Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 678: Professional smirk

"Conan's toast does not eat fine wine (!

Shinshige didn't have any reaction yet, but Kogoro Mouri asked in surprise, "Why did Mr. Kariya Osaku know Asano's name? Have we introduced it?"

"No." Mao Lilan said strangely, "We have never said Mr. Asano's name."

The maid shook her head: "I don't know, but I would like to ask you to go there. Master said, he will send you back in a while, so don't worry."

Shinshige readily responded and asked Kogoro Mori to leave, while he himself followed the maid toward the room of Kagaya Osaku.

"Those guests have gone?" Shiuhide Kariya opened the door and asked the maid.

"Yes, just left."

"Where is that woman?"

"Are you talking about Mrs. Companion? She just rested in the room."

Shiuhide Kariya waved his hand impatiently and told the maid to leave.

The most traditional Japanese house in the Kaya family, Kari Dasaku sat in the center, with a bamboo flute on the table in front of him.

Seeing Nobuhiro Asano walk in, his expression slowed down, not so serious.

Xinfan sat opposite him, did not speak, quietly waiting for the other party to speak first.

"Nobuhiro Asano, right?" Koriya sighed. "If you say that, the man who claimed to be a fellow junior high school classmate should be the detective Kogoro Mori, right?"

"Yes." Xinfan admitted frankly, "I didn't expect you to see it at a glance."

"After all, you are considered a celebrity now. Some time ago, you were everywhere on TV." Dasaku Kaya curled his lips. "My companion thought I didn't know, but in fact she couldn't hide the fact that she was looking for a detective. It's more than this. , I also know about her affair! Speaking of it, she must be looking for you to solve the affair crisis today, huh."

Xinfan showed a professional smile: "Sorry, we must keep everything about the client confidential."

Osaku Kaya sneered: "Then I will also entrust Kogoro Moori to investigate and investigate the affair of my daughter-in-law!"

"This is my business card. You can call me directly if you have any needs." Xinfan put the business card on the table and pushed it to Koriya Dasaku. "The Mori Detective Agency will serve you wholeheartedly."

"..." Kariya was silent for a moment, and then he laughed, "I like to talk to people like you, but I am not looking for you today for this. I heard that you also opened a music classroom. ?"

Xinfan Wenyan immediately took out another business card: "I am the founder of Lu Feng Music Classroom. Do you want to know more about music courses?"

Dasaku Kariya nodded and said, "I like playing the bamboo flute very much, because this is what my wife left behind. Although she did something sorry for me, I still miss her very much."

Huh? Has Kariya Osaku's wife ever greened him? What a pity.

Even if you have a green grassland above your head, and your son is like this, is it possible that Yilu's physique will be inherited?

"So I want to ask your music classroom to customize a set of music courses for me to improve my bamboo flute ability." Dasaku Kariya said sincerely, "Money is not a problem, but good quality."

Xin Fan: "..."

Unexpectedly, the music classroom he opened accidentally was so popular.

But the problem is--

"There is no bamboo flute lesson in Lu Feng's music classroom."

After all, his employees are basically picked up, and there is no way to ask for more.

Hearing this, Dasaku Kariya was very disappointed: "Really? Is there no suitable class for me?"

"Also, it's not without it." Xinfan thought for a while, "If you really want to have a music class in Lu Feng's music classroom, I suggest you sign up for music theory and music appreciation."

"Okay." Kageya responded, "As long as I can improve my bamboo flute level, any money is fine."

Xinfan wanted to look at him with a look of "people are stupid and money is coming soon", but for the sake of his own income, he still held back.

After discussing with Kariya Osaku, Kariya Osaku stopped Kariya Banko who was about to go out: "My mate, are you going to go out? By the way, let's send Asano."

"Ah? But I still want to..." Kanaya Banko originally wanted to refuse, but she persuaded her father-in-law's eyes, "Okay, then please ask Mr. Asano to go with me."

Shinshige nodded towards Kariya Osaku, turned around and followed Kariya Banko.

After all, Kaya Banko is now Kogoro Mouri’s client, and Shinshige, as Kogoro Mouri’s agent, kindly reminded her: "Your father-in-law already knows the identity of Mr. Mouri."

Kaya Banko's walking motion became stiff: "Well, that's okay. I can't find a mobile phone, so please ask a detective. It sounds incredible, but it's not completely incomprehensible."

"You seem to relax a lot after finding your phone." Xinfan said.

Kaya Banko laughed: "Of course, after all, you don't have to worry about being discovered by your family about having an affair. By the way, can you drive?"

There was a delicate and beautiful car in front of her. Kanaya Kanko seemed to like her car very much, and her eyes were bright when she lifted it up.

Seeing that Xinfan didn’t answer the question, Kanaya Kanko thought she understood it. She sighed and said, “If you want me, young people should take a driver’s license. If you can drive by yourself, it’s very convenient to do whatever you do. Where do you go? ?"

"Mihuacho 2-chome, please."

Yes, everything is very convenient, especially dating an affair.

It was already evening, and the sky was getting darker. Xinfan was sitting in the back seat of the car, and the windows on both sides were covered with films. From the windshield, he could barely see the figure in the back seat.

When they drove out of Kariya's house, a man was lying on the window, his eyes always fixed on Kariya Banko's vehicle.

The man laughed indifferently: "Karaya Banzi, if you are to blame, you are too greedy!"


The car drove on a quiet road for a few minutes. Shinshige was already closing his eyes and rested, but suddenly he heard Kaya Banko say: "Ah, I seem to forget to refuel the car."

With her voice, the car slowly stopped to the side of the road.

Xinfan felt helpless. Didn't this woman see the low fuel tank reminder when she was driving? Have to wait until the oil is completely empty before reacting.

He used his cell phone to check the surrounding gas stations.

"There is a gas station five minutes' walk from here. I'll go and get you some gasoline," Xinfan suggested.

Kaya Banko handed him the gasoline can and smiled and said, "That's too much trouble for you."


It seems this is not the first time Kariya Banko has encountered such a thing.

Xinfan got out of the and walked towards the gas station alone.

While waiting for the gas station employees to add gasoline, he was still thinking about how the commission today was so easy to complete. Obviously Conan, Mourilan, and Mouri Kogoro are all dispatched. How come there are no surprises with such a gorgeous lineup?

However, when he returned with heavy gasoline, the accident happened.

He saw Kariya Kanko who fell down by the car, and the dark figure holding a stick and smashing it at her.

Ha, there are gangsters who dare to attack in front of him? ?

Xinfan carried the gasoline can and rushed up——

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