
Chapter 188: [Into the mountain]


With a mutter in his mouth, Shalpa reluctantly pulled his left foot back. :sort out

This **** mountain forest is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves everywhere. These leaves are covered by layers over the years. Except for the top layer, the bottom is already rotten. If you step on it, At that time, the rotten leaves under the feet and the mud underneath had already been mixed into a ball, and when you trampled on, you would feel a kind of thick and soft feeling that was disgusting in your heart. Often, when you step in, the mud will not reach the ankle.

Shalpa struggled to pull his leg out, and he couldn't care to wipe off the mud on his boots, but looked up.

His body was not far away, and Charya looked calm on the ground, but she was much lighter.

If there is no one who has actually walked into this deep mountain and old forest world, it is absolutely impossible to imagine what kind of place is here, then the first thing you need to do is to say goodbye to the civilized world outside!

Walking in the woods, looking up, the large canopies, such as a parachute that is closely linked together, block the sky tightly. Even in fine weather, it can be tight in the leaves. In China, it can barely reveal a little bit of light. There was such a scary silence in the woods, except for a few bird calls. In addition, it seemed like a quiet world.

The air was uncomfortable with humidity. I walked for a while, and my chest felt a little stuffy, and the sweat was sticking, as if it was already contaminated with the skin. I couldn't wipe the kind of sticky, moist and wet feel. The rotten rotten smell of the unpleasant leaves in the air can't be blocked even if a wet cloth is covered on the nose and nose, and the thick, decaying smell seems to be able to penetrate hard through the wet cloth. Your mouth and nose, then penetrate into your body, corroding your body little by little, ...

Yes, this is this vast mountain forest. It's like an ancient giant, it seems to be mighty and sinking, and it doesn't show the mountains and rivers, but as soon as you start the first step into this world, then this mountain forest will use all the things all the time. Everything that declares to you, exists. "

Smell, humidity, sight, hearing, touch, everything will remind you that you are in an isolated world.

Shalba did not enter the mountain, but the first two days into the forest, he did not seem to have too many special feelings, he still, as before, picking firewood during the rest,), heart-maintained Tinder, chopped the road with an axe while moving forward, but came to the back, not only Shalpa, all humans in the team, except the upper one, everyone felt as if they were lost in this mountain. , To be precise, it seems that he was swallowed up by this forest.

The surrounding plants are becoming more and more unfamiliar. Looking at it, most of the flowers and plants are like never seen before: those brightly colored and beautiful women's winter coats The flowers that you touch and touch, and the shrubs covered with sharp branches: the spikes on those bushes are extremely hard. If you dare to run in, you can guarantee a maximum of three or four steps. Can pull a big piece of flesh from you!

For mercenaries, this is obviously a completely strange world.

The Zaku masters stared at this group of apparently lame human mercenaries with the eyes of moderate disasters, seemingly waiting for them to suffer: in fact, these mercenaries did suffer a lot .

The insects in the forest are many times larger than those seen outside. The mosquitoes at night are really scary. Those mosquitoes are flying and hovering, just like a group of hummingbirds! The sharp long mouth looks very scary. When you see such a large mosquito at first glance, the mercenaries even suspect that if you are bitten by this kind of thing, you can **** one of your arms into jerky. .

In fact, this guess was wrong, and it was quickly confirmed: a mercenary rolled out of a thick leather sleeping bag at night, and was almost bitten by a mosquito during a scream. One arm swelled directly like a trotter, and each finger became like a carrot.

The danger is not just these nasty mosquitoes: in this mountain forest, there are almost everything that can kill people: the trunk next to it is covered with some old green vines, which are gently entangled, layer by layer, but Occasionally when people pass by, hidden in the tree vine, maybe a green snake comes out suddenly! The size of this snake is not large, only about the thickness of an egg, but its strength is not small. A mercenary was accidentally entangled in the snake, and the snake's body was tightly tightened on his body. Le has deformed! Had it not been for Xia Ya's immediate rescue, I would have feared that the mercenary's bones had been broken.

