the army. To say that the individual strength is really not as good as Hawk.

In the rocky look, Hawke grinned and strode out. The young mercenary warrior pulled out a long-handled machete from behind.

The original hammer and tomahawk used by Hawke was not suitable for the role of guard leader "so he has switched to a long-handled sword.

These knives are specially made. The back of the sword is thick and thick. It is also made of good iron and has a heavy weight.

With the knife in his hand, Hokti strode to the side of the beast, the young warrior sneered, as if the beast also felt the evil spirit of Hock, and immediately issued a burst of hostility. Growled, but although the body moved, the chain around the neck, pinched in the hands of the rock, was domesticated and did not dare to struggle too much.

Hawke had already raised his knife. At this time, he saw Charya for a moment, and saw Charya wink and wink at him.

Suddenly, the samurai's blade and his whole body burst into a fight!

When he saw the fighting erupted on this guy, Rock suddenly turned black and screamed in his heart: Finish!

The warrior of a human warrior is a symbol of strength, and this dwarf is naturally very clear.

The dwarf domesticated beasts are domesticated individually and are considered their own private property. One domesticated animal grows up from a young age, consumes food, and tames to tame, it takes a lot of effort. Moreover, not every dwarf family has the strength to domesticate the beast! The food that a beast of a land consumes is staggering, and cannot be afforded by ordinary dwarf families. Although the rock has a status in the tribe, there are only two beasts in its name. If it were here, it would have been slaughtered because of a word from Charya, but it would really make the dwarf's heart bleed!

Seeing this human warrior slashing with a sword with a fighting spirit, Rock has subconsciously closed his eyes ...

boom! !!

After a muffled sound, I heard the terrifying animal suddenly screaming with his neck raised. The roar sounded like a cow and a horse, but the sound was much louder. And the roar sounded bitter.

When Rock opened his eyes, he thought he would see a scene full of blood ... but he was stuck!

My own land beast was just stumped directly on the ground. A stamp on the left side was obviously a samurai's blow. It was very hard to beat it, but that's it, and there was no bleeding injury. scene.

"I use the back of a knife. Our general, kind, how could you really kill your animals?" Hawk walked over and patted the shoulder of the rock, smiled, put away his knife, and looked back at Xia Ya "Dad, this thing is really good." Although I used the knife back for this knife just now, it was considered a 50% effort! It is estimated that the root bone was broken, but it did not matter! This kind of thick skin is indeed worthy of Warcraft. Warcraft is Warcraft, even the tamed guy "is after all Warcraft, not an ordinary animal.

* ...... "

Rock's heart was relaxed at first, but then he looked at the place where his beast was broken by the bone, and his heart hurt again.

Xia Haha smiled and pulled the rock in the past: "I'm sorry, my dwarf brother, it's not that I'm going to hurt your livestock, but if I don't have the strength to try it" How can I test its condition? On the battlefield, there is no room for imagination. Now, I am very happy with the result.

A middle-ranked warrior used 50% of his strength and added fighting spirit. Although he used the back of a knife, none of them could kill this thing ... It seems that the resistance of this thing is really extraordinary!

Moreover, the ground-walking beast has extremely excellent load-bearing capacity.

Such a stout and powerful guy ... and the body is so huge and majestic, if you put it on a hard iron armor, throw it on the battlefield, and run into it ...

Charya's eyes were starting to shine! !!

Tochigi's mind began to imagine such a picture: On the battlefield, an iron beast with a whole body of armor rushed into the array of enemies and rammed. The surrounding enemy soldiers were all on the sword, but they were just vain on the ground The iron armor on his body made a jingling sound. "You can't stop this powerful thing from continuing to crash, and the people who hit along the way will turn over ..."

Earthwalker is not running fast enough "... is a flaw.

But if ... "I do n’t use it as a cavalry mount, but as" ...

Use it as an infantry? !!

Imagine a team of armored earth-walking beasts charging at the front! Even if the enemy is an array of heavy armored infantry, I am afraid that they cannot stop such an attacking team? As for the archer ......... For this kind of Warcraft that is hard to hurt, it's not even scratching!

If there is such a team of pioneers, the number does not need to be too much, and "on the battlefield" is responsible for attacking the enemy and can open a gap in the enemy array, then it can play a decisive role!

Xia Ya became more and more tempted, and in the end she even wished to pump herself twice!

Damn, I ’m really a pig brain! Why didn't you think of using such a good thing?

The relationship between humans and dwarves has always been stiff. Except for a very small number of caravans who can obtain the "limited trust" of dwarves and conduct a few small transactions, the entire human world cannot conduct other large-scale dwarves. Cooperation in the field.

