Conquer the World

Chapter 635: Only 1 hope left

Chapter 635 Only One Expectation Left

When Fang Jie took the team to the Crescent City where Daojie Yongbei was located, the news from Xiaoqi School made Fang Jie surprised for a while. Not long after he led his troops south, Luo Yao went into the Pang Ba army by himself. That night, he even slashed 30 or more generals of the top four in the Pang Ba army and more than 200 people below the fourth. , Tearing it alive into two pieces. The major practitioners in Pang Bajun were also killed.

Overnight, Luo Yao was killed by almost all the generals in the Pang Ba army, shocking everyone.

In fact, before Luo Yao came to the large account of Pang Pa, he had already made a round in the camp. Even a practitioner as powerful as him is absolutely incapable of slamming the 300,000 army, but he can silently kill those generals. Although this is not Luo Yao's style, he has exhausted his patience.

A secret in Chang'an City made him sleepless.

If that rumor is true, then the Yang family has not only targeted enemies like Xeon Xiuwei this century. And on the battlefield, once the Yang family started this secret, it might really turn things around. After King Dalun Ming died, Wan Xingchen also died. Originally, according to Luo Yao's speculation, he would no longer have a real opponent in this world, but what happened in Changan City made him worry.

In order to confirm this as soon as possible, he even did anything to go against his intention. The hegemony of this kind of thing was just a game to him, but as he walked out of Yongzhou, he found out that there are still many things in the world that he doesn't understand. Many things he didn't understand.

And these things can threaten him.

Therefore, Luo Yao, who was a bit boring, suddenly became full of interest in this world again. He thought of the secrets in Changan City from Wan Xingchen that he did n’t know exactly, and whether there was such a fear of existence outside the Central Plains. ? He felt it necessary to go further, if any.

Chang'an City is not the pinnacle of life.

Another reason why he entered the Panba camp and started the slaughter was because he was injured ... Wan Xingchen's sword of seven hundred miles eventually hurt him, although Luo Yao knew that he was only the King of the Great Wheel. An avatar, which is too far away from the body, did not accept that half of Dalun Ming ’s death should have belonged to his practice, so he could n’t win the million stars that he ’d practiced for nearly 200 years. He did n’t lose much regret.

He knows himself very well.

Even if only half of the cultivation of the body is left, it is impossible to stop the sword of Wan Xingchen.

Of course, he also knew that Wan Xingchen at that time had reached the end of his life, and a full blow was not the state at the peak. He also knew that if the secret in Changan City was true, Wan Xingchen had spent half of his cultivation to complete the secret.

But even so, he was still confident.

Although his physique is not perfect, he has an alternative all the time. When needed, he would pick it up, naturally.

After slaughtering the lieutenant General Pang Ba, Luo Yao stood in the camp and declared that the army belonged to him. The soldiers stared at him blankly and horrified, and no one could believe that most of the generals in the army were killed overnight. Who else dare to say no to Luo Yao?

Although it sounded strange, Luo Yao was so straightforward that he took over Pan Pa's army. When Luo Xiaotu's frontal attack suppressed the army of the imperial court, Luo Yao took the Pangba's men and horses into the ribs of the imperial army with a severe knife from the flanks. It was as if Pang Pa had taken the horse with him, and he suddenly poked at him from behind.

Xu Xiaogong and Liu Enjing were defeated. The court lost half of their troops and had to return to Gyeonggi-do.

Luo Yao was only separated by a river and mountain from Changan City.

After receiving this news, Fang Xie's heart was shocked. He didn't know what secrets there were in Changan City, so he was more worried. If Luo Yao advances at this speed, it may not be long before he can enter Changan. Chang'an City is very large and sturdy. However, there is no way to be relieved. If Luo Yao captured Chang'an, then his own entry was relatively slow.

Whether it is the advancement of individual cultivation, or the competition for the advancement of the country.

As long as Luo Yao walks into Chang'an City, it is equivalent to getting the orthodox tradition of the Central Plains. At that time, more people will have to admit Luo Yao's dominance. At that time, it will be more difficult for Fang Jie to lay down his own territory.

So he was anxious.

Very anxious.

So much so that he didn't stay in Yongbei Road for a long time, after taking over the grain supply and the 10,000 Jun soldiers in Yongbei Road, he immediately went south and went straight to Yongzhou. He wanted to go to Yongzhou not only to fight against the Nanban, but also the biggest temptation for him personally. He needs to see Luo Yao's wife again. If anyone in the world understands Luo Yao's weakness, it can only be Chu.

Luo Yao is a thorn in Fang Jie's heart. This thorn cannot be pulled out, and he cannot be practical.



When Fang Jie arrived in Yongzhou, it was almost New Year, but the climate of Yongzhou was just right and warm. The weather is neither hot nor cold, making people feel extra comfortable. With nearly 40,000 cavalry, the 30,000 county soldiers' team looked spectacular. The people who fled northward along the way stood on the side of the road and looked curiously at this huge team. They did not know who was cheering the court army first. Coming, the refugees began to boil.