Compared with those awkward mercenaries, walking in this forest, Charya's performance is more like those of Zaku.

A large, sturdy body walking in the woods, walking as lightly as a raccoon cat, carrying an axe to undertake the task of opening the road. "At this time, the upper armour seems to be no longer a human, but an incarnation. Part of the mountain forest, he behaves more like a superior, or a lynx or something. Walking on the front of the mercenary team, occasionally bending down and looking at the hand, you can catch a snake from the bush. Those snakes naturally have the skin color of the cover, mixed with the bushes and groves, and when they are not moving, they are like the same branches of trees and vines. They can't see at all, and they don't know why the eyes of the palate are so poisonous. , Gently and cleverly grabbed a lurking one in the dark, and then pinched the tail of the snake and flicked it. The snake bone was shaken, **** were stretched out, and the nail was on the belly of the snake. With two fingers, a snake gall was pulled lightly from the inside, and the mouth was swallowed bloodily, and then pouted, as if enjoying the taste.

In this life, the taste of snake guts was tasted by other mercenaries. In the past few days, Xia Ya has caught snakes all the way and almost every mercenary has eaten a snake gall. The taste is almost like a nightmare. The bitter taste seems It was silently attached to the tongue and could not disappear for a few days. The amazing thing is that after swallowing the snake gall, and sleeping at night, few mosquitoes came around and bite.

Walking deep in the woods, Xia also ordered that everyone not be allowed to regenerate the fire. He only ate some hard dry food every day, but he did not know from which bush he pulled out a bunch of weird shapes and plants with enlarged leaves. Come, squeeze a pinch in your hand, and squeeze out a ball of green juice. The taste is acrid, which is several times stronger than the onion. Xia orders that every ten mercenaries must apply these juices to Face, neck, arms, legs, and feet: All skin that is exposed outside the clothes must be completely coated.

As a result, each of the mercenary's pungent scent smoked red eyes and tears on their faces. Although it is uncomfortable, after applying these strange juices, let alone mosquitoes, there are no examples of being attacked by snakes.

Just last night, Xia drank a human mercenary in a deviating direction. The guy was probably trying to flatten the terrain, and took more than ten steps toward the side of the forward direction: there was a flat surface and it looked hard. Some of the land, as a result, Xia Adam immediately jumped down and pulled the man back, then Xia was black, and in front of everyone, grabbed the mercenary's sword and threw it far away. On the land, there was a small maggot that didn't seem deep and strange, but after Xia threw the long sword and broke a maggot, in the exclamation of the mercenaries around, The Shangli suddenly burst out like a tide!

The ants glowed red and crawled on the sword, but it was just a piece of thorny effort. The sword was originally sharp, and the sword's edge was corroded and seduced, and it was covered with incomplete gaps!

"If you just walk there without punishment, you have already been corroded into a skeleton by those ants." Xia Ya warned the mercenary coldly. "If you don't want to die, just do what I say. Don't disobey at all. Remember, everything here is far more dangerous than what you see. "This warning had an immediate effect, and the mercenaries were shocked. They were a lot honest, and almost followed Charya's walking. At each step, stepping on the footsteps left by Charya, most obviously it was Doodor, who almost walked all the way against Charya's back.

All these actions of Charya, those of Zaku, are in the eyes, and gradually, in the eyes of this man, the kind of gloat that had been waiting for the excitement before disappearing little by little, and gradually occasionally In Shaya's eyes, there was some identification.

This man's porcelain collar, I heard that it is still a major officer in the army, but it is different from those human caravans that people have seen. This guy, where is it like a ding, a human chief? He is more refined than the old hunters who have lived in the mountains all their lives:

"You really don't look like a human." When Zaku, a man named Azuo, stopped and took a break, the team Charya once again expressed his emotions. "I'll put you in a fur coat and put some dots on your face. You Caicai, you are a living Zaku. "For this kind of words that seem to be applauded, Xia just blackened her face and looked coldly at this Azuo, and the aura in his eyes made Azuo helpless. Scalp, Charia stared at the childish look he saw, making Azu think that he was hunting alone for the first time when he was young, and accidentally fell into the large net of the venomous venomous giant tooth spider, the behemoth at the time As the spider slowly crawled towards itself on the web, the air in that eye was as clear as this biting, and the humanity called Charya was almost master, two!