As for the terrestrial beasts domesticated by the dwarves, they have never been sold to any human caravan!

The dwarven people do not trust humans, and even hostile them, and this situation has never really improved.

For myself, if there was not a strong backstage presence of Merlin, these proud dwarfs would not even look at themselves.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie suppressed the excitement in her heart, so she made a calm look on her face, and looked at the rock: "Well ... it's not bad, I can be satisfied with the result. Now, Rock, let's discuss it, can you sell me these earth beasts? "

Only, "Wait, wait!" The rock suddenly sounded like something wrong: "You mean" these? " ? Great Thor! Dear General, have I heard it wrong? Don't you just need to find yourself a temporary mount? "

Charlie smiled slyly: "Don't forget, I'm a nobleman, our nobleman's habits ..."

"Okay, sir, General, our dwarves are just simple, but not fools." After all, Rock still has a brain, after a moment of thought, he laughed: "It seems that you are enthusiastic about the beasts that our dwarves domesticated Now. Do you want to use these animals on the battlefield? "

Xia He smiled, was seen through his own mind, and did not feel embarrassed, he simply made it clear: "Yes, I have this meaning, this thing seems to me to be useful, let's just say, My dwarf brother, what are you going to do before you sell me the terrestrial animal? "

Xia Ya quickly calculated in his heart that these dwarves came to themselves this time and brought about a hundred heads of terrestrial beasts. If all the 100 heads were eaten by themselves, it would be enough to set up a separate "battle camp" !!

What about slow speed? No matter how slow the ground beast runs, there is a normal person running as fast as an infantry attack, which is enough.

In the field, do n’t even think of any heavy armored infantry to block the impact of this monster group!

Shield wall? Can I stop the powerful Earthwalker?

The lancer ... can pierce the hard skin of the beast? Not to mention that I'm going to put a hard and thick iron armor on these things!

As for the archer ... "... Hmm, to the earth beasts, they are all gods and horses ..."

In Xia ’s memory, he knows the weapons in the human army, only the sledgehammer of a senior soldier may be able to cause damage to the ground beast when the short soldiers meet. "Ordinary soldiers can ignore them.

What else ... Well, the crossbow car can also kill terrestrial beasts, but the crossbow car is generally used for defense on the city wall. Moreover, although the power of the crossbow car is huge, the accuracy is not high, and it can only cover Area way to kill.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff! !!

Such a good thing, those human chambers of commerce that deal with dwarves "why never thought of buying it? It is a waste !!!

"Dear General, I have to tell you that these land beasts, I have no right to sell them to you." Rock's answer made Xia Ya's heart suddenly cold.

"The composition of our dwarven clan is different from that of your humans. These beasts are the private property of each dwarven family of the dwarven people. Even our Greybeard King can only requisition the dwarven warrior and let the dwarf warrior carry him Their domesticated beasts have no right to sell these things. The ownership of these beasts belongs to their respective owners. "

It turned out that Charlie was relieved.

That's easy, I sent people to find these dwarves one by one to talk about buying and left.

"In addition" to the dwarves is an important productivity of the family. We dwarves are good at mining and making iron, but we need to move large amounts of heavy ore in the mines, for fear that the strongest dwarves can't take the kind of physical labor. Earth beasts are our greatest help. I am afraid that the dwarves are rarely willing to sell their terrestrial beasts. Once sold, they will lose the greatest labor and lose their future income source, although they will benefit temporarily. "

After listening to this, Xia was not discouraged, although she frowned. Although the terrestrial beast is very important for the dwarf, "it is nothing more than asking for a higher price and leaving.

"Dwarves have always been reluctant to conduct any transactions with human beings. We don't trust human beings ..., oh" I said, and please don't mind me. Rock explained: "Although there are also some human caravans from our tribe who will come and make some transactions with us, these transactions are controlled at the tribal level, that is, those human caravans and our tribe To trade, our dwarven tribe will centrally prepare the goods and trade with the human caravan in the name of the tribe. But individual dwarf families are reluctant to deal with human merchants. "

It turns out that it is no wonder that human caravans can't buy ground beasts.

Human caravans make large transactions with the clan leaders, but the clan leaders do not have the power to sell terrestrial beasts, because these are the dwarven property. The individual dwarves refused to deal with human merchants.

These dwarves are really stubborn.

"I have to explain to you, these land beasts, you only see the good side of them, but you don't see their flaws." Rock reminded kindly.

