Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 123: Cavaliers

The Rocca di Pass is not very conspicuous, even in the temple with Diana, but this hill is not prominent among the many famous hills and monuments in Rome.

But now, the hill outside the Roman city has undoubtedly become a place of concern not only for the entire Rome, but even for Europe.

After the main French forces withdrew from the outskirts of Piedmont, they never stopped. They braved the cold rain and snow and ignored the mud of the early spring road to retreat toward France. The kind of persistence is not so tenacious as to be able to cooperate with The coalition forces lost their confidence completely.

By this time, even the most optimistic people had lost faith in the French King Charlie ’s ambitious expedition, so that the French defenders stranded in Rome became the only French army in Italy, and Gonzalo was said to have begun to take The coalition forces, mainly the Aragonese army, turned towards the south.

There were not many coalitions besieging the city of Rome, but fewer French troops were able to defend the city, especially when the battle began just before the French front commanded Count Dylan. Somehow, he was hit by a stray bullet purely for temptation and exploded. After that, the French army, which had no confidence in defending Rome, collapsed almost instantly.

As the French troops stationed on Mount Apio retreated from the mountain during the first offensive by the coalition forces, the French under the Rocca di Pas, which formed a mutual support with Mount Apio, had to retreat toward the top of the mountain to gather.

But when the French who slowly retreated towards the mountain watched as more and more French soldiers concentrated on the hill, they also desperately found that the coalition army seemed to have completely defeated the hill. Their main battlefield.

De Charlene saw such a scene when he rushed down the mountain. Because of the loneliness and fear on the battlefield, people instinctively hope to stay with others as soon as possible, so many French troops see Roca di Pa The flags on Sri Lanka simply and blindly gave up the positions that were originally stationed and concentrated towards the bottom of the mountain, while the coalition forces took the opportunity to quickly occupy the positions that had to be paid for at some cost.

So when De Charlene listened to the sound of gunshots in the distance and rode across an open field, he saw soldiers staying on the open field, with groups of soldiers who had no idea what to do.

"This is a disaster."

Charlene muttered to himself with a sound that only he could hear. His helmet mask had been lifted up. The armor that had always been black and dark had been covered with dust, but he could no longer take care of it. The French army was almost The collapsed situation shocked him and made him very anxious. When he squeezed through the soldiers with blank faces, he saw several French nobles kneeling in front of a priest and praying loudly.

"It's a good time to show piety at this time." Charlene walked up annoyedly. He recognized that one of the people with wounds on his face should be the king's court attendant. Charlie likes to put the people around him into the army below. Go, so that he can help him master those unruly nobles at any time, and also allow his petty officials to seize the opportunity to gain military power, but now Charlene does n’t think this is a good time for the limelight. “Our enemy is about to attack, if Prayer can help us win. I am willing to pray with you, but now I think weapons are more useful. "

Because the arrival of Charlene interrupted the prayer, the priest showed an unpleasant look. Although the white robe on his body was stained by the hasty escape, he still tried to keep his clergy Ling Ran is inviolable, but Xiaerlun is obviously more able to attract people's attention than the priest. Seeing the arrival of the black knight, there was a burst of cheers in the French army!

"Adult!" Charlie's attendant hurriedly crossed his chest and jumped up. He shook his cheeks with excitement and pain because of the injury, and then quickly walked to the Charlene horse. , Reaching to grab his horse rein, looked up at the tall and mighty black knight, "It's great that you can come, we are ready to attack before we finish praying. This may be the last time in our life. . "

"Do n’t just declare yourself the life and death of others, only God can determine the fate of man," Charlene said loudly to the knights who seemed extremely excited to see him. "Now we have a lot to do, maybe this time We failed, but as long as we are alive, we will continue the next expedition with the king. "

Charlene's words caused a burst of shouts among the French, when the attendant suddenly whispered, "Sir, shall we negotiate with them?"

"Negotiate?" Seeing the appearance of Ai Ai in the official period, Charlene immediately understood the meaning of this high-profile guy who had just shouted, so he pulled the reins of the horse from the aide, and then put the helmet's mask down. Buckle, with the sound of "click", the black knight completely separated himself from him, and then his eyes cast through the face of the mask to stare at the uneasy attendant standing on the ground, "Listen, I can be regarded as not I heard what you said just now, but I want you to go back to the flag team you lead now. When I hear the first bugle sound, if I do n’t see your flag appear at the front, I will Think you have betrayed the king. "

The attendant's face froze. Although he suspected that he might be reprimanded, he did not expect that Charlene's reaction would be so fierce. This made the young nobleman who had always been favored feel that he had been greatly insulted. What scared him more than insult was Charlene's order.

Looking back at the coalition forces that had been assembled and slowly advancing on the hills not far below Roca di Pass, the attendant ’s face turned blue, and the collapse caused by the sudden death of Earl Dylan made him remember. New, which made him even think that Charlene was simply forcing him to die.

A heavy breathing sound came from the gap of the helmet, and the attendant was finally afraid. He knew that the king not only trusted and even relied on his cousin. It was obviously unwise to confront this knight who might decide the fate of all the defenders at this time. of.

Charlene no longer ignored the knights. They had noticed a flag on the hillside, which was the emblem of a nobleman who had been an assistant to the former commander, Earl Durand, which made him feel that things were still at least Not too bad.

The arrival of Charlene clearly inspired the already chaotic French. With the appearance of his tall and mighty shadow, the French army burst into cries, just a few in front of the temple of Diana on the top of the mountain. The aristocratic look was not much. From the head of Charlen who was approaching the hillside, they saw more of the coalition forces on the hills that were slowly approaching the Roca di Pass.