He still remembers so vaguely the poisonous light as big as a staring stare at him. At that time, he struggled hard, and finally broke through the solid cobweb, but the monster's giant teeth He still pierced his body, leaving a scar on his stomach that has not disappeared. That time, I lay there for two months before returning to the table.

At this moment, Charya stared at her own eyes, with a clear and unabashed attitude.

Staring at this sharp god, Azu's words couldn't be said, and there seemed to be a feeling of being pierced through.

"I'm not a fool." Xia suddenly said abruptly, "But I am willing to show my sincerity in cooperation, so I can stand it today!" Shang's eyes were fierce "I know, just before we entered the mountain , You quietly sent two men to leave first, go back to your tribe to report, and in order to ensure that the news is delivered to your tribe first, so although we have been hurrying every day these days, but in the direction of progress, you play After a little tricks, I calculated it myself. We walked for four days, but at least one and a half of them were deliberately walking around the road. "Azuo was speechless, and looked at Xia Ya awkwardly.

Xia Ya sneered suddenly: "I'm not angry, Bi Jing, you have to take precautions, you must first despise the collar of the tribe, if you change me, you will think of keeping one hand. But ... two days." Put **** up: I endured it for two days, it is already my limit. If you want to continue to take me in circles, I tell you, no need. In two days, the Throne of the Seal of God is enough for the person you sent back to arrive early. "Azuo is still speechless.

"There are traces. Since everyone is now a cooperative relationship, then we have come along, please, and your people, don't look at me with the attitude waiting to see our joke. Slowly shaking my head: e I do n’t like to be looked at this way, I do n’t like it! If you guys who just wait to see me look so unlucky in this mountain forest, then I can tell you that I will cut and take me People turn around and go back! Our cooperation ends here. If you really have sincerity, then show it to me! "Xia Ya sneered: stop hiding your arms! Humph! "Hidden ............... What to hide ..." A Zuo smiled reluctantly.

"You really think of me as a fool." Charlie shook her head. "From the red wilderness to your tribe, you have to walk through such a large wilderness and cross such a big and old mountain forest. You think I will believe that you Does the surname himself walk on both legs? If you only walk on both legs, then it takes at least two dings to go back and forth, month! You thought I would believe that every time you go to the goblin tribe to trade, It took me two months to be on the road! You must have any other way to make the speed faster, so my warning is that I endure to this day has reached the limit, if you do not show a little sincerity anymore Then, Zuo looked at Xia Ya, looked for a while, and saw a firmness in Xia Ya's eyes. He finally sighed and nodded: "Well, I promise. The people on Zaku soon acted.

Azuo said something to those masters, and every time this master bite) the man took off the little trombone worn on his waist. Soon, dozens of trumpet blew, The sharp whistling sound spread out in the forest immediately.

Almost a moment ago, a snoring response came from a distance. Listening to that voice, Charlie moved in her heart. The howling sound was sharp and long, like a certain animal ... A bark soon came from afar. Everyone waited for a while in the place, quickly ran out of a dark shadow from the woods, and ran closer, only to see that it was a group of wolves!

A group of gray wolves! These wolves are more than twice the size of ordinary wolves, and they are powerful and powerful to drive away. These beasts were obviously tamed by Zaku. When a group of wolves ran over, they had made the mercenaries nervous for a while, but quickly smoked, and the differences between these beasts ran, and these wolves ran over and left They rushed to each of Zaku's men, shaking their heads and shaking their tails, looking intimate.

"These are our mounts." When Azu introduced him, he was very proud. "My subordinates are the excellent wolf riders in the Zaku tribe!".

