Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 391: - the police department

"What?" The young man frowned. "Kidnapping?"

"Yes," Feng Jian nodded. "That's what the Metropolitan Police Department said, so they want to send someone over to take a look."

"Then why don't you just let the people in the search class do it?" the young man asked back. "Why tell us such a thing?"

"Because..." Kazami said after hesitating for a moment. "They said it was inconvenient for them to intervene, so they asked us to deal with it."

"Inconvenient?" The young man's face suddenly became suspicious. "What is inconvenience?"

"Because Officer Sato, who transferred this case, told us that it was really inconvenient for them to get involved in this matter," Kazami explained. "Because the kidnapped person in this case is likely to be related to the first class of search, she suspects that there may be a ghost in the first class of the search, and once it is handed over to the first class to deal with it, it may be a surprise."

"Inner ghost?" The doubtful look of the young man instantly froze on his face. "The person who searched the first class came to find us, and then said that there was a ghost in the first search class?"

"Yes." Feng Jian nodded. "Indeed."

"Tsk..." The young man showed a rather subtle expression. "Can you help me get in touch with this person? I want to talk to her on the way to the location of the hostage raid."


Twenty minutes later, the police car got in.

"So, it was the kid named Edogawa Conan who was found by the manager of Matsumoto, so he knew the content of the case and deduced that the beetles might be related to someone in the search class, so he contacted you by phone. This Takagi next to him, and Takagi contacted you?" The young man sat in the passenger seat, looked at Officer Sato through the rearview mirror, and asked.

"Yes," Officer Sato looked at Takagi beside him, and nodded. "Because I had doubts about this before, I didn't mention it to others and contacted you directly."

"Have you had doubts about this before?" the young man asked again. "Tell me carefully."

Police Officer Sato then briefly told the young people about his previous experience on the way to Xintangyu's house and at Xintangyu's house.

"I see," the young man nodded. "If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with you -- or rather, it makes sense."

The young man knew very well that there must be an organized inner ghost in the search class, otherwise he would not have asked for a warrant from his superiors to directly interfere with the detection of this case.

But he still didn't know who the inner ghost was in the organization. I'm afraid it can only be confirmed after going to the scene and confirming who was kidnapped.

But how did the little guy know that the kidnapped was the one from Search Class One? Or... the young man turned his eyes out of the window, avoiding eye contact with Takagi and Sato in the back seat.

Is this a bait to lure him into a trap?


Meanwhile, Tokyo Tower.

Sitting on the counter, Ying took a small sip of the milk tea held in both hands, and then looked out the window through the glass.

After eating at the Tachibana House, Hotaru, who learned that Fujiwara couldn't accompany her to spend the Tanabata with her, did not stay at home, but chose to embolden Yuma, who was a little nervous because she had invited Takeda to come to Tokyo Tower for the Tanabata.

As for the reason? For Yingying, Yuzhen is a special one, even just being by her side can make him feel very at ease.

After drinking the milk tea, Ying threw the milk tea cup into the trash can beside her, and left the store—Yuzhen and Takeda drank faster than her, so they took the stairs next to them to the second floor of the observation deck ahead of time.

After going upstairs, she suddenly saw someone she knew - Chiba, who had previously said Haibara Ai would go out early in the morning to investigate the case with the Matsumoto manager.

Could it be that you went out with other little girls for the Qixi Festival? No - the character of this little guy, Hotaru, is relatively familiar, it doesn't look like her style of painting.

Could it be that he is here to investigate the case?

To Yuma and Takeda, who had already seen him, made a silent gesture, Hotaru crept up to Chiba's ear, and then took a breath.

"Why did you come here?" After Chiyu regained her composure, Hotaru asked calmly. "Did you come with your little girlfriend?"

Hotaru is 99% convinced that the answer is no, because if that's the case, it's impossible for Chiba to appear in front of the elevator alone - he will definitely take the same elevator as Haibara Ai.

"I'm here to buy a gashapon," Qianyu spread her hands. "A few days ago, I accidentally broke a gashapon that Huiyuan bought here, so I wanted to come and buy some for her. After I got here, the Tanabata festival was being held here, so I came to see it."

What Easter eggs did the little girl buy here? Probably the easter eggs that these two guys bought when they were involved in the bombing of Tokyo Tower some time ago, right? But...his reason is different from the reason he gave to Haibara Ai?

The little girl's one is quite and the general reasoning will not make up this kind of reason, so there is a high probability that Qianyu is lying.

Then, what is his reason for lying? Confidential operation? But in that case, his most normal choice should be to ask them to help do something secretly, rather than prevaricate like this.

In any case, try to hold off for a while, and you can probably guess what he's actually doing by looking at his reaction. If he's not in a hurry, then there's probably nothing to do, but if he doesn't want to accompany him, then his purpose of coming here is very subtle.

"I see," Yingying walked up to Qianyu and touched his head. "Would you like to walk around here with my sister? My sister is not very familiar with this place."

"Huh?" Qian Yu blinked, then said while shaking her head. "That... I'm not familiar with this place, and sister, you still want to accompany Sister Yuzhen and the others, don't you?"

He doesn't want to waste time here - in terms of his character as trying to satisfy other people, it's obviously because he currently has more important things than spending time with them.

"Hmm—" Firefly made a thoughtful expression. "It seems to be right... uh--it looks like you really can't bring your sister to play here."

"Then..." Chiyu felt a little tired of coping with Hotaru's offensive, so she decided to retreat. "Well, then I won't disturb the brothers and sisters to come out to play... I will withdraw first!"

"Okay~" Hotaru waved to Chiyu with a smile. "I wish you a good time shopping!"

Seeing Qianyu disappearing into the crowd, Hotaru narrowed her eyes slightly—she always felt that something was wrong. After all, if there were no special circumstances, Qianyu wouldn't have done anything to hide things like coming out with the Matsumoto manager to investigate the case. .

So, where exactly did the variable that led to Chiba's secrecy arise?

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