Conquer the World

Chapter 180: First

Chapter 180

When Zhao Sen rushed back to the gorge entrance, the 1,200 soldiers in the camp and the 200 cavalry entrusted to him by Li Xiaozong were left with about 70%. The infantry suffered heavy losses. There were almost no casualties without direct confrontation with the enemy. So, when Zhao Sen laid the line of defense at the mouth of the canyon without letting the soldiers rest, some idle cavalry suffered a contempt that made their conscience uneasy.


An infantry sneered while arranging his own arrow pot: "The equipment on the body is almost enough to buy a Qingren, but when we slaughtered, they were hanging around ... they all had the same life. So expensive. "

Another soldier covered his mouth and signaled that Zhao Sen, who was not looking well, was coming over here.

"What are you afraid of!"

The ridiculous cavalry soldier shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Lao Tzu can survive after this battle is a miracle. Now I won't say all that should be said. Wouldn't it be a panic if he pulled his tongue out in hell?"

He looked at the knife wound on his right arm, and frowned, tearing off a messy package: "When he was out of the Qingxia, he walked in front of him on horseback, and when he retreated to guard the Qingxia, he still ran. At the forefront, it is unscathed. The next life is naturally in Da Sui, but I would rather be a horse! "

Cavalry Captain Zhao Qi's face was extremely ugly, and the sarcastic words on the infantry side poked at him like a knife. Like all cavalry soldiers in Da Sui, he was filled with pride when he went from his horse to his own. Because of the lack of war horses, not just a soldier can be a cavalry. They are all very good, strong and sturdy. They eat and wear better than the infantry, and even the silver is double the infantry.

They did pay more sweat than the infantry. They were training while the infantry was training, and they were training while the infantry was resting. Regardless of the weather, whether they are cold or hot, their cavalry keeps working hard for the dream of surpassing Meng Yuan Qingqi in their hearts. But ... on the battlefield, he found that the arrogant cavalry he was carrying became the most useless People.

He did not resent the satire of the infantry, not even the enemy.

The hand holding the stables was shaking slightly, and a fire was burning in Zhao Qi's eyes.


A cavalry can't stand the white eyes and satire of the infantry. He looked at Zhao Qi's eyes and asked loudly, "Did we just watch the battle of Roza Ze so openly? Can we just stand idly by the constant practice in the wind and rain?"

"To shut up!"

Zhao Qi bit his lip and said, "We are cavalry, but first of all we are soldiers. Soldiers ... we must obey the military order. If the command of the general is not issued, you will all be honest with Lao Tzu!"



Zhao Qi's eyes looked at the herdsmen who gradually rushed towards him after he gradually dispersed in the distance. He knew that the brethren who died in the camp of Pan Mei's camp were dead. Just now, his two hundred cavalry were ready to charge and Pan Mei was rescued, but he was stopped by Tooth Zhao Sen.

They really watched the robes fight to death, as if they were useless waste.

That was more than 1,200 lives, besieged by tens of thousands of ragged herders and killed. During those **** battles, how much did you expect your companions to come to the rescue? But until they all died, they did not see the fierce red battle flag of Da Sui appear behind the enemy.

Zhao Qi's heart was bleeding, and he wanted to growl loudly to vent his dissatisfaction.

He couldn't help but take his eyes off the enemy and turned to General Zhao Sen. At this time, he sent to ask Zhao Sen whether the cavalry who had fought back, lowered his head, and his face was disappointed.

"Lieutenant ... General keeps us on standby."

The cavalry spoke very quietly, and seemed to be afraid that it would hurt his heart too much.

"Waiting ..."

Zhao Qi murmured again and again, holding the stables of Ma Yan's hands full of blue muscles.

Not far from him, the soldier Zhao Zhao ordered the soldiers to defend at the mouth of the canyon. Before the enemy rushed, the soldiers hurriedly dug a lot of traps in the tens of meters outside the mouth of the canyon. These pits are shallow and small, but fast running horses lose their focus once they step in them.


Zhao Qi wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to himself, "Fortunately, those herders didn't understand the importance, killing and red eyes made them lose their reason. Canyon, I'm afraid this is something that was not expected by all wolves. These untrained herders don't understand what tactics are, otherwise I'm just afraid I'm already a sinner. "


The lookout hand standing high shouted below: "General Li's situation is not so good! The enemy rode around the army and archery did not attack directly. Our army is getting smaller and smaller!"

"What a poisonous tactic!"

Zhao Sen's eyes narrowed, and after a moment of silence, he shouted out loudly, "Pass the commander, bring me Cavalry Captain Zhao Qi to see me!"


Zhuan Lingbing promised aloud, turned and flew out.



Li Xiaozong's forehead was already full of sweat. His eyes looked at the galloping Mongolian cavalry, his mouth twitched, and his expression looked extremely painful. Before marching, he thought he had thought of all the tactics of Meng Yuan Qingqi's charge, and also how to deal with it, but the only thing he ignored was that the enemy cavalry swam outside by the speed advantage, relying on the soft bow The army was thinned and thinned like a knife.

The enemy whistled past forty steps, but could not kill the enemy. The boxwood bow of the enemy's hand fires faster than Dasui's standard step bow. The most headache is that the enemy's speed is faster. The arrows shot by Dasui's archer often fall behind the enemy. Even if he ordered the archers not to aim at people when shooting arrows, but to aim in front of them, the proportion of death and injury between the two sides is still very different.

