Conquer the World

Chapter 604: There is 1 kind of slave called Su Lao Dog

Chapter 604 There is a slave named Su Laogou

Who can think that the emperor came home, a group of slaves who had kept the door actually stopped him from returning, and blocked it with an arrow rain. Emperor Yang Yi of the Great Sui Dynasty may be divided into three parts. The first part was when he was the prince. Although his life was full of intrigue, at least he could sleep firmly every day.

The second part is the time after eleventh year before the Western Expedition, which is the most brilliant peak of his life. In these eleven years, he turned his hands over the clouds. Even his opponents secretly had to praise him as a sage monarch who could be compared with Taizu and Taizong.

The third stage is after the defeat of the Western Conscription.

In recent years, he has fallen from a supreme emperor to a poor man who cannot return home. When he left Changan City, he once cut more than 30,000 heads. At that time, he just wanted to leave a clean imperial court for the prince. In the northwest, he cut hundreds of human heads, but his purpose remained unchanged.

But when he returned, those who were dead started to make a mess.

The dead cannot naturally be resurrected, but none of these dead are ordinary people. Many living people have long been full of hatred for the emperor because of the dead. Those who died had friends, allies, family, relatives, and siblings. These people naturally did not want to see the emperor return to Chang'an.

Of course, even without these dead people, many people would want the emperor to die.

The most important one was the contradiction where the emperor felt pained and downright.

An elder **** who looked thin, tied an emperor who looked thinner than him to his back, rode a horse, and rushed towards thousands of elites without hesitation, facing the arrow rain. At this time, the cultivation of Tongming Realm was exhibited by him without hesitation. He spread all his inner strength around his body, and shook away the feather-like arrow for the emperor and himself.

If Su Buwei, an upright and mature man, he would be able to escape in front of the arrow formation even without such a profound cultivation. He can avoid hitting at all, but avoid walking away.

However, although Su Buwei is deeply cultivated, he is already very tired. On the way he was almost constantly taking care of the emperor, almost exhausted. And he still has scruples, and behind him is a mountain. The emperor's body is very light, but heavier!

If he evades, then his cultivation can definitely deal with it calmly.

But he was breaking.

Even if those thousands of elites were taken out alone in his eyes, they were as weak as ants, but when they were together, they could not pile up a great practitioner. After two rounds of feather arrows, all Jinyi schools have died. At this time, Su Buwei raised his inner strength because he wanted to save as much strength as possible. There are not necessarily only a few thousand archers who are standing in front of them.

The war horse wailed and finally fell down.

Su Buwei concentrated on protecting the emperor without too much effort to take care of it. The arrows were too dense to guard against.

At the moment when the war horse fell, Su Buwei plunged up suddenly. He was like an old eagle that could still fly high, fell directly on the arrow array, and then swept forward on the heads of those soldiers. The soldiers continued to wave their swords in exclaim, trying to cut him off, but they couldn't keep up with his speed.

The soldiers behind began to spread out, so Su Buwei could not find his head and continued to borrow.

Su fearlessly fell into the crowd, and then pushed forward with both hands, a violent burst of inner strength blasted in the opposite crowd. In a split second, dozens of soldiers were killed by huge pressure. Blown out.

Su Buwei rushed forward carrying the emperor, and countless giant shields rushed around behind the archers, trying to squeeze Su Buwei. Su Buwei patted on a giant shield, and the two arms of the soldier holding the shield were immediately shaken out of his body and flew out.

The giant shield smashed backwards and slapped a dozen soldiers to death.

The four or five self-cultivation generals stopped in front of them, and two of them were killed by a punch by Su Buwei, and another one kicked off. The others behind him had not yet had time to shoot, and Su Buwei had rushed out. The military array of thousands of people was deposited on the official road, and the thickness was by no means easy to break through.

But Su Buwei had no intention of killing people at all, and each hit was just to open the way.

As more and more soldiers fell down, Su Buwei was like a lone boat running up against a river. Instead of being swept back by the current, he even split it. Where he passed, the river cracked a gap from the middle, and the waves rolled over on both sides.

In just a few minutes, Su Buwei ruptured the arrow array and rushed out.

Yang Shun, who was sitting near the woods not far behind the military formation, took a look and frowned.


He said a word, then fell silent again.

The soldiers behind the arrow array flickered away, revealing a dozen bed crossbows.

With a shout, more than a dozen huge heavy crossbows blasted towards Su Buwei, who had just been shot out of the arrow array. Su Buwei just felt empty when he passed through the crowd, and the dozen or so heavy crossbows blasted towards this side. There was no concern about the soldiers behind Su Buwei.

