What is this place?Why does my stomach hurt so much?Whose home is this?Why am I here?


Who am I?

On the pale gray bed, a girl with long black hair slowly opened her eyes and stared blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling.

said it was unfamiliar, but if you asked her what kind of ceiling was familiar, she couldn't tell her why.

She struggled to sit up from the bed, but perhaps because she was moving so violently that a tearing pain came from her abdomen.

Fighting to endure the most sudden pain, she gradually eased up and began to look at her surroundings.

The room was not big, but it was warmly furnished. In the background of the light green walls, a few daisies are inserted in a vase by the windowsill not far away, and a faint cloud of dust dances in the sunlight. The whole room is very vibrant.

The girl on the bed leaned quietly on the pillow and watched the scene.

She knew that something was wrong with her state, such as that she had forgotten who she was, how she was injured, and how she was here. But looking at the blooming daisies not far away, she suddenly felt that these were not very important.


She turned her head to look at the chair beside the bed, her eyes hesitant. Except that there is a large empty place in my heart, as if I have missed something very important.

As she tried to think, a slight but deep pain came through her mind, which made her cry out in pain.


sound of the door shaft rubbing suddenly came, and the girl on the bed endured the pain and looked up at the big black wavy woman who walked into the room with a tray.

But it was clear that the woman who was walking intently with the tray did not notice that she had sat up from the bed.

It wasn't until the woman put down the tray and looked up that she was startled by the girl staring at her. But soon, she reacted and sat down in a chair next to her with some joy.

"Ah, Akemi-san, you're awake. "

Ming... Akemi: Is this my name?"

The girl on the bed opened her mouth, perhaps because she hadn't spoken for too long, and she tried several times before she succeeded in saying what she thought.

Hearing this, the woman was obviously a little dazed.

"Well, Ms. Akemi, don't you remember?"

"I'm really sorry, I don't seem to remember my past well. The

girl bowed her head in disappointment, she didn't care too much about whether she had amnesia. But when she felt that her heart was empty, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have lost what she should have been desperately trying to protect.

Seeing the lost look of the person in front of her, the woman was also a little panicked.

"Oh, it's okay, maybe you're just the after-effects of the injury. When the wound heals, it will definitely come back to me naturally. Well, I don't know much about you, and I'm only entrusted with your care. Maybe I can tell you what I know first. By the way, my name is Twilight Green.

Twilight said as she picked up the hot porridge on the tray. Scoop up a spoonful with a spoon and blow it gently and bring it to her mouth.

"Your name is Akemi Miyano, I don't know exactly what you do, and my grandfather won't tell me, maybe it's some secret.

"Akemi Miyano?" Akemi obediently drank the hot porridge handed by Midori and whispered her name.

"yes, that's a nice name, isn't it?"

Twilight smiled as she scooped up a spoonful of hot porridge again.

"And the people who sent you here are our friends in our family, Fei Yingli, Concubine Lawyer, and her daughter Mao Lilan, I don't know if you still have any impressions.

Akemi swallowed the hot porridge in silence and shook her head. She was not at all impressed.

Whether it is for himself or for his savior, it is as if he is shrouded in a thick layer of gauze.

"It's okay, slowly I can remember everything. Twilight reassured.

Slowly, a bowl of porridge was wiped out in this gentle atmosphere.

"Your body is still recovering, and it is not suitable to eat too much at once, so you should rest for a while and sleep again.

Midori helped Akemi tuck the quilt and walked out of the room with the tray.


When Midori finished cleaning up the kitchen and returned to Akemi's room, Akemi was lying under the covers, perhaps dreaming of something bad, and her brows were furrowed.

"Alas, poor boy.

Midori pityfully smoothed the wrinkles between Akemi's brows, as if she could soothe her nightmares.

After looking at her for a while, and making sure that she was fine, Twilight closed the door gently, walked over to the phone, and began to call Fei Yingli.


"Hey, it's me, Twilight. Akemi's child woke up, but something seemed to be wrong. "

Something's wrong?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli on the other end of the phone was a little puzzled. "

She's recovering well, but she seems to have lost her memory. "

Amnesia?" Fei

Yingli rubbed her temples. This is not good news.

The matter of the Inari Society on his side has not yet been found out, and he has no clue to find the black-clothed organization.

At present, if these people want to know about the black-clothed organization, the only way is to betray the organization, and Akemi Miyano, who was saved by his own daughter, is just one person.

But now that she has amnesia, it means that this path will not work for a short time.

"I still have to start with the Inari Society..."

Fei Yingli, who hung up the phone, rubbed her temples and had a headache.

"No, you must remember to call that guy Yukiko in the past two days. I'm going to figure out how she managed to help her bastard son deal with such a behemoth.

Fei Yingli carefully put away the information in front of her about the lawsuit that she could win with her eyes closed, and after saying hello to her colleagues, she left with the car keys.

Compared with a simple lawsuit, it is more important to meet the amnesiac Akemi Miyano.

On the way to Officer Twilight's house, Fei Yingli took out her mobile phone and dialed Xiaolan, who was still traveling in Izu.

"Moses Moses, this is Maoriland. "

Xiaolan, Akemi Miyano is awake, and I'm on my way to Officer Twilight's house. But Alu said that Akemi Miyano seems to have something wrong with her, so I'll talk to you first, and you should be mentally prepared.


By the way, when will you come back from Izu?"

By the way, Mom, I caught a hacker who has done a lot of bad things today.

Fei Yingli smiled and listened to Xiaolan tell her the detective story she had personally experienced, and her mind began to think about how she could deceive some information from Yukiko.



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