"Adult, I'm glad you can come and fight with us," an already gray-haired knight immediately bowed slightly to Charlene, and then said slightly frustrated, "but the current situation is not good for us. "" Said the old man with a helpless sigh. "Maybe the next moment we will face the fate of total failure."

Charlene didn't raise his helmet mask. He turned his horse's head back to look down the mountain. When he saw a team of coalition troops approaching the foot of the mountain along the rolling hills, he knew that the old knight was right.

"The fences and obstacles we built before were shielded by two hills, as long as they held the two ends separately, they could block the coalition forces," a noble said with a bit of frustration. "But now we only have the Roca di Pass, Those obstacles have become completely absent. Lord, you see, some coalition forces have crossed the obstacles and came over from the other side of the wall. "

Charlene looked in the direction of the man ’s finger, and through the bursts of smoke, he had seen a black spot that was indeed advancing towards them another time along the obstacles constructed by the French army, and made many French people feel that Angrily, the large amount of supplies they originally left on the obstacle position has undoubtedly become the spoils of those enemies. If you look carefully, you can even find that as the army advances, there are swimming cavalry back and forth in them. The deer walls passing by the surrounding walls rushed, and it was clear that those people were looking at the supplies discarded by the French.

"Why didn't they march into the city of Rome," a Frenchman said angrily, "We have given way, and now they can conquer the city as long as they keep going."

"Because for them, conquering the city has never been difficult," Charlene breathed heavily from the holes in his mask, staring through the eyes of his eyes at what was happening under the hillside. "So they do n’t Ready to expel us, they want to wipe us out here. "

Charlene's words made the French next to him change.

Over the years, except for the war with the pagans, few people have the purpose of purely killing the other party. The war has changed from the original barbaric blood to subtle and restrained. Sometimes the winning party only needs to show its strength. , It is enough to allow opponents to quit the battlefield rationally, and the winners will not be unreasonable, they often use the parade on the battlefield to declare glory instead of chasing the enemy.

And no commander has the confidence to let his army invest in combat at all costs. After all, for those soldiers, war is only their profession, and no one wants to let themselves and each other just to get a commission from the employer. All fall into your life.

So it has been too long to hear of such a fierce war, even in the so-called long and cruel British and French centenary war, the war is still carried out in a "tolerable" way.

But now Charlene's words surprised the French, and the subsequent movement of the coalition forces also proved his guess.

An intermittent horn sound came from the hills. Because of the strong wind, Charlene could only vaguely hear some clues from the audible horn.

"Are they going to attack our left wing?" Charlen murmured to himself.

The loss of Apio ’s loss to the French army not only led to the loss of the entire line of defense used to prevent the coalition from advancing to Rome, but more importantly, as the French army had to retreat to the Rocca di Pas hill, it turned away from Rome. The French army in the city had to be gradually pushed away from the direction.

When the retreating French men gathered in groups and warmed up involuntarily, they gathered on the Rocca di Pas, the French army was already in the direction of Rome.

As a group of coalition troops crossed the fortifications of the walled deer wall built by the French before, Charlene felt helplessly realize that they had cut off their retreat to Rome.

Another rapid horn sound came from far away, and Charlene saw that the coalition forward had finally started to move towards the hillside.

A team of soldiers wearing black smocks walked to the forefront under the yellow double eagle flag. The whole spear of spears still flashed a dazzling light even under the dark sky, and this army began to be on the mountainside. When she slowly unfolded on a gentle slope, Charlene felt the heavy horseshoe sound from the ground.


Charlene turned back to the generals next to him and said lightly that his tone was calm and he did n’t panic because he was caught in a crisis. On the contrary, there was an unspeakable comfort in his heart. The repressive and complicated life and life in the city of Rome The intrigue made him almost forget the taste on the battlefield. Now facing the enemy, De Charlene seems to have regained his previous feeling as a cavalry captain.

Charlene ’s calmness undoubtedly infected those panicked French generals, some nobles who had followed Charlene before, and at this moment they saw their captain ’s familiar back, no matter what danger they faced, courage in Then miraculously returned to them.

The horn sounded. A team of French cavalry in full armor had gathered behind Charlene. Their body was completely covered by strong armor. When they moved the body, the armor would emit a dull friction sound when they pushed the horse forward At that time, even the bravest enemies could not help but shudder at face of them, because this is a group of terrible opponents who can let the word "crush" through the appearance be clear enough.

De Charlene looked at the cavalry behind him and smiled slightly. At this time, he seemed to have finally recovered the feeling after a long absence, but his smile was blocked by the helmet mask, so no one noticed his smile. The faint trace of desolation.

"Dylan, lucky guy," de Charlene said softly. "You died really happy, so you don't have to see how your army was defeated, nor do you have to bear all the humiliation of being a loser. Now. "

"Admiral ~ ~ Your cavalry is ready," a knight waved his lance and lifted the flag on the lance down a little. "I am honored to fight with you, I Captain! "

"I am also very honored to be with you in this battle today," Charlene pointed his finger to the French fortifications before the first team crossed the hillside to the left. After all, the coalition "They will attack from there, because They, like me, knew that our left wing was about to collapse when we came, but we were also going to meet them from there, and from the front of the most dangerous enemy. Only in this way was a real French knight, France and Long live the king! "

"Long live! ~"

With Charlene's words, a voice broke out from the cavalry.

"Unfortunately," Charlene muttered to himself. "If there is an army at this time, even if only a small army can occupy Mount Apio."

After talking about this whimsical idea, Charlene laughed at himself, then raised his spear.

"Look, sir," a knight suddenly hesitated, and then he raised his finger to the distance. "On Apio Mountain, it seems that there is a fight!"

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