Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 5 Chapter 127: Fight for the wind, be jealous, and conspirators

Sophia decides to teach Ruosha, or let the woman know who is the owner of Bucharest.

When the news of the great victory on the east bank of the Dembrica River came, people all over the city fell into a sea of ​​joy in an instant. People all took to the streets to cheer loudly. The bell of Bucharest Cathedral kept ringing and had been completely forgotten The regular bell ringer didn't even count how many times he struck.

People all over the city were cheering, praying, and praising the guardian angels of Bucharest. Everyone said it was the grace of God that came again over the miracle city of Bucharest.

But of these people, only Sophia was unhappy.

Not only was she unhappy, she was even angry, or to be more precise, she was angry and angry.

The reason for this is that Sophia suddenly found that while everyone was taking to the streets to celebrate the glorious victory of that nasty Ruosha, her house was digging trenches and building works.

And her residence has become a strong fortress.

Sophia ’s residence is an independent small palace in the city. A slightly raised stone wall surrounds the palace. A small river is introduced into the courtyard, forming a large pool on the right side of the palace.

This small palace on the banks of the Dembrica was a gift from Alexander to Sophia.

Sophia had always lived in Bucharest's castle, which not only made it very inconvenient for them to meet, but Alexander was even more worried that if he and Ladislas II had an inevitable conflict, Sophia might become a hostage.

For the character of Ladislas II, Alexander was never optimistic. As for his credit, Alexander thought that there might be no such thing for the king.

So Alexander decided to find another place for Sophia from the beginning, and by the chance of announcing the divine engagement, Alexander gave Sophia the little palace.

From the appearance, this palace with Eastern Roman style is very strong and sturdy, but there is nothing special about it, but only the guards responsible for the guard know how easy this small palace is to rebuild according to Alexander's instructions. attack

Using the garden as an excuse to eliminate the yard built around the debris around the house, the house becomes very empty, forming an ideal shooting boundary, and from the direction of the solid windows left on the first floor that are almost completely closed, It is almost perfect to point the musket at almost all dead corners near the building.

Alexander believed that such a fortress-like structure was enough for Sophia to stay as long as he could support him, and what was left in the house was a hunting guard who followed him from the beginning, which allowed them to guarantee their own loyalty.

Just before the news of the great victory on the east coast, the hunting guards guarding the house were leading a group of Greeks to build barricades on the streets at both ends of the courtyard.

Alexander's undisguised distrust of Ladislas II became something that made Sophia feel ashamed after the news of the victory.

A carriage appeared outside the courtyard, and a group of soldiers carrying muskets followed.

Sophia had actually heard the song just now, which made her even more angry. She felt that this was Luza provoking her, or simply mocking her.

Sophia felt that Ruosha was suggesting that when she was standing on the battlefield, she hid shiveringly in the small nest that Alexander built for her.

This can be tolerated, so what can't be tolerated?

How dare you dare to go to battle? !

Sophia took a deep breath, then lifted the skirt slightly with the standard posture she learned from the queen and walked down the stairs.

She couldn't let the woman who claimed her sister think she had won, and he didn't believe that the noble lady Jiaosha like Zuosha could really bravely face the Ottomans on the battlefield.

Perhaps in fact she was hiding far away, or even simply overwhelmed, so Sophia had decided that in front of Alexander, she must debunk Rusha's disguise.

The carriage stopped quietly on the open space of the garden, but no one came down. Sophia stood at the door of the house and stared at the closed car door, her lips moving gently.

She ca n’t talk, but that does n’t mean that she ca n’t make herself comfortable with silent nagging or even cursing. She is still standing still, but in fact she is very annoyed in her heart, especially when she sees that the carriage has not moved. Sophia could no longer bear to walk forward.

And she took only one step forward, and the carriage door slowly opened.

Reflecting the torch, Alexander came down from the car, but he didn't come down but stood aside, and then a pretty figure appeared slowly.

Luo Sha first leaned out of the car, and then slowly walked off the car with the help of Alexander.

Perhaps it was the cause of the firelight. I do n’t know why Sophia always felt that Rusha ’s cheeks were a little unnaturally red, which made her eyes narrow slightly. A thin neck was set off because her hair had a huge bun in the back of her head. The unusually dexterous head tilted slightly involuntarily to the side.

Alexander was keenly aware of Sophia's movement, and his spirit was immediately tense, because with his knowledge of Sophia, when she made these two movements, something might happen next.

Sure enough, just when Luo Sha's toes just fell on the ground, countless figures suddenly appeared from the shadows around the garden!

The figures seemed to pop up from under the ground suddenly, watching the weapons shining in the darkness in their hands, even Alexander, who knew how they popped up suddenly, couldn't help but be surprised.