A pale-haired old man fell to the ground, his tears crisscrossing.

"I thought ... I would never see our soldiers in Da Sui again in this life."

His voice was dry and trembling, sad.

A middle-aged man hurried over to help him up and wipe away his tears: "Dad, don't cry, seeing the army sent by the imperial court, we will end our hard days of fair trade! The court did not give us up, no!

After entering the Pingshang Road, Fang Jie no longer took a car, but instead walked in the line on a white male lion. He witnessed the sadness on the faces of the people and the joy of seeing the arrival of the army. It was joy from the heart, without any hypocrisy. The old man who was crying to the ground may have been stubborn and used to live by the Shang people and refused to admit he was Sui. But when the disaster came, he found that the only thing he could look forward to was Sui Jun.

Fang Jie walked by the old man and kept looking back.

"The army is here!"

Cheers rose from the refugees and infected the Black Flag and the County Soldiers. For the first time, they found that the people welcomed themselves with such sincere feelings.

"Kill all the southern barbarians!"

"Kill the scum!"

The people waved their arms at the army, and their pale faces became increasingly red. They spontaneously let go of the official way, and stood in the ditch beside the road and cheered to the team. They were ragged, their skin was yellow, they were tortured, and just when they were almost desperate, the army came.

"Scourge is worse than natural disaster ..."

Sitting in the carriage looking at the refugees outside the window, Sang Yue sighed lowly. From the western prairie to the southern part of the Central Plains, she saw too much misery along the way. People on the prairie are suffering military disasters, and people in the Central Plains are also suffering military disasters. I don't know who opened the devil's box, so that the worst disaster in the world came to the West and the Central Plains at the same time.

She looked up again into the sky, as if looking for an answer in the misty clouds.

This scourge that has affected almost half of the world, is it artificial or natural? If it is God's will, why should God treat its people in this way? Is there something to destroy?

Unfortunately, she couldn't find the answer.

The troop slowed down because of the refugee wave. Many soldiers threw their dry food to refugees on the roadside. There was no stopping this solution, although he knew that it would not be a problem for the army. Good thing. He turned back and instructed Chen Dingnan to take people to protect the heavy battalion at the back, and some people would do impulsive things at any time.

"If someone rushes to the heavy camp to grab things, try not to kill."

Fang Xie exhaled a long breath, then took his eyes back from the refugees. The big city called Yongzhou in front has appeared in sight. When I saw the gray and black outline last time, I felt very majestic and solemn, but today I look a little bit more alone and desolate.

Fang Xie suddenly thought that he had been going back for several years.

He left Fan Gu and went back. Leaving Huangyang Road and returning to Huangyang Road. Leaving Yongzhou and returning to Yongzhou ... When I think of it here, two words can't be restrained from my mind naturally, if it is destined that every place that was once important to him will go again, Then maybe there is no exception.

These two words are Chang'an.



This was the second time Luo Qiu saw Fang Jie, but found that the young man in front of him looked so strange. The last time Fang Xie came to Yongzhou, Luo Qiu's impression of him was just a young man with a bit of bad luck, but this time, he didn't dare to look down on it.

Fang Jie's temperament seemed to change a lot.

"Jiaoxiao ... long time no see!"

Luo Qiu did not call General Fang selectively, but used a more intimate term. He seems to be getting a lot older these days.

"grown ups!"

Fang Xie was far away from the ceremony, no matter what his mind was when he came to Yongzhou last time, at least it didn't hurt him. And in Yongzhou, this person still took care of his life a lot. Without resentment, Fang Jie naturally does not behave coldly and arrogantly.

"What is your name ... you and me shouldn't be so talented."

Luo Qiu pulled Fang Jie's hand together and headed for the city together: "If you still treat me as your own, call me a sergeant, and don't humiliate you?"

"how come!"

Fang Xie laughed: "I'll change my name after that ~ ~ I'll go to Shibo to eat and eat tonight!"

Luo Qiu laughed, and Fang Jie's eyes swept across the crowd, and he immediately understood what he meant: "Luo Yao's wife Chu was originally coming, but I was stopped. Today, after all, you represent the court Here, Luo Yao's current identity ... if she appears, it will be bad for you. But I have invited her to my house, and you can meet later. "

Listening to Luo Qiu's statement, Fang Xie determined that Luo Yao had not told his wife the truth. Luo Yao should be very clear that Fang Xie is not his son at all, but a physical candidate he replaced. Thinking of this, he suddenly understood why Luo Yao didn't tell the truth about Chu ...

She has suffered enough in these years, even Luo Yao can tolerate her personal feelings, how can she be willing to hurt her? At that time, Luo Yao personally killed Luo Wu, and then personally killed Luo Wen who was captured by Shi Yuan Tianzun and captured the flesh. It was as if he severely pierced two swords on Chu's heart. If she told her that it wasn't her son's business, she might really collapse.

This woman, after the death of her husband and son, seems to have only Fang Jie's hope.

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