
Chapter 183: [Sky Attack Tribe] (below)

(Today's second arrival!)

Chapter 183 Tiangong Tribe (2)

Follow the red wilderness all the way to the northeast, and soon came to the long river that Xia Ya had traveled through, and along the river to the north, the terrain gradually became higher all the way, seeing the flat wilderness around The upper quality gradually softened a bit, apparently the upper soil near the river has been washed away by the river for many months, the geology is slightly better than other places, and occasionally some transported woods can be seen, although the trees are still sparse and short , But better than the vast barren land before. Say reading is all

After walking north along the river for two days, the destination of the trip finally arrived at this afternoon!

As far as the front line of sight, you can see a sloping field that is two or three miles long. The sloping field is located on the west side of the long river. It covers a small piece of half-yellow and green vegetation along the sloping field. According to Tian Gong, its tribe Right in the middle of the sloping field, that sloping field is like a half-arc embrace. The place where the tribe is located is just surrounded by this sloping field, but it is a natural good place.

At this moment, Tianqi ’s disease is mostly better, and he has recovered a bit of his former correction. He has also recovered his strength by five or six points. Although he will breathe hard and sweat if he is strenuous, but he can already carry it. A big axe from another mercenary practiced for a moment.

I was in my old nest at this moment. I had been away from home for more than six months and I could n’t help but feel a little excited. I jumped onto the carriage and shouted at the cheering “Ok Ook” facing the wind ahead.

The team continued to move forward, and soon, the side of the valley can see the sloping valley and the mouth of the valley across the wall, apparently built by the goblins themselves, and the wall is not more than one meter high, if it is an ordinary human, physically healthy, It was over once, but passed, but for the short goblin, it is already quite good defense.

Looking at such a large team from afar, a few green little heads soon appeared behind the wall, and they looked at the original group in alarm and panic. Exclaimed.

There was a fence made of wood between the upper wall towel, and soon a few goblins ran out to move the fence up to block the door, and then several madly ran back to report.

When the convoy came to the valley entrance, as soon as the state stopped, they heard a noise and footsteps from the inside. Charya was standing in the carriage, and two or three hundred goblin warriors had run out of the valley. The goblins are obviously much more elite than those of other goblin wanderers encountered on the road. Although they still don't lose their race, they are short and sturdy, but they are quite strong. Obviously, they can eat and wear warm clothes and weapons. It is also basically "metallized" like the zombie who casually holds a tree stick, which is invisible.

Even Xia Ya's eyes sharpened, and she saw one of them, a team goblin, holding a bow and arrow in her hand!

Although the bows used by the goblins are much smaller than the ones used by humans, just like children's toys, how good Charya sees, at a glance, the texture of those bows is pretty good, some bows The bow angles are actually covered with animal skin, but the arrows are spotted, and many of the arrows that are placed on the bow strings are sharpened with white bone.

However, being able to be equipped with a technical arm such as an archer is enough to show that this tribe is unique.

Hundreds of tribal warriors embraced the wall and looked outside in fear. At this time, Tian Gong ran to the front with an axe, stood in front of the wall, and yelled at the inside for a while, on the wall. When the goblins saw the attack, they immediately became upset!

Some goblins suddenly shouted, "Oak O'Kee, shouted. The scene was a little chaotic at the moment, and more goblins jumped off the wall, preparing to move away from the fence blocking the gate.

It was only very soon that a small team of goblins holding swords ran out and slashed at the companions who were about to open the door, and killed those guys. Those goblins raised their whip and rushed to the wall and drank. , And soon the chaos of the scene was suppressed.

"It seems that these guys are not too big to open the door to meet the sky attack." Xia Ya smiled.

Soon, some goblin warriors swarmed a guy out of the valley. At the look of this guy, Xia almost laughed!

The guy who was surrounded by them wanted to be the new leader in the tribe now.

There is no doubt that this is also a goblin, but this goblin, from the appearance, is really amazing!

Many humans are outside, some riding on horsebacks, some standing on the top of the carriages, and they can see clearly. When they see the look of the goblin collar inside, many people are weird looking. Scratching his head directly, he murmured, "* Is this a goblin or a pig?"