The Kosenza soldiers around the carriage could n’t help but be confused because of this sudden change. They took off their muskets from their shoulders. Some people used to raise their guns to the swaying figures in the dark, while others held their arms blank Look around.

"Grenadier! Array!"

A clear command sounded from the side of the carriage, and with this order, the originally panicked grenadiers immediately formed a tight double phalanx centered on the carriage.

The outer soldiers crouched down, while the inner soldiers poked the musket butts on the ground at the same time, waiting for Rusha to give orders.

They crowded around the carriage, staring nervously at the shadows, and some people were shaking tremblingly because of the tension.

"Don't panic!" Ruosha came behind a row of soldiers a few steps earlier, her hand on her waist seemed to touch the hilt, but touched the empty, which made her a little annoyed and grabbed one from a soldier. With a musket, the gun was pulled up from the muzzle.

A dull gunshot sounded, and the grenadiers in the phalanx circle immediately raised their guns at the dark places around them.

It's just that many people's hands are trembling slightly, and it is clear that these grenadiers are not adapted to this situation as if they are being peeped by the beasts in the dark.

A violent slap came from the door of the house. Sophia completely ignored the dignity when she was dressed as a lady. Her hands were constantly slapping with excitement. She even patted her proudly and let her watch. Can't help but have a huge chest that was more annoying, and although she couldn't laugh, her excitement sounded in her throat.

Ruosha's blushing cheeks suddenly had a black layer floating on her cheeks. Regardless of the resistance of the grenadiers, she lifted the skirt and pushed the soldiers in front of her, striding towards Sophia.

Alexander hurried to catch up, he reached out and grasped Ruosha's arm tightly, feeling that she seemed to tremble slightly with anger, so Alexander had to lower her voice and said to her, "Don't forget what you are doing."

Ruosha's blushing cheeks almost flickered like a flame, she turned her head to look at Alexander, and then said in a low voice that only two people could hear: "I know what I'm doing, but mine Brother, you better think about whether you want this nasty wild girl or your cute sister. "

After she finished speaking, she broke free with her arms grasped by Alexander and straightened her waist to walk towards Sophia.

Alexander rubbed his aching head and walked quickly behind Ruosha. He was only worried that the two stupid girls who were competing with each other would do stupid things in front of so many people. There will be rumors flying all over Bucharest.

The relationship between the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law was not very easy to get along with. Think of the rumours that the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law are fighting for jealousy.

"The fortifications are used to protect you, not to scare you." Alexander walked angrily and whispered to Sophia. He already knew that the Greeks who seemed to suddenly emerge from the ground actually used the yard. Hidden whereabouts around, it is clear that Sophia is going to use this method to make Luo Sha ugly, and now it seems that it has indeed achieved the effect.

At least the Grenadier seems to be calm and calm in dealing with this sudden change.

Sophia made a slightly exaggerated panic gesture, and then made a mocking voice in her throat.

"My soldiers are the bravest, just look at their performance on the battlefield," Ruosha slightly lowered her head to look at the "little dwarf" in front of her, and looked at her, although her head was not very good, but some places With a really jealous figure, Ruosha straightened her waist even harder, staring at Sophia who had to raise her head to face her with a predominant attitude. "And your house looks very strong, it seems my brother It's really good to protect you. As for me, I can only serve him on the battlefield. "

Sophia's cheeks turned red. When she clenched her fists in anger, Zhang Shijian tightened. Just when she was about to fight back because of this provocation, Alexander suddenly stepped forward to come between the two and whispered to them: "Enough, do you want everyone to know the stupid things you two did tomorrow?"

Having finished speaking, Alexander crossed between the two and walked towards the house.

Behind him, the two sister-in-laws who looked at each other were far away from each other, looked at each other coldly, and walked into the open door together.

Behind Zuosha, some soldiers followed a few heavy wooden boxes and walked into the house.

Sophia who entered the house deliberately walked slowly to the end of the long table, and then turned to sit on the main seat.

When she saw Zuosha sitting consciously at the other end of the long table, she just gave a satisfied smile, and then frowned as she saw Alexander sitting on a chair in the middle of the table.

Sophia held out her hand and photographed it on the chair on her side. Seeing that Alexander was not moving, she stubbornly patted the back of the chair.

"I think it's best for my brother to sit there, because he will witness the negotiations between us, so it needs to be fair."

Listening to the words of Sousa, Sophia's brow furrowed tighter. Although it sounded like that, she didn't know if she was more attentive. She always felt that when she said the name "my brother", She heard the strange tone of anger.

There can be many wives and lovers, but there is only one lovely sister.