Su Buwei's eyes flickered, his body was transferred to a heavy crossbow, and then he jumped up and stepped on a heavy crossbow in the air. His body fluttered behind the crossbow car. The dozen or so heavy crossbow will be at least seven or eight. Ten soldiers overturned, and a wailing sounded immediately.

Falling behind the crossbow, Su did not fear and continued to rush forward.


At least three hundred fine riders have begun to speed up.



Su Buwei twitched at the corner of her mouth, and then scolded a bunch of **** slaves! In his eyes, everyone, including himself, was the slave of the man behind him.

He rushed forward at a rapid speed, and then leaned forward with his arms and passed between the two war horses. At the moment of crossing, he turned his hand on one horse and one leg The two war horses hissed immediately and were pulled down, and the knight on the horse immediately flung forward.

The elder **** who looked so skinny and fragile was holding a war horse in one hand to open the road, like a **** of killing from the sky.

The contrast between the thin body and the two tall warhorses in his hand is so shocking!

He kept dancing horses, and then smashed one cavalry after another. When he and the three hundred cavalry passed by, a body was left on the official road. Those cavalry had never thought of it, and someone would defeat them in this way.

Su Buwei threw away the two already broken dead horses, and then smashed the head of the last cavalry with a finger in the air. He jumped up in the air and pushed away the blood-sprayed corpse, turning the direction after holding the horse. Rushed out to Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, did you get hurt?"

He asked anxiously as he struck the horse.

The emperor shook his head: "No, you have worked hard."

Su Buwei felt relieved, and then urged the war horse to rush forward. The cavalry behind him had turned his horse to chase after him, and Yang Shunhui suddenly waved his hand: "No need to chase."

He looked at the man who rode away and murmured in a very light voice: "Why is it necessary to come back?"

If Su Wuji is doing a little work, he must be faster than a warhorse in a short distance, but he doesn't dare to spend a little more energy, because he knows that the real block may not have appeared yet. As long as they are not entangled with those soldiers, there is almost no chance that overhaulers will be piled to death by soldiers.


Su Buwei whispered to the emperor, and then he suddenly stared at the end of his speech. He jumped down from the horse immediately, rushing forward, and then left the horse. Smashed on the warhorse fiercely, the horse was shattered into a large pool of flesh without even screaming.

"Your Majesty is careful, the slave may have to move slightly larger."

Su Buwei said quietly, and then punched out into the woods on the side. The two big trees broke off, and a middle-aged man behind the tree immediately vomited a large amount of blood. He still wanted to take a shot, but found that his own Dan Tian Qi Hai had been broken. The feminine inner strength made him unable to resist.

Su Buwei no longer cares, picking up all the inner strength to raise the speed, at least thirty practitioners emerge from the woods, and they are chasing after him. These people alone are not as good as Su Youwei, but now the ability that Su Youwei can play out is not as good as before.

Sword intent, sword spirit, and even a constant attack, Su Buwei tried to dodge as much as possible and let himself face those attacks so that the emperor was always behind him, without being hurt. But because of this, his internal energy is consumed very quickly.

After killing nine masters, seven masters, eight masters and nine masters in succession, his calf was also cut open by the sword master of that master master. Blood ran down his trousers, leaving a trail of blood footprints on the official path.

Listening to Su Buwei's heavy gasp, the emperor couldn't help asking: "Can you persist?"


Su Buwei nodded his head: "Your Majesty is assured, slaves are hardened!"

After this, Su Buwei's body suddenly froze, followed by a blood spout on his chest. If it wasn't for him to block with the inner strength in time, the sudden inner strength just now almost penetrated his heart.

"Tong Ming Jing!"

Su did not fear the sudden contraction of the pupil.


His heart tightened, and then a sense of weakness emerged from his heart, which soon spread all over his body. At this time he thought that His Majesty really shouldn't leave Zhang Zhenren in Liu Enjing's army for the sake of Da Sui, but it was that Liu Enjing, but at the last moment sent someone to chase away the cavalry.




It seems that the old dean, who has been almost unable to move, is packing his belongings in the hiding room. His movements are very slow and he is very serious. Several new clothes that were specially made for him have been put in the package, and Next to the parcel was an ancient sword.

He looked at the sword, and looked at the three words inscribed on the scabbard.

Wan Jian Tang

When he was young, he took this sword to travel all over the country, let everyone say with consolation, Wan Xingchen, you are the first person in the world!

