Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 602: I threw away the knife

"Conan's toast does not eat fine wine (!

"That's just your guess!" Masaharu Motoyama said angrily to Kogoro Mouri, "Even if you are a detective, you can't frame an innocent person as a murderer!"

"Please calm down, Mr. Motoyama." The police officer reminded in a cold voice, "Mr. Noh Snoozou is still being rescued and is not dead!"

Masaharu Motoyama bit his lip, looking very unwilling.

"Is there no evidence left at the scene of the crime?" Kogoro Mouri asked, "It rained heavily in the morning. The Nose athletes wear smooth raincoats for morning exercises. Perhaps the murderer's fingerprints can be extracted from his raincoats."

"I'm afraid not." Xinfan shook his head regretfully, "I remember Mr. Nose was sent to the rescue room, Mr. Motoyama once grabbed his clothes and asked about the situation. Even if Mr. Motoyama's fingerprints can be detected on the raincoat, it cannot prove him. The murderer."

A smug look appeared on Masaharu Motoyama's face.

But before he could be proud for too long, he heard Nobuhiro Asano say: "However, I suggest that the police can search for a **** umbrella and the murderer's clothes in the trash can near the airport or elsewhere."

"Oh? Why is this?"

"If Masaharu Motoyama is the murderer, then his time for committing the crime will only be from 9:30 to 9:30 in the morning, including the journey on the road. I asked Mr. Mori. He first met Mr. Motoyama at the airport. At the time, Mr. Benshan’s trousers were very clean, not muddy or water stained. This is impossible for an outdoor murderer. He must have changed his clothes and shoes and socks at the airport.

"However, at the same time, Mr. Motoyama's hair is also dry, which means that he does not need to wash the blood stains on his hair, or the scope of blood stains is not as large as we thought. Reminiscent of the heavy rain this morning, I think Mr. Motoyama It should be an umbrella to block the blood.

"Oh, yes, he needs a car to complete such a crime. You can ask the police to investigate whether there is Mr. Motoyama's car in the parking lot of the airport."

The police in Okinawa prefecture was stunned, and then suddenly a ray of admiration emerged: "It's amazing, you deserve to be the person next to the detective Kogoro Mori, it's like a detective!"

Xinfan smiled softly: "Ashamed not to be, I am just an ordinary broker."

Conan: "..."

Nonsence! Mr. Asano is starting to act lightly again!

Kogoro Mouri thought for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Obviously, the police officer's words seemed to boast him in, but he was still very upset.

"Then Mr. Motoyama, please cooperate with our investigation."

Masaharu Motoyama's face was already very difficult to read. He knew that his car was parked at the airport. As long as the police investigated according to the license plate, he would be able to find him. It's just that if he surrenders like this, he feels very unwilling, after all... after all, the man who ruined his entire career is still alive!

Why from the beginning, the person who was hurt was yourself? Why? !

"Good news! Good news came from the hospital!" A police officer suddenly ran over and yelled happily, "Mr. Neng Sniper III turned the crisis into peace and is already awake!"

"Great! Then can he accept the police question now?"

"The doctor said that as long as the inquiry time is controlled within half an hour."

Upon hearing these words, Masaharu Motoyama suddenly slumped in his chair as if the sky had fallen. He knew that he was over, his life was completely ruined!

It is not necessary for Masaharu Motoyama to admit that his response is the best answer.

The police officer glanced at him and said coldly: "Please Mr. Benshan go to the hospital with us, in case you need to identify..."

The police officer did not go on, but everyone knew what he meant.

Perhaps the most powerful evidence can be made directly in the hospital to let the three snobs identify the murderer.

Because the police who went to the airport to investigate have not yet found results, Masaharu Motoyama is still a free body without suspicion. To prevent him from escaping halfway, two police officers followed him one after another.

Noh Snobbery's injury is well controlled, so he doesn't need to live in the ICU. When Xinfan and others arrived at the hospital with the police, he was lying in a daze on the hospital bed.

Seeing them, Noh Snobber smiled: "Thank you for a trip, Mr. Officer."

"This is what we should do." The officer walked in.

Masaharu Motoyama, who seemed to be worried about his best friend before, didn't mean to move. He stood by the wall of the corridor of the inpatient department, his expression languishing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Conan still has something to do with this case that he hasn't figured out, so he sneaks to the bedside of Noh snob early in the morning and takes a favorable position.

Nobuhiro chose to stay outside. He stood beside Masaharu Motoyama, listening to the conversation between the police and Noh snob inside, and suddenly twitched his mouth:

"Do you regret what you did before?"

Masaharu Motoyama still maintained his previous posture, but his sudden stagnation of breathing still revealed that his current mood is not as calm as it seems.

"You were originally the ace host of the Sports Channel of Daily TV. Although you failed to fulfill your dreams on the field, you opened up a new career and achieved success. But now, because of a momentary impulse, you are about to lose everything." Xinfan asked softly. Said, "I want to know, do you regret it?"

Masaharu Motoyama slightly raised his head and looked at him: "There is one thing you said wrong. I have considered everything I do. So I have nothing to regret."


"Humans, I just like to be affectionate, and the more I do it on my behalf." Masaharu Motoyama said with a low smile, "Too arrogant, why should we regret the previous selves? Whether it is me or you, none of us are qualified!"

These words of Masaharu Motoyama surprised Shinhana a bit.

He turned his head and stared deeply at Masaharu Motoyama, and after a long time he said, "I hope you can keep thinking like this."

None of them spoke, and for a moment the corridor fell into weird silence.


"What? How is this possible?!" The police officer's voice of consternation came from the ward, "How could you fall out of that kind of wound yourself?!"

Then came Noh Snobbery Three: "I was tired from running and wanted to peel an apple with a fruit knife. As a result, the ground was too slippery and I fell accidentally."

Shinshige was stunned. It didn't seem to be right inside. Noh Snobzo was planning to suppress Masaharu Motoyama's crime?

He pushed the door and entered In the room, including Kogoro Mouri and Conan, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, even if what you said is true, what about the apple? Where is the apple you peeled?"

"I guess I fell aside. I fell so badly and immediately fainted. How could I notice where the apple fell!"

The police officer looked dumbfounded: "Where is the knife?"

"I threw the knife away." Noh snob glared at the policeman, "Don't you keep it and stab me again if you don't throw it?"

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