Xia Yaning looked at those giant wolves, and sure enough, he saw the mane on the back of each wolf clearly showing flat marks. Obviously, it was the trace left by the ride of the Seal of Throne for a long time, but he looked up again. Look at this Zuo, there is no wolf mount belonging to his master Zaku. "You?" "My mount is not a wolf." Azu smiled mysteriously, and he blew his own trumpet.

Soon, his mount was summoned! Between the pieces, the bushes in the woods were shaking, and in the exclaim of the mercenaries, a huge crawling thing larger than the Lynx ran out!

This thing has a slender body, and it is flying as it crawls on the ground. Its leather looks very hard, and there is a ball of airbags bulging high on the stubby neck, which keeps undulating as it breathes.

This thing is a lizard!

A giant howling lizard! !!

Xia has heard of this kind of thing. This is a kind of Warcraft. In addition to its relatively large body and amazing strength, it has had a howling skill. The sharp howling sound has a certain ability to damage, which can cause the enemy to comatose or confuse. .

The lizard rushed out, looking at the **** skin that was as hard as cowhide, and there were many sharp ridges protruding, but Azuo was very relaxed and quickly touched the lizard. Head turned and sat up.

"In the woods, not to mention those who can fly, my mount is the fastest type of running." Azuo said, pointing to the group of wolves, and some who were not riding on it. Fearing around, I don't know how these Zaku people tame this beast.

"Sia, every one of you picks a wolf to ride. Although the first ride will feel a little strange and feel a little bumpy, but believe me, it will not be much harder than learning horse riding." A Zuoyu took a sip and patted the shriek lizard under him. The lizard suddenly started to pluck, and the body quickly moved to the branch of a tree, then flung forward and fell on it. A few meters away!

Let's just silt up, now let the tilers return the Throne of Time Seal to the conversation upstairs in the goblin tribe a few days ago.

The shocking sensation that the conversation brought to Charlie did not fade until a few days later!

The snake girl used something that was creepy (snake language, and told Xia some incredible content. When Xia first heard it, she really couldn't believe her ears!

The conversation at the time was like this:

"I don't understand what you asked me to do." The snake girl's eyes were a little dreadful and nervous, but she still said it in the end. She, of course, speaks snake words. She doesn't say anything else. She also speaks about Zaku, but she seems to say the snake words intentionally, probably to hide the contents of the conversation. This is called Azuo. Superior.

There are special reasons for the snake woman's concealment!

I remember at the time, in the face of Xia ’s doubts, the snake girl's eyes turned red, and Yue's weak voice whispered "Please help us to get rid of the scourge of our entire family!"

Scourge? Get rid of? At the time, Xia did not understand at the time, and misunderstood the meaning of the snake girl. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to listen to the words of the snake, and he couldn't help looking at Azuo.

"No, it's not Azuo, it's not him." The next sentence of the snake girl almost made Xia petrified on the spot!

The snake girl pointed to the yellow-breasted giant snake Damandalas, "It's it! Please help us, get rid of this evil!" Get rid of ... Damandalas! Get rid of their own holy snake? !!

Charya was really dumbfounded.

"You don't understand." The snake woman's voice was a little anxious, and she also had a desolate flavor that was difficult to disperse: e This big snake, although it is the holy thing of our tribe, in fact, it has always been It is a huge shackle that scourges our tribe! Our tribe is almost all slaves serving it!

slave! "

The little snake woman looked very miserable, but thought that she did not dare to be too excited and shocked the vigilance of the great snake around her, but she could only speak to Xia with restrained and slow voice.

"You may not understand how these holy snakes are, bless, our tribe !, and then, this snake girl told a few things about Charya.

How did Dahmandras know that Xiaxia appeared in the tribe of Zaku. It is said that a long time ago, it was too long to know how many ages it was. In short, it was an era long ago. At that time, the Zakur tribe had already existed, but there were no so-called tribal relics. Sacred snakes and other things, but at that time, where the tribe of Zaku ’s tribe lived, it was said that in the south, a group of extremely terrifying monsters were entrenched, and in order to fight the attacks of those monsters, the Zaku ’s had suffered a lot. And bitter.