After all these years, the sword has been lonely for a long time.

He slowly stroked the scabbard slowly, took a piece of cloth and tried to wipe away a little dust that was stained on it. At this moment, his eyes suddenly changed, and then he looked south. He closed his eyes and gazed at the perception, and then whispered a word to see so many hearts, but he still could not see the royal mind!

The voice is still there, and people have disappeared.

Tai Chi Temple

Tai Chi Temple

Emperor Yang Chengqian, an emperor of the Xing Dynasty who was only sitting in a dragon chair, frowned, looking at the folds stacked in front of him. Just before the pen was drawn, a hump-backed old man appeared in front of him. He glanced at him flatly and then stretched out his hand. He grabbed the front of his clothes, and in the exclaim of the minister and the guards, they disappeared at the same time.


Su vomited a spit of blood, glanced at the fracture of her right arm, and looked at her left leg with only a layer of skin attached.

"Your Majesty ... weren't you surprised?"

He vomited blood and asked, trying his best to keep his tone steady.


The emperor bit his lip and answered, there were no tears left in the dry eyes.

"All right, slaves will take you back to Chang'an."

Su Buwei made himself smile, but didn't know how ugly he looked now. He jumped forward with one leg. The broken leg hung on him, swinging back and forth as he jumped.

The two old men chased up from behind, while pinching Jianjue and pointing downwards in the air, two swords intended to catch up with Su Buwei from behind, Su Buwei turned on one leg, blocking his two abilities with his chest. Sword Qi that split the boulder. With a quick slap, there were two more holes in his chest immediately.

But because there was too much blood loss, there was no blood left in the wound.

"Your Majesty ... Slave ... I can't seem to take you back ..."

Su, who was standing on one leg, was shaking fearlessly, fighting his last inner strength to block the sword's air without hurting the emperor behind him, and he was exhausted. I tried my best to keep myself from falling. The emperor nodded his head vigorously, and pressed Su Buwei's ears, "Dying with you, I'm glad!"

The two old men landed, striding towards this side: "Your Majesty, you really shouldn't have come back. Your prince has already ascended the throne. Your majesty is still here."

The emperor glanced at them both, and smiled coldly: "Okay ... okay! In the Tai Chi Temple, he had two dogs that bit his master!"

"We are not dogs, and you are not emperor."

Another old man raised his hand and pointed at the emperor: "Our duty is to listen to the emperor, but you are not."

With a movement of his finger, a sword stabbed at the emperor's eyebrow.


The old man had a hole in his eyebrow, with a small forehead and the size of soy beans, but the entire back of the brain was directly smashed, and the rotten brain was blown out and splashed behind the overdue practitioner who was too late to dodge .

"Big ... Lobby Master ..."

The undead practitioner practiced a spit throat, watching the old man who suddenly appeared beside the emperor.

"When I taught you swordsmanship, I didn't teach you Junjun."

The old dean sighed: "Did you feel that Wan Jiantang's name is no longer on the rivers and lakes, and Wan Jiantang's rules don't have to be kept? Do you learn things in the Tai Chi Temple? ? "

The old man looked at Wan Xingchen in fear, and glanced at the young emperor Yang Chengqian who was held in his hands by Wan Xingchen.

"A disciple knows wrong!"

"I don't kill you, you can go to Jiangnan Tong Ancient Academy, you can kill a few and kill a few, and you can die like a bit. I allow you to show the name of Wan Jiantang, go."

Wan Xingchen said lightly.

The old man's face changed, then he nodded vigorously: "Disciple understand!"



at last

Su Buwei couldn't hold on to the ground anymore, and slumped to the ground with a heavy face. He had lost his mind, blood had blurred his eyes, and he could no longer see His Majesty the Emperor behind him. The old **** lying on the ground, still holding the ground with one arm, wanted to climb forward. But where he still had the strength to crawl, it was just in vain.

"Your Majesty ... Are you coming to Chang'an?"

he asks.

While on the road ~ ~ the emperor always asks him this way.

Su old dog, is it coming to Chang'an?

Now, change him to ask the emperor.

The emperor bit his lip and nodded, "Here it is!"


Su Buwei grinned and smiled, "Slavery doesn't humiliate the mission ... Slavery ... after all, takes you home."

The smile was frozen on his face and would never disappear.

The emperor lay on him, as if he had been taken away with the last trace of anger.

There was a stingy man named Su Buwei.

There is a kind of minion ...

PS: At the end of this volume, there will always be such tragic and sorry, I am also uncomfortable.

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