The only thing that shocked the enemy was the thirty heavy crossbows. The heavy crossbow can be too clumsy if the enemy is powerful. But the enemy's swimming tactics make the crossbow exert little power.

The Giant Shield Hand has less than 150 people and cannot protect the entire battle array. But even if the giant shield can protect it, what can be done if there is no fight back?

After struggling for a long time, Li Xiaozong, who bit his lips, finally issued a military order.


He raised his crossblade and shouted, "I would rather die on the charge than do nothing!"


Less than 1,500 Da Sui infantry broke out a roar, and then changed their formation. The giant shield hand was on both sides, the archer was at the end, and the long armour rushed forward. The first is Li Xiaozong and his dozen or so relatives. This is also the only cavalry in this Sui Army.

However, during the charge, Li Xiaozong and his relatives both jumped down from the precious war horses and ran forward with the infantry, showing no dissatisfaction with their mounts.


"Better to die!"

The soldiers shouted unwillingly, and everyone's face was decided.

The Manchu wolf looked at the opposite Sui people even changed the formation, could not help but give out a proud laugh: "Such Sui people, even dare to claim to be undefeated? I only used a group of herders to destroy him almost half Of the horses, if I want, I can even continue to use their cavalry tactics to grind them to death. But I won't do this ... Since they chose to attack, let them see how the strongest army in the world kills people Yes, how did the strongest army attack! "

"Buffalo, fight!"

He pulled out his machete and pointed forward, and the sound of a thick horn whispered. All the cavalry returned to the battlefield, and then followed the Mandu wolf to kill the Sui people.

The Sui people are proud, as are the Mongolian people. When the enemy chose to charge, the pride of Manduwolves did not allow him to avoid fighting. He just wanted to defeat Li Xiaozong, a guy who had been a rival for three years across a mountain.

The violent and brutal Mandu Banner herdsmen filled up Pan Mei's camp with human tactics. The 1,200 well-trained soldiers of the Great Sui Dynasty and the Right Xiaowei were just a little bit aggrieved and died. Although none of them surrendered, the fact that the enemy was not Meng Yuan's regular army made each of them somewhat angry.

And those herders who have red-eyes have not stopped the war horse because of the huge losses. When they found that the surrounding Sui people had been killed, they immediately turned their horse heads and rushed to the canyon. Although ... when Manduwolves confessed to them before, they were forced to take the canyon as the most important thing, but after the killing began, they could not control their humanity.

About 6,000 male and female herdsmen whistling towards the canyon. Because of the rules of the Mongolian Yuan ruler, each herdsman is allowed to have only one bow, so the pressure is slightly less for the large Sui infantry defending the side. some. Otherwise, these 6,000 herdsmen will continue to wash their army array with arrow rain in the charge, and they will not be able to bear it for a long time.

Crazy herders shouted to urge the horse forward, and many people in the front fell because they stepped in the trap. However, the companions coming from behind did not give them a chance to dodge, and soon, the herdsmen who fell off the horse were trampled into the flesh. The horse's hoof stepped on the soil mixed with flesh and blood.

An eyeball who did not know who it was was covered in dust, but looked stubbornly forward.


Zhao Sen issued a loud command, and a small number of Sui Army infantry poured out arrows. Herdsmen with no combat experience do not know how to dodge, and the people shot by Yu Jian fall like dumplings.

The antlers and horses that the Sui Army had arranged at the entrance of the canyon had played a role. Those herders did not know how to remove these things in the shortest time. They jumped off the horse and clumsily tried to remove those things that blocked the road. How could archers give them time?

Soon, the antlers were covered with dead bodies.

The ground at the west end of the canyon seemed to be in motion, and a high hill formed by flesh and blood became higher and higher.

After the soldiers of the Sui army had shot the arrow pot, they used Changyu as a shotgun and threw it out. When Nagato disappeared, they pulled out a crossblade and tried to kill him close. The herdsmen who had suffered heavy losses,, were unable to ride over the high body piles. They climbed down and rushed over with various weapons. Like bows and arrows, the machete is not everyone's right to own.

In any country in any era of this world, the monarch will not allow the people to hold weapons in their hands that can resist his rule. Moreover, Meng Yuan is a country lacking iron. Therefore, what many herdsmen are waving is a sharpened stick.

How can the herdsmen who have been dismounted disobey the Sui Army to take advantage? Of course, when the number reaches ten times that of the enemy, the herders can also see the dawn of victory.

At the beginning of the hand-to-hand combat, Sui Jun had fewer than four hundred men. They reluctantly formed a three-tiered defense line at the mouth of the canyon, which looked a little pitiful.

The herders fell down one by one, and the Sui soldiers also decreased one by one.

Just when the last sixty or seventy Sui soldiers supported hard, there was a sudden chaos behind herders. The herdsmen who were on the verge of collapse finally couldn't hold their fear of death and began to cry and run away. If they find that there is a cavalry with less than a hundred men behind them, they may regret making the escape option.

Li Xiaozong returned, three arrows in his body, and armor with blood.

The cavalry returned and lost half of its troops. But they announced with horse stables that although they are small in number, they are more terrible than the cavalry of Meng Yuan!

The infantry did not return and all died. Their bodies were left on the prairie, and it was not known whether the soul could fly through the canyon and go home.

This was the first battle on the first day. The Sui people had less than 200 people left in the 5,000 men and women in the Qingxia. Although they killed more than 8,000 herders and more than 1,600 Mongolian cavalrymen, was this the first victory?

Maybe it's just the first thing.

PS: For the war, cast your sharp red votes.

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