After the ride, I do n’t know when a Damandralas serpent appeared in Zaku ’s realm. This powerful snake soon gained the awe of Zaku ’s master. The last Damandras After helping Zaku ’s lord, resist the powerful monsters south of the tribe, and drove those monsters away, Dammandras became the role of patron saint of Zaku ’s tribe.

But the excitement of that year quickly turned into a nightmare for Zaku.

After running away the monsters in the south, Zaku ’s tribe quickly felt that this meal of Damandalas snakes was more harmful to them than those monsters before. “I was selected to serve the saint The snake woman of the snake. "The girl said in a terrible tone when she said here," but you know, how did a snake woman like me be picked out! "" ????? "Xia made one Confused expression.

"Every time, the Throne of the Seal of God will select a group of young girls in the clan, each time ranging from tens to a hundred. Then, these selected girls will All were taken to the holy snake, and the holy snake was used to select the right girl, but the young girls who were swarming in the selection process were driven into the cave where the holy snake lived. Ways to communicate with us. Only qualified girls can hear the Holy Serpent communicate with our soul. If you ca n’t hear the Holy Serpent ’s call from the soul, then it is even eliminated! The young girl who was eliminated, It will be eaten by the holy snake in the hole as a whole !!! However, you know that this selection, dozens of people or e hundred people at a time, the most poisonous can have three or four qualified, and sometimes even dozens of people collectively appear She was eaten, and none of the snake women satisfies the choice of the holy snake. "Hearing here, Charya couldn't help moving, and heard Dora's cold voice in her mind:

"Obviously, Damandras is using this magic of spiritual communication to select children with spiritual talents. Only girls with excellent spiritual talents can learn snake language through spiritual communication. It depends on each After a period of time, the throne of the Seal of God must be picked out, "Dora said, thinking for a while, and then suddenly shouted in Xia's mind:" I see! In these Zaku superior tribe Dammandras is a female snake !!! She must lay eggs every once in a while, and every time she lays, she needs to pick some snake women to take care of the eggs she laid, and then Slowly hatched into a young snake !!! "Sure enough, the later words of the snake woman proved that Dora's guess was correct.

"... Every time the sacred snake needs to lay eggs after selecting the snake woman, then it needs to enter into the dormancy of the Seal of the Throne for a period of time. During the dormant period, the snake woman takes care of the snake eggs ... The hatching of snake eggs turned into a little holy snake, such as the one around me, which I took care of and hatched. "

"It's just that I don't know why, every time the little snake that hatched out, in the process of growing up, eventually couldn't become as strong as the mother snake," said the snake woman, shaking her body. "But, as our Snake Woman, a tragic fate is doomed!

Because we take care of these hatched snakes, they will eat us as soon as the adulthood. It seems they treat us as the best supplement. "It is indeed a good supplement." Doracia sighed in her mind: "These selected snake women are all human beings with strong mental powers. With the natural ability of Dammandras, you can swallow these natural powers. Creatures tonic ... "

After a pause, Dora continued, "I probably understand ... there is a true Damandalas female snake in their tribe! It is a truly complete Damandalas, but Damanda Every time Russ lays eggs, she consumes a huge amount of magic power, so she needs to add magic power to the magic flame grass produced by the goblin tribe here! "The snake girl's voice shuddered with fear:" The most terrible thing is Holy snake, every time it will give birth to all the small snakes that have died in adulthood! It seems to be dissatisfied with the ability of these born small snakes, none of them can reach the level of it, so to speak, these we The snakes that the snake woman is responsible for taking care of, each of them cannot have the wisdom like a holy snake. They are closer to ordinary snakes without wisdom, but they are larger and stronger, and they also have some special ones. Skill, but never has a sacred snake with real wisdom, so the sacred snake can only seal the throne at regular intervals, keep spawning and select the snake woman to help it hatch, and this monster, it has been entangled Our tribe, enslaves our Zaku people, drives it, and feeds it! We also need to help it find the food that we have worked hard to produce poisonous mushrooms, and we must give them to these goblins in exchange ... For generations, I do n’t know how many girls like me are buried under Shekou! This monster, it is not the guardian of our Zaku tribe, it is a demon who enslaves us and **** our flesh. ,monster!"

