Conquer the World

Chapter 561: Later later

(Do you know how to make the Zhibai guy sit in front of the computer and smirk and keep coding? It's easy, throw him on a monthly pass!)

Chapter 561 Later Later

The surroundings became extraordinarily quiet, and it seemed that none of the voices could wake up Fang Jie from shock. Just a second ago, Sang Wei's bland words made him feel what was upside down. He really didn't expect that the Han man who squatted on the ground to eat raw yellow lamb would be the Great King of Ming. King Dalun ... is actually a Han? !!

These four words are like thunder.

Ms. Sang's apprehension was unsurprising. When she first saw the notes, she was even more shocked than the answer. At that time she felt that her breathing had stopped and the world became pale.

Fang Xie raised his head, forcing his eyes to leave the note. He looked into Mulberry's eyes, trying to find the most reasonable explanation.

"Without this note, no one will ever know that passage."

Sang Yan looked at Fang Xie and said very seriously, "When Sang Luan met the Han man, he was just curious about how a Han man appeared on the grassland, and he grabbed food for survival and a wild wolf. Then the Han man threw it He had a leg of yellow sheep and a gentle smile, and then they came together. They haven't separated for at least several decades. It can be said that the rivers and mountains laid by San Ran have half the credit of the Han. "

"He taught Sanrang many things, such as how to use strategies to deter people. Sanran taught him how to practice ..."

After Fang Xie was silent for a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief: "Then, after many years, the Han people criticized Sanran as the source of human evil, called it a demon. Then he sat on the seat of San Ran and became a new San Ran ... but he did better than San Ran, because he learned from San Ran's experience and knew that in order to control people, he must fool people. "

Mulberry didn't speak, but the things in his eyes were extremely sad.

Fang Xie said: "If all of this is true, perhaps Ming Dynasty had planned to overthrow Sanlang long ago, so he would have been hiding behind the scenes to make suggestions for Sanlang, and he chalked it up. Get up, then build your own prestige with the help of Sanlan. "

Mulberry pointed at the note: "This note is for you, I have remembered everything inside."


Fang Xie asked.

"After you have heard the story I told, I will tell you why I gave you this note."

Sang Yue talked with her head down, and her gaze was on her fingertips: "After Sang Luan returned to Wudao Mountain, he fulfilled his original promise and built a very majestic city under Wudao Mountain. Everyone under Wudao Mountain was divided. Get a big house of their own, magnificent. They do not need to work anymore, but enjoy the worship of the people in other places. The army will continue to transport the plundered money and food to Wudao City. No city can hold so many looted things. Gold and silver flow down the ramp outside the gate, like a rushing river. "

"Then Sangran sent 19 soldiers to demolish Tie Liu Guo who had insulted Wu Daoshan's people to the ground. Millions of people from Tie Liu Guo were killed, and the rest were captured back to Wu Daoshan as slaves. Tie Liu The Khan of the kingdom was nailed to the walls of the iron capital by the nineteen chaos, and it has been blown by the wind and rain.

"Since then, the magic of mulberry chaos has really grown stronger. He seems to be unable to control his desire and begins endless slaughter and conquest. Later, he controlled the entire steppe and ordered the people on the steppe to Women over 15 and under 20 were sent to Wudao City. He wanted to choose a wife because he felt very lonely and no one shared his loneliness with him at night. I do n’t know how many rebellious families were killed. How many women died halfway from starvation and cold. "

Fang Jie nodded: "I have heard of this period of time, the Buddhist people often used this to promote the evil of chaos. Buddha said that many women who died halfway could not be estimated because there were too many corpses. So that the beasts on the grassland became mad. Because they ate too much human flesh, and even a hare the size of a cow ... It is not credible, but it fools many people. "

Mulberry said: "Naturally no hare as large as a cow will appear, but many people will indeed die. If some clans do not know this in time, he will send an army to slaughter the entire tribe. Although he is My ancestors, but I ca n’t argue with him. These are facts. They are evil things done by his own hands. The persecution of clans to give out women of appropriate age will not end until the spring of the next year, because ... "

Mulberry paused: "Mulberry met his wife."

She pointed to the note: "Everything that happened in the past ten years since Sanran left Wudaoshan and then returned, he wrote it down in that book, but after he returned to Wudaoshan Ping's destruction of the Tie Liu Kingdom, only one He wrote it down. On the last page ... you can read it for yourself. "

Fang Xie turned the note to the last page immediately, and there was a short paragraph on it.

"Chaos is very disturbed today, always walking back and forth in front of me, I asked what it was going to do, it motioned me to ride up, and then it took me out to realize that Daocheng met her under the mountain, and she was from From the side, she walked tens of thousands of miles with her bare feet, but her feet were so perfect and infinite. The moment I saw her, I knew she was my wife. I want to possess her, she should belong to me A person."

"I pulled her on the chaotic back and said to her that you are mine, and she was not afraid to nod and nod her, but you have to let other women go home and make sure they are alive. I said Well, it is enough to have you. This may be the last time I recorded what I did, because I do n’t have time in the future. With her, where do I have time to do other things? "

After this period, there is no other handwriting.

Fang Xie sighed, "She was here to persuade Sanlang?"