"You mean the problem of their running speed. I don't think this is a problem. I have my own method." Xia Ya smiled, but the kindness to the rocks is still very useful.

"No, no, no, running speed is not a big problem. Although I am stupid, I probably understand that you need these beasts, not for the cavalry's mount. What I want to say is that these other beasts are Defect. "Rock sighed." First of all, these things ... they eat very much! Because of this, domesticated beasts are very expensive for dwarves. Ordinary dwarf families are not so. Many idle foods are used to domesticate the beasts. Among our dwarven tribes, only those dwarven families with a wealthy family status are able to domesticate the beasts. The food consumption of these beasts is definitely an amazing number ! "

"Oh? How many?"

The rock groaned and reported a number.

As soon as he heard this number, Xia Ya's face changed slightly.

However, Charlie's face soon returned to normal.

How much food is consumed?

What are you afraid of! The several sites under Lao Tzu's men are all the largest grain-producing areas in northern Byzantium!

Are you afraid of Dahan? joke!

Moreover, although the number of the Rock newspaper is a little too much, it depends on how to analyze it!

If the beasts of this place use up well, the fighting power is definitely more than the heavy armored infantry army of the three battalions! And the ability to attack them can be worth the heavy armored infantry of a banner group!

Heavy infantry is the second most expensive army in the human army after cavalry! The infantry army covering the whole body with heavy armor, whether it is the selection of soldiers, salaries, or equipment costs, is a huge number!

And a battalion of the ground beast can reach a heavy infantry of a banner group! Even if more food is consumed, it will never be higher than the heavy infantry who feeds a banner group!

"Grain, I have food! My region is a food-producing region, and these are not a problem for me." Xia Ya shook her head: "Anything else?"

Rock sighed, and was really envious of this "luxury" of Charya.

Dwarves have always been bad at farming food, and food is also a necessity for dwarves.

Although the dwarves are hostile to humans, they still have to maintain trade and contact with some human business groups. "

To grow and develop, the dwarves are the biggest constraint. The dwarves are good at digging holes and iron, but they are not good at farmland. Planting is not a talent for dwarves.

But if the dwarves want to grow, they need to dig bigger mines. To dig bigger mines, they need more beasts. "Tame more beasts, you need a lot of food ...

Grain is the biggest yoke in the development of the dwarven clan.

For this reason, the dwarven clan has to trade with the human caravan, and even use the valuable minerals in their tribe in exchange for the high-priced food brought by the human caravan!

Those human caravans are blackhearted. ”The same food, sold to dwarven tribes, is sold at least ten times higher than in the Byzantine Empire!

And the ore they dug from the dwarves in exchange for food from the dwarves, and even the ironware made by the dwarves, can be sold at home for a hundred times the price they bought !!

This is one of the important reasons why the dwarven clan does not trust humans!

Food "... Dwarves dream of getting a lot of food!

The dwarves like to drink, but because of the shortage of food, the dwarves do not have too much food to make wine. Anyone in the caravan knows that the most ordinary spirits in the human world can be trafficked to the dwarves ". Rye for a * person silver coin! This price is twenty times that of the human world!

My own food is so expensive, here in this human general, "you can spend whatever you want ...

After feeling a little in Rock ’s heart, he said, “Okay, if food is n’t a problem, then there ’s a problem.” “These beasts, they are cave things, that is, every winter, they Hibernate for at least two or three months. They cannot perform any labor. "

"Ah?" Charlie paused.

Not available in winter?

But where is the right thing to say about war? Even though Xia can control that he does not wage war on the enemy in the winter, he cannot guarantee that his enemy will not fight against him in the winter!

"Are they going to sleep as soon as winter arrives, is there any other way?" Charlie frowned.

"If they are forcibly driven, it is not impossible." The rock scratched his head: "This ......... If the land-walking beasts are forcibly driven in winter, they will be listless and lazy. In addition, they will be driven by winter Working, the cost of food will be much more than usual, so we dwarves never do that. "

"It's still food ... that's no problem." Charlie nodded. "In winter they're less effective, I remember. Anything else?"

"No." Rock smiled. "If none of the things I said are problems for you, then I can tell you in charge that these beasts will be the best labor you have ever seen! They carry loads. They are extremely capable and can still work in harsh environments. They can not drink water for three consecutive days, they are very obedient, they will absolutely obey the command of the host, and they are very loyal to the host. "

"Okay, now, it's time to make an offer." Charlie shook her horse with a whip in her hand.