The goblin collar in it, to say that one of its biggest features is fat! !!

Honestly, Xia has never seen a goblin grow up like this! !!

Generally speaking, goblins live in poor areas such as the red wilderness, and food is always in short supply. Therefore, most goblins are almost invisible except that they are born short. Every goblin is very thin.

Most goblins give the impression that they are green, skinny, and short, skinny guys.

But the goblin in front of him leads it, can it still be a goblin? !! !!

In terms of height dagger, it is half a head taller than an ordinary goblin, and only a little shorter than the sky attack. But in terms of body shape, I am afraid that adding four ordinary goblins together may not be enough for one of them!

Looking from a distance, this guy is wrapped in a colorful leather robe, and I don't know how many animal skins were used to piece it together. When walking, under the robe, the whole body seems to have fatty meat. Stop shaking! It walked along all the way, just like a piece of meat waves rolled over, it didn't seem to come over, but "rolled over".

The goblin is originally short, so its short legs are even less obvious in the contrast of the fat body. As for the neck, it seems to have no neck, and there are three layers of green fat under the chin! The piles are crowded together, and the face is covered with thick layers of fat. The pair of eyes that have been squeezed are already small, and they have been squeezed by the fat so that they are almost invisible.

As for the waist, to be honest, it has no waist! It looks like a ball!

This guy was surrounded by a group of goblins and came to the wall. After seeing the outside attack across the wall, he shouted loudly. After the ~ ghosts behind the wall, they all lifted up after hearing the call. The arms shouted.

The outside attack was obviously very angry, and there was a sound of excitement similar to that of Oak Oak.

"Let the sky attack come back." Xia shook her head. "It seems that it is not possible to solve it easily, but you have to use a sword to speak."

When Shalpa heard it, he ran to the front and brought Tian Gong back. Tian Geng's anger was violently thundering in front of him. He yelled for a while, but Xia smiled and waited for Tian Gong to finish. , Said: "Speaking of people, what is going on."

"Inside! Lead! Brother! Mine!" Everyone understood the word of Tian Gong.

Shalpa couldn't help laughing. "*, It's the same as raising a lot of people, right? These guys are not humans, but *, how do your brothers look so different? God attack, isn't your brother a pig?"

Tian Gong muttered mournfully: "Tribe, mine, take back! Brother, mine, not good, kill!"

Xia Ya smiled: Since this is the case, there is nothing to say, just start playing.

Asked Philip to drive those goblins to the front and paused for a while, Charlie stood on the carriage and looked inward, suddenly yelling.

"Someone in the valley?"

When everyone heard it, they jumped into the car and stood looking at it from a high place.


In the valley, just behind the goblins, there seemed to be such a small group of people! Those guys stood far behind the goblins, separated from the goblin groups, and looked on coldly. Although the distance was far away, under the background of the surrounding goblins, it was clear that they were humans!

These guys are wearing colorful animal skin robes ~ ~ One by one, the skin is faintly dark, red in the black, bright in the red, and strong in shape, appearing extremely in a small goblin garish. Although the number is not large, there are only so many like twenty or thirty, but each one is full of energy and sturdy, and each has a sharp spear sticking out from behind with a short spear behind him, and some He also has a bow in his hand. These guys stood there, just looking at the eyes of Chara and others, and the other side was looking here too, and the two sides hit each other.

Xia Ya clearly felt that those strange humans shot their own eyes with a clear curiosity, but there was not much hostility.

"Those are Master Zaku."

Philip's voice sounded in Char ’s ears. "I've seen Master Zaku in that year. That's how it looks."

When Xia Ya heard it, she felt relieved. It seems that Tian Gong is indeed true. Its tribe is indeed in contact with the tribe of Zaku.

"Ha! Eat dry and drink thin, it depends on the tribe today." Xia Ya smiled: Now that I have found Zaku, then the gold will be far away! Aha, and magic kiss incense! "The second one arrives, and the third one later, everyone, please wait!

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