"Maybe so"

Mulberry said with a light head, "But I would rather believe that they are in love."



The end of the note.

"and after?"

Fang Xie asked.

"Later, Sanlang changed a lot. His wife, just like the fairy sent by God to correct him, washed away his violence and evil. He gradually recovered his goodness, and his face began to smile. He abolished With less stringent laws, people's lives are finally settled. "

"The turmoil at that time should be the fastest, because he has a favorite wife and best friend around him. He even stopped expanding outwards, otherwise ... maybe the army on the grassland was more than a thousand years ago. Will cross the Wolf Rushan to attack the Central Plains. His life is all his wife, watching sunrise and sunset together, going to play together, he gave everything to his best friend to deal with, because he believed in his friend."

Sang said, "Perhaps from that time, his best friend decided to get rid of him. In the next few years, Sang Luan played with his wife and did not return to Wudaoshan. His Han friends Began to take over this huge country, and then the people of this country are living a harder life. The Hans have promulgated more stringent laws in the name of Sanrang, causing more people to die, and people ’s hatred for sanction is also increasing. The thicker it is. How can people know that the person they hate is living a plain life with their beloved? "

"At this time, a Buddhist monk named Buddhism began to rise quietly among the people. The Buddhism's people proclaimed the goodness and pointed out that there would be a messenger designated by God to come down from the top of the university and kill the demons. Take the people on the prairie out of suffering. "

Sang Tao said: "When Sangran returned to Wudao City, in fact, Buddhism already had a large number of believers on the grassland. He came back because he discovered this and asked his Han friends why he did not immediately Stop this from happening. His Han friends said that it was okay. Did n’t the prophecy say that the messenger of the **** would come down from the Daxue Mountain, then we went to conquer the Daxue Mountain and let those fools see how ridiculous this prediction is. ”

"Sanlang agreed with his friend's suggestion, mobilized 500,000 troops, and conquered the Daxue Mountain with millions of people in it. The army urged the people to build a towering cliff on the Daxue Mountain for ten years. The Han Chinese friends said that since the prophecy says that there are saints on the Daxue Mountain, then simply move the capital to the Daxue Mountain and see if the saints will come out from the base of the capital? "

"Sanlang is very proud. He trusted the Han people even more and asked the Han people to supervise the construction of the Snow Mountain City. For ten years, I didn't know how many people died on the Daxue Mountain before building a magnificent building. During this period, Buddhism There are more and more believers. People are resentful of the wild chaos of the chaos-insinuation, and for the sake of a prophecy, millions of people were launched to build the capital on the Daxue Mountain. Sin. "

Fang Xie shook his head: "Good means for King Dalun Ming ... use Dalang chaos to build Dalun Temple on Daxueshan, and then push the charges to Sanlang!"

Sang Ling nodded: "Ten years later, the capital on the Daxue Mountain was completed. The Han people asked Sangran to move the capital to the Daxue Mountain. The Han people told him that it was the highest place in the world. Although it was dangerous, only the real king was worth living. There. San Ran went eagerly and took his wife. His wife was sad, and told him that the world would be in chaos if he went on like this. San Ran didn't care because he was the most powerful person in the world. "

"Later, his wife became pregnant. Kuoktai, one of the nineteen chaos, presented a thousand-year ginseng as a gift, and Sanran was very happy ..."

Hearing here, Fang Xie's heart tightened again!

"The next day, Sanlang's wife was poisoned after she drank the ginseng soup. Sanlan was so angry that he ordered the killing of Koktaimeng's family. On that day, the rebellion began. The Hans let 19 The chaos united to fight against the chaos, because they have not been with their subordinates for more than a decade, they have lost respect for the chaos, leaving only a few fears. But when the number of the rebellions reached a certain number , It will shake the fear away. "

"Sangran went down from Daxue Mountain ~ ~ There were rebel soldiers all around, he killed all the way, one person killed all the nineteen chaos, and at least thousands of people came down from him The road turned into a corpse. No one can stop where the crazy sangran went and killed. Just when he was in control of the rebellion but was frustrated, he was preparing to return to Wudaoshan with his wife's body, Here comes the Han. "

Mulberry voice was very low: "The Han people wear golden clothes and red tadpoles, and every step they take, a lotus blooms. Countless Buddhist disciples follow behind the Han people, and their faces are firm. There are countless Buddha disciples behind them. People in the prairie, they finally couldn't bear the tyranny and were ready to resist. "

"Mulberry must have been angry at the time."

Fang Jie mumbled.

Sang Yi nodded: "It's not anger, but despair ... his favorite wife is dead, his best friend is rebellious. What could make him more desperate than that? So he chose to commit suicide and end with death. Your own life. "


Fang Jie asked in amazement.


Sang Ling nodded: "No one can kill him except he wants to die. Because he is truly invincible, even the Ming king who has become Dacheng is too far away. After he died, the White Lion But rushing out with the bodies of their husband and wife, the white lion is the fastest creature running in the world, and no one chased after it. The lion ran back to Wudao Mountain with the body, and then people discovered that there was still between the two bodies A baby was born after his wife died. The white lion broke the umbilical cord. The child didn't die ... "

"And then ... Ming Wang took the Kuoketaimeng family and army to Wudao Mountain ..."

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