
Looking at the familiar home and saying"home" to Lu Cheng, Miyano Shiho suppressed the surprise in his heart and wanted to say something.

But when I turned around, I found that there was someone else in the cab?

Just when she was panicking, she heard a"click" sound beside her, and the back seat door was opened.

Then he saw Lu Cheng reaching out towards him and bending down, and said at the same time:"Are you still feeling unwell? Then my brother will hug you!"

Hearing the voice calling his brother Miyano Shiho, he almost burst into tears. Although he had recovered, he still wanted to hug you. It was a bit embarrassing, but it was really hard for her to say no.

Therefore, the next second she fell into Lu Cheng's arms like a princess.

Lu Cheng's embrace was still so warm and reassuring. Just when Shiho wanted to rub his head against Lu Cheng's chest out of habit, he heard a low laugh from the top of his head.

At the same time, Lu Cheng's low and magnetic voice came:"I originally thought that I would have to raise a loli for a long time until she grows up, but I didn't expect that I would get it in the blink of an eye! I am so lucky!"

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Zhibao's expression was a little dull, and he shyly put his head close to Lu Cheng's chest, like a shy ostrich.

After a while, she seemed to have thought of something, and carefully probed her head:"My current condition is only temporary, and it should not take long for me to recover."...It will recover!"


For a moment, Lu Cheng seemed to have heard something extremely shocking. He lowered his head and looked at Zhibao intently, and stopped at this moment.

Zhibao was shocked by the sight, and his big blue eyes couldn't help but widen. I don’t know why, did she say something wrong?

Then the next moment,

Xiao Ai found that Lu Cheng suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the door of the house without saying anything.

Zhibao subconsciously hugged Lu Cheng’s arm and whispered Said:"Lu Cheng, what are you doing?"

The conversation that followed made her confused at first, and then shy. She was so shy that the whole person was frightened!

"In this case, I have to hurry up!"

Obviously he had a premonition, but this time Shiho still asked blankly:"What are you doing in a hurry?"

"You will know after a while, even if you say it now, it is a lot of mosaic!"

Lu Cheng said as he hurriedly opened the door. Without even waiting to enter the bedroom, he took out this piece of fine mutton-fat white jade from his windbreaker and began to taste and play with it........

A few minutes later.

Lu Cheng originally thought that Zhibao understood what he was going to do, but when he saw Zhibao subconsciously squatting down and starting to recite the text...Because of the different models, Lu Cheng, who had endured more, was stunned for a second!

Although Lu Cheng really likes to see Shibao hesitant and shy, but compared to that, this is a fight between goblins. It is more exciting to have an extremely in-depth journey to explore the secrets and sights!

So Lu Cheng decisively terminated the"Studyable Baby" proficiency course, and instead pulled Shibao up and murmured to her who was slightly puzzled:

"You have grown up, so instead of memorizing the text tonight, we will take a brand new course......"

It didn't take long for Shiho to devote himself selflessly to this brand new course, absorbing knowledge assiduously and constantly following Lu Cheng's footsteps to make progress.

That piece of flawless mutton-fat white jade seemed to be riding on a horse, traveling through mountains, rivers, plateaus, sofas and kitchens....After a while, it felt like being thrown into a lake, rising and falling in tension and suffocation.

Afterwards, the fickle Lu Cheng asked her to review and consolidate the text again!

Finally return to the new course to strengthen your memory..................

And hours passed.

Before dawn, the two of them, immersed in the ocean of knowledge, were forced to stop studying.

Moreover, Shiho was seriously injured due to a sudden unexpected situation!


"It hurts!!!——————"

Lu Cheng looked at Shiho, whose face turned pale and kept shouting in pain, and who suddenly turned into Xiao Ai. He was completely at a loss for a moment, and could only hurriedly comfort him while saying softly:"Little Ai,...Xiao Ai, I'll do it right away...Be patient!"

But as soon as Lu Cheng moved, Xiao Ai shouted in pain again:"Don't move!!!"

"Well...I don't move! I don't move!"Lu Cheng was immediately frightened and did not dare to move.

At this moment, he really hated himself for having such a perfect model!

At this moment, he was intact, but Xiao Ai suffered a serious crime!

Just look at Xiao Ai's face at this time, Lu Cheng could even imagine that it should be a kind of...It’s no less painful than a broken egg!

"Xiao Ai..."

Lu Cheng touched Xiao Ai's small breasts with great heartache to give her"good luck", but he didn't know if the child's body would produce ejaculation. If it could, Xiao Ai's pain might be less.......


Lu Cheng"comforted" Xiao Ai for a long time, using all his strength... No! It should be all possible.

Only when he regains the prestige of his acupuncture skills can he finally retire with success!

Lu Cheng hugged Xiao Ai, whose eyes were lifeless at this moment, like a rag doll. Lu Cheng felt extremely guilty. He said small words, kind words, and what was in his heart over and over again before finally being replaced by a crying kitten.

But Lu Cheng's heart melted when he heard that little whine.

This night turned out to be the sleepless night Lu Cheng had imagined, but it was not the sleepless night he imagined.......

The two of them kept going back and forth like this until the next day.

It was near noon that Xiao Ai woke up. She had only slept for three or four hours. She accidentally woke up from the pain when she turned over.

Almost at the same time, Lu Cheng served brunch with a smile on his face

"Xiao Ai, it’s time to eat!"Lu Cheng's attitude has never been better.

However, Xiao Ai obviously still resents Lu Cheng for almost killing her yesterday. At this time, like a ferocious cat with exploded fur, she bared her teeth at Lu Cheng:"Hmph!!!"

Lu Cheng:"......"Why Mao is cuter! But by the way, I remember reading somewhere that the human skin is very malleable, right?

You must know that even if he is very capable, he will be overwhelmed by the size of a baby. And a woman can even give birth to a baby, so why would Mao Xiaoai suffer such serious injuries?


Lu Cheng was puzzled, so he made a brand new course in his mind, that is: expansion training starts with acupoint-pointing hands!......

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