"I said, these land beasts are private property." I can't make a price on behalf of others. This ... you have to talk to them yourself. Let me remind you first that we dwarves are very stubborn. We have never trusted humans, so most dwarves are unwilling to trade with humans. and so,""

"What if I trade for food?" Charlie smiled.

"Maybe it is possible. But" ... Admiral General "is not a problem if it is sold to you for one or two heads, but if you need a lot," ......... I am afraid it will not work. The code of our dwarf Greybeard King stipulates that the land beast is an important property of the dwarven people and cannot be traded with humans. You are a friend of our dwarf, a few heads, or even a dozen heads, I think "We dwarves have stayed with you for so many days and received your hospitality. Someone may be willing to sell to you, but if you want to buy more If we do, the Dwarven Code is not allowed. "

"Damn, it's really a headache." Charlie's eyes flashed.

Obviously, Tu Yuan is starting to think about something again.

"After a while," Xia Ya glanced at the rock suddenly, and he took out the most sincere tone.

"Brother Rock, can you do me a favor?"

Rock smiled: "You talk about it first."

"It's not too difficult. I need you to run a trip for me. I want to ask you to go back to your tribe and give you a few words of the Graybeard and tell him some of my suggestions."

Rock stunned: "Proposal?"

"Yes." Xia Ya cleared her throat: "My words, you remember: I, General of the Byzantine Empire's northern guard zone" Duke of the Empire, Lord Duke Noah, Grand Duke Xia Ya, greeting the great King of the Greybeard, I wish the God of Thunder bless you. As the general of the guard of the northern Byzantine Empire, my territory has four counties, millions of people, and tens of thousands of troops. I am willing to start some sincere cooperation with the dwarven Greybeard's tribe. "I know that dwarven brothers need food, and my territory is the largest food-producing area of ​​the Byzantine Empire." As a token of my goodwill, I propose that "in the future we both can Do some food trade. As for the price ... I think it's probably floating between the numbers ... "

Charlie groaned and reported a number, and the price was already twice the price of the food in the Byzantine Empire!

When Rock heard this number, he was startled!

Without waiting for Xia Ya to finish speaking, the rock has been holding on to Xia Ya: "Master, you, what are you saying is true? Is it true? !!!"

"Of course it is true! Lao Tzu, the Northern Guardian General! Here, my words are the Supreme Decree!"

Rock almost passed out on the spot without happiness!

Xia began to feel the same.

Judging from the reaction of the rock, Tu Yuan suddenly realized that his offer was too low ...

Immediately he couldn't help but ask, "How much is the price of the food for the human caravans that are trading in your tribe now?"

I have to say that the dwarf is still very honest after all, and said the answer very sincerely: "After the number you reported, add a zero."

"I have ※ ......, ... ※ again ..." "Xia Ya cursed harshly.

What he scolded was the black heart of those human caravans! More scolded is himself!

Earthworm's remorse in his heart can't help but slap himself! Why are you so anxious to quote! !! !! If I had known it, my quotations would be a little lower than those of human black-hearted merchants. These dwarves might just want to trade on their own! !!

However, after all, the soil owl was still soil owl. He was sly, and immediately thought of a way to find help.

"The price I said does not include freight! That is, if you want to trade at this price, you dwarves must bring your team to my territory to buy it, I am not responsible for home delivery." Xia Ya added rightly to explain . I thought to myself: at least save some freight.

"Although I don't have the right to promise you, but in my judgment, there is no problem at all!" Rock could not wait to kiss Charya! The dwarf said sincerely, "General Xia, you will be our best and closest friend to the Greybeard tribe !!"

Charlie took a step back immediately to prevent this guy from really hugging him.

You know, none of these dwarves have the habit of taking a bath ~ ~ But have you forgotten something? "Rock suddenly looked a little worried:" I heard that your country seems to have laws that don't allow you to sell food to our dwarves ... ... the emperor of your country has an emperor's order and is not allowed to trade food with us And those caravans are also secret caravans dispatched by some of the big nobles in your country, and they have some secret small-scale transactions with us. But your status is different, you are an official of one party, if you openly conduct such official direct transactions with us as your local official ... Don't you fear that the emperor of your country will punish you? Or sanctions in your country's law ...

Charlie rolled her eyes.

Tu Yan answered a word very arrogantly.

"Law? At Lao Tzu's site, Lao Tzu is the king."

Rock is still very worried: "But the emperors of your country have made harsh emperors" ... you are just a general and a duke. After all, there is no emperor, you are not afraid that the emperor will treat you ...

Charlie was too lazy to roll her eyes this time, her voice was very disdainful "Emperor? Cut, what is that? Is there such a thing in the world?"

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