Speaking, the snake girl sobbed in tears, and the big snake next to her really didn't have any wisdom, but just kept rolling with her body impatiently, and seemed impatient with the voice of the snake girl who served her:

Charlie frowned, pointing to herself, her face full of doubts, meaning: Why did you ask me for help?

And then pointed to that Azuo, meaning: there should be a powerful warrior in your clan, such as this Azuo, his strength is not weak, gather the warriors in your clan, and kill the holy snake.

"It can't be beaten by it." The snake girl's pale face was full of fear, her eyes dodging:

"My ancestors didn't think of nothing but just angered the holy snake twice and eaten a few warriors. The power of the holy snake is infinite. We are not its opponents at all. We have also thought of other things. Method, but it is too powerful! As far as we know, its only weakness is that it sleeps for a while after each spawning. But ... even when it is dormant, it is extremely alert. Anything I As long as the tribe's people are close to its hole, it will wake up instantly! And the only one who can approach the holy snake without being attacked by us is only us snake women, but we snake women are too weak, so d It can be close to it while it is asleep, and there is no way to cause it a little damage. Although our great chieftain has received the treasures given by the holy snake, they can not be attacked by them, but as long as they are close to the holy The snake will be felt at any time! As long as it is awake, we will never be able to fight. The only way is ........., sneak attack. The snake girl looked at Xia Ya with expectation, eyes Praying gaze came out, "You actually know the snake language, and what is even more rare is that you will be regarded by the snake as the same!" Then I think, this may be an opportunity when the Holy Snake is sleeping, and someone like you is close to it, maybe it wo n’t be noticed by it, so ... ”


Charlie sighed and sighed bitterly, thinking: This poor girl thought that I could avoid the alertness of the other party, so she wanted to ask me to help you, while the beast was sleeping, attacked and killed that thing ...

Azuo on the side obviously did not understand what was said between the two. The communication between the two was basically a snake girl telling the soul with snake words, but Xia just gestured and pointed, and Azuo couldn't listen at all. He knew the language of the snake, only to see Xia's gestures, his face became more confused.

"Dear sir, I can't tell other people about this matter, because the holy snake is very powerful. Over the years, my people have developed deep-rooted fear and submission to it. Challenges to it several times before failed. Bow has some **** revenge, and now gradually no one dares to resist anymore, so I cannot let the people know about this matter, and once they know it, they may still panic and instigate. It ’s our chief chief who wants to get rid of this scourge, so, my dear sir, I ask you to go to our tribe and meet our chief in person ... ”Charlie frowned, and then suddenly spoke : "Magic Kiss Taro."

He was speaking Byzantine, and then he looked at Ah Zuo: "Turn her over to her."

Azuo was full of fog on the side, and he could only say that the snake girl heard it in Zaku, and listened to ~ ~ immediately nodded: Zhan if this is the reward you need, there is no problem at all! If you can help us up and down our Zaku tribe, we will repay you with the greatest gratitude! "Then, the snake girl also added" I know, you humans like gold, and we have a lot of gold there. If, the chief warrior is willing to use all our gold in exchange for the freedom of our tribe! " "

gold! "All" gold? !! !! !!

It was this last sentence that made Xia still hesitant, and she settled down!

"Going to challenge an adult full-body Damandras?" In her mind, Dora's tone was very annoyed: "You are committing suicide! Stupid! I don't care about your life or death, but you haven't finished your promise Matter! I need you to send me back to the graveyard of the Dragon clan. You can't die now! "

Xia Ya snorted: Please! Didn't I run to slaughter you? The results of it? It's man-made, who doesn't have a chance without trying? "

After a pause, the sly character of Shanghang was exposed: "And ... if it isn't working, I can't fight it, won't I run away? Besides, even if I don't kill that, what Damandras, In order to kiss the taro, this trip is always done. "

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