Seeing Sophia's slightly ugly look, Ruosha was complacent and waved to the soldiers.

Several heavy boxes were placed on the table, and as the wooden board was opened, the weapons inside were exposed.

"I know you are preparing to arm those Greeks now," looking at Sophia's suspicion, Ruosha held her chin with her left hand and looked at the opposite Luosha. "I can provide you with enough weapons except the sword and the long Spears and armor, I can provide the most powerful musket to date, but these are the results of my brother. "

Sophia's eyebrows were almost twisted together, and she wasn't interested in re-arming the Greeks at all, but the grenadiers of Ruosha made her very unwilling.

"I have brought enough weapons to arm an army, and I can even provide you with artillery if needed," Ruo Sha smiled with a tempting smile. "In fact, I hope you stay here, maybe the Greek princess. This identity really suits you. "

Ruo Sha's words made Sophia immediately alert. She stared carefully at the "little aunt" on the opposite side, and at the same time she wondered what she was about to do in her clever little head.

"Sophia, you need to organize the Greeks to build an army," Alexander said at this time. "Trust me, this is for all of us."

Ladislas II stood at the corner of the castle and looked at the city below.

This is a very secluded place. Because of its high and remote location, few people come here.

From here, you can see the entire brightly-lit city below. If you look further away, you can see that the Ottoman barracks outside the city were originally continuous, but now they have become slightly messy.

The division of the Ottoman army is already obvious.

Bucharest today is a city of joy, a city of miracles.

The war is coming to an end, which is why almost all Bucharest people cheer for it, but for Ladislas II, the war is not over, or there is still a big problem that has not been resolved.

The Bosnian army is still in Hungary, and to make matters worse, he found that the Balkans apparently did not care about what happened in Hungary.

Perhaps it has always been that the royal palaces of Prague and Budapest have been too harsh and cruel to the Balkans. At least for the Wallachia, the Hungarians represent nothing more than a friendship of believers in the Christian world. Unpleasant conquest and being conquered.

Ladislas II now needs allies more than ever, or hopes that the Balkans will remember his generosity in assisting them.

The withdrawal of the Ottoman army is already an indisputable fact. Although it is still unclear what happened in Sudan, it seems that Bayesert II should have lost control of the entire Ottoman army.

This can be guessed from the fact that some Ottoman troops have already sent people to search for food.

Compared with the coalition forces, the Ottoman army has a significantly better logistics system. Especially after entering the rich area of ​​the Bucharest Plain, the Ottomans have fully exerted this nearly perfect logistics system in this era.

Therefore, except for the complete destruction of the villages outside Bucharest, the supply of the Ottoman army is almost always distributed by the special logistics forces arranged by the Sudan.

This approach not only ensures that the entire army can be adequately supplied, but also prevents the dispersal of forces due to looting.

Even when Hilva frequently caused all kinds of damage in the rear, the Ottoman army never fell into chaos because the perfect logistics supply was not severely damaged.

However, the Ottoman army has begun to steal food in the vicinity. This shows that even if the Ottoman army has enough supplies, it is believed that the Sudan has suffered an accidental division and some troops are already in danger of being cut off.

The retreat of the Ottomans is near, but will the Bosnians retreat?

The king was worried about this.

The words of Alexander had always lingered in his ears before. He knew that it was not just a threat, but it was indeed possible.

If Hurva and Roy? Unite, even if their ambitions are only in southern Hungary, then Ladislas II will be in trouble.

An **** walked behind the king, and he carefully looked at the king's somber face.

"Your Majesty, the guests are here." Suichen whispered.

"Invite him to come." The king turned and looked into the darkness of the city wall, and saw a figure of armor shining in the dark. The king beckoned him far away. "There are only two of us here Worried that someone will see it. "

The man came out of the shadows ~ ~ The bright moonlight shone on his face, reflecting Zepez's slightly tired face, but his eyes shone brightly.

Many people know the reason for the king's failure to meet Zeppes.

There has always been a rumor that the death of Vlad III was related to Ladislas II, and some even alluded that the king bought the Dragon Knights in Dembrica and let them betray Vlad III. .

But these are always rumors, and no one can produce evidence to prove these rumors.

However, no one doubted that there was a fire and water between the king and Zepez, so no one would think that the Wallachian army from the triumph had not completely entered the city, but Zepez suddenly and Ladis in such a remote place. Russ II met.

"Have you already made a decision?" Cepes looked at Ladislas II.

"Yes, I decided. I know it's very risky. After all, the Ottomans are outside the city, but it's because of this that it is even more unexpected. No one would think that we will launch an attack at this time." 'S face was unusually pale. "Whether it is Earl Montina or Sophia, they must die!"

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