Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 395: - undercover

Rice Flower Park, a single-family room with lights on.

"Boom!" With a blasting sound, a large group of sawdust broke out from the door lock and the two door shafts at the same time, and the entire wooden door fell to the inside after the connection with these three places was interrupted.

There were shotguns outside the door, and the special forces who had just finished firing the bullets were preparing to attack the door, but the scene in front of them shocked them.

Directly below the window inlaid in the wall directly in front of them, lay a red gasoline can. Around the gasoline barrel surrounded by bullet holes, dots of flames were beating, gathering at an astonishing speed, and burning the nearby walls.

Just when they were terrified of what was going on, the strong smell of gasoline entered their noses, and the flames quickly spread along the inner wall and floor.

"These lunatics, withdraw!" The young man immediately reacted to what was happening and ordered loudly.

At this moment, a man in black with a gun appeared at the door of the room, but before he could shoot, he was knocked to the ground by two special forces soldiers in the first row with two shotguns.

Just as the man fell to the ground, a heart-piercing howl came from the room.

"help me!!!"

After hearing these words, Takagi and Sato's expressions instantly became stunned, and they looked at each other in surprise.

"This is?" Takagi murmured.

"..." Sato's face also showed unconcealed surprise.

The sound of heavy and irregular footsteps appeared in everyone's ears through the sound of burning flames, and a fat figure bathed in flames fell to the door, making a "popping" sound.

He twisted in pain, his body covered in orange death flames—wait a minute, maybe it wasn't all the color of flames, because his clothes seemed to be orange too?

"Search the two of the first class," the young man said. "Do you think this person may actually be our acquaintance? At least I think his voice and clothes are familiar!"

Both Takagi and Sato gave him a look of surprise and affirmation.

As the fat figure struggled, a flame was thrown out as if it had a solid body, and after hitting the ground at the door where everyone was before, it completely ignited the entire wooden floor.

"Napalm?" one of the special forces murmured. "Boss, why don't we retreat first?"

"Are you also inclined towards napalm?" the young man asked solemnly. "Tactical formation retreats!"

Napalm, which is recombined from the words naphthene (cycloalkane) and palmiticacid (palmitic acid), is intended to be a viscous agent, but now the name of this viscous agent is not used to describe this viscous agent, but Used to describe an illegal weapon that was banned more than a decade ago.

Napalm, a poisonous incendiary weapon that gels fuel so that it sticks stubbornly to the victim. (The composition of napalm is poisonous, so even a small wound will be poisoned if burned.)

Of course, if this is the case, there is absolutely no need for young people to let everyone retreat. The biggest problem for them, however, is that when the napalm burns, it quickly drains the surrounding area of ​​oxygen, and there is a risk of suffocation if they stay there.

"Wait a minute, what's he going to do?" Sato asked, pointing at the fat figure.

"He won't survive," explained one of the two special forces behind them. "This situation is hopeless - he is not only facing extensive burns, but also deep poisoning. Even if he is called for emergency treatment now, it is very difficult to survive, not to mention..."

What's more, under the current circumstances, it is impossible for them to drag him out. Otherwise, 100% of the person who dragged him out will have to be admitted to the hospital, and it is not yet confirmed whether he is in the hospital's ICU or the hospital's morgue.

"You spread out from left to right." At this moment, the young man said suddenly.

Just as the special forces dispersed from both sides of the young man who stopped suddenly, the young man suddenly raised the submachine gun in his hand.

"Da Da—" After several rounds of burst shots, the struggling corpse stopped moving.

For this kind of person who is still alive, but absolutely unable to survive, giving him a good time is all he can do.

On a nearby tree, a camera tied to a branch with the battery was working.


Metropolitan Police Department, search for a lesson.

"Excuse me, where is Officer Mumu?" Several officers from the National Police Agency stood in the room of Section 1 of the search, and the one in the lead politely said to Officer Chiba.

"Uh," Officer Chiba, who was questioned by him, was stunned, and then pointed to Officer Mumu's location. "over there."

"Thank you," the police officer nodded, and walked over there with several others.

"Officer Mumu?" asked the police officer.

"What are you doing?" Officer Mumu asked, looking at the police officers from the police station in front of him.

"We hope you can cooperate with our The police department staff gave him an investigation order. "This is an investigation order issued by the police department. "

Following these words, everyone who searched the first lesson looked over, and Megumi's expression became even more exciting.

"What?" Officer Mumu frowned and asked sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Officer Meguro..." Takagi and Sato walked out with complicated expressions just behind a few people from the National Police Agency.

"What's going on?" When Officer Megure saw Takagi and Sato, the expression on his face became puzzled.

"We are in Rice Flower Park..." Takagi chose his words carefully. "Found a kidnapped man, and he was burned right in front of us. And that man was..."

"Who is that person?" Officer Mumu urged. "tell me--"

Speaking of which, Officer Mumu's expression suddenly became very strange. "You don't want to say, that person is me?"

"We have evidence that the contents of the top-secret meeting of the National Police Agency have been leaked, and we did see you..." Sato sighed. "You who wore your clothes in the fire and howled with your voice."

"Of course, we're not here to arrest you," the police officer pulled out another arrest warrant, shook it, and put it away again. . "The reason why we only show you the investigation order is precisely because my superiors don't think you are undercover, so we just ask you to rest at our place for a while instead of roughing you. After the case is over, we will confirm you It is true that I will return your innocence later."

"..." Officer Mumu was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, but if I could choose where to go, I'd still like to find a place with something to pass the time."

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