Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 685: ——Death in the line of duty (the end of the main line [Decisive Battle] of Phase 1)

August 23.

"Last night, a large-scale explosion occurred in the Dongdu Aquarium area. According to the police source who investigated, it may be due to a fire during the renovation process, which ignited the newly put into operation electronic system circuit..."

"This reporting method is quite interesting," Haibara Ai said while drinking milk, watching the report on TV.

"Yes," Qianyu nodded. "But then again, there's probably no way to report the truth? Could it be that Bourbon, the owner of a title such as a senior police officer who broke into the organization's National Police Agency, died after being killed by a bomb and beheaded?"

There is nothing to worry about discussing this topic in my own home-maybe before, Qianyu still needed to worry about the possibility of having a bug in the house, but now Qianyu's control of the auxiliary unit has become extremely mature, even if the search mode cannot be activated, the whole The signal within the small part of the land of the Tachibana homestead and the adjacent mansion is also completely within his control. At this stage, it is impossible for any signal transmission to escape the eyes of Qianyu, so they have no scruples. .

"By the way, how is that guy's damage?" Ai Haibara asked suddenly. "When I came back this morning, how did I feel his head..."

"It was blown up, the scene was extremely tragic," Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "It seems that the connection pipe was blown up by the bomb. It may be necessary to add more reinforcement measures in the future. But other than that, the damage should be mainly concentrated on the protective plate surface, and a small part of it is used for It's not a big deal if the metal frame on which the protective panel is installed is bent."

"Is there any follow-up risk for such a big convention?" Haibara looked upstairs sadly. "That guy should be here just to fix things, right?"

"It's mainly to help make new skins. After all, Kiichiro Numabuchi's skin was broken, so I need to make a new skin. I can solve the non-facial skin by lining it with soft bulletproof materials after nitrification. But the material for the face still needs Belmod's help, after all, you know, I'm not good at pinching a face out of thin air."

"Is it okay for her to come here?" Hai Yuanai frowned slightly. "I remember you didn't say she was..."

"Well, she was sneaking in before, but now she and her companions have applied for another vacation, and her identity will be officially replaced by others in the organization, so she is now free again." Qianyu nodded. nod. "However, compared with his identity, whose replacement is the most relevant thing to us, after all, if the frequency of events we encounter now is concerned, we will see him often in the future, right? Right? As far as we are concerned, we may still not find any difference. After all, we are not familiar with him, and it is not too difficult to adapt to a new person, but other people in the Metropolitan Police Department may feel the difference, right? His temperament has changed a lot."

"So, what about her mission at the Metropolitan Police Department?" Haibara Ai raised this question again - this question is actually the most important thing for their safety. "Did you help us find it?"

"Well, she found it and deleted it," Qianyu nodded. "It is said that the police department lost too much manpower in the attack last night, so the person she played was transferred to fill the backbone position because of her rich experience, although she could not completely take over Bourbon's role because of her age. The status of the Star of Hope, but at least has the power to pre-organize the relevant information left by Bourbon for the next professional group to be promoted, and at the same time provide assistance as the first deputy of the successor."

"In other words, all the information the National Police Agency has on us has been destroyed?" Haibara Ai confirmed.

"Well, it should be considered that it has been destroyed, and no one will pay attention to us anymore." When he said this, Qianyu patted Haibara Ai's back lightly and said with a smile. "Basically, we're safe."

[Security], such a common thing for ordinary people, is such a treasure that is so hard to get to them. It was only today that they could finally say they were safe.

organize? They are their allies. As long as Hoshino Feng continues to have power in the organization, the organization will not attack them.

FBI? Akai Shuichi and Kudo Yu have done their endorsement as them.

Police Department? Their core hinterland has been corrupted by the organization, and all information related to them has been destroyed.


Meanwhile, outside an apartment.

"Those kids are really worrying," Hotaru said with a tired look, holding Fujiwara's hand. "I'll definitely think carefully about fertility in the future."

"Anything like this is good, but I want to warn in advance that the experience after giving birth will be very bad, and it is easy to be interrupted by inexplicable things," Fujiwara looked in the direction of the apartment door. "By the way, when did you rent an apartment here?"

"It's been a few days after the Qixi Festival," Yingying replied with a seemingly indifferent attitude. "I saw that there was a discount here, and I had a little conflict with my brother, so I moved here by the way."

Of course, the real reason for her to move is not because of Amuro. After all, Amuro has his own place and rarely comes here.

The reason she moved out here was to cleanse her feelings for Okazaki Yuma by distance after she decided to devote herself to Fujiwara.

If you are with the girl you are addicted to every day, how do you get rid of the addiction?

But the irony is that his feelings for her are so deep and his withdrawal reaction is so strong: even if Fujiwara is by his side, Yujin will appear in his heart from time to time.

In the end, she adopted a compromise method-if the physical and mental damage of forced detoxification in the short term is too great to bear, there is another technical alternative, that is, the harm of taking drugs is at the second level, but it can also be basically Meet the needs of methadone.

She still moved out, but resumed contact with Okazaki Yuma and invited her to hang out with herself - although it seems like a repeat of the same mistakes, at least they don't live together anymore, and the relationship can be done after a while Cool down a little, and then further distancing may not be as intense as withdrawal pain.

Just when Hotaru's mind was in such a trance, she was stopped by dragging Fujiwara to the front of the guard's room.

"Shui Keying," the uncle guard said to her with a letter. "Your stuff was sent this morning by a man in green clothes, without stamps, and it seems that the sender sent it from a great place!"

"Green clothes?" Ying frowned after seeing the kraft paper bag. "OK……"

And when she took the letter in her hand, the contents inside made her complexion change instantly.

It seems to be something like a badge, and the National Police Agency rarely sends this kind of thing, unless...

Fujiwara also frowned and gently supported Yingying's trembling body.

"I..." Ying's voice trembled. "Let's go home first..."

Five minutes later. "..." Hotaru sat on the sofa, leaning gently on Fujiwara's arms, holding the envelope with trembling hands.

The seal of the letter has been cut off by, but she has been unable to make up her mind.

"Should I open it?" Hotaru finally turned his head and asked Fujiwara.

In terms of pragmatism, there is only one answer to this kind of question. After all, the letter is already in hand, and there is no reason not to open it, but Fujiwara hesitated.

He naturally knows what happened yesterday, and there is no suspense to him about what kind of information this letter is most likely to convey.

After sighing, Fujiwara hugged Hotaru tighter. "Open it, after all... it has to be opened."

Two fingers gently probed into the letter, and then gently pulled out the letter that they touched. Yingying's face suddenly paled after glancing at the first paragraph of the letter, and her lips trembled.

{[Policy - Drop Valley Zero]'s family, we regret to inform you...}

Fujiwara also saw the content above, and after shaking his head, he gently pulled Hotaru to his chest and hugged her with both hands. And this action seemed to press a switch, causing Ying, who was still holding on strong, to suddenly collapse.

"Brother...Brother...why is this...why is this, why!!!" she asked while holding Fujiwara's neck so tightly, staring at Fujiwara stubbornly. "why why……"

The big teardrops fell from her cheeks like this and dripped onto her clothes.


The mood is quite complicated. After writing the book for more than three years, I finally finished writing a main story.

Although there should be more to be written in the future, the structure of the book is still at the final stage. Everyone's stories, protagonists, and supporting roles will be described as much as possible in the next paragraph, whether life or death, sorrow or joy, and will eventually get their own full stop.

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