Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 345: ——History: Game

"What?" Hotaru only realized her gaffe after exclaiming, glanced at Haibara Ai, who was still soundly asleep, and said softly. "They found out about our actions? How could this be?"

"I don't know," the young man said solemnly. "But I can confirm that they were fully informed of our actions."

Although he was not at the scene, he knew the situation after hearing about it from Kazami.

He wasn't stupid enough to think that the car that appeared first was an accomplice to the group of people later, and that the car that appeared first probably belonged to the organization, and the latter to the FBI.

The reason is very simple - if the two groups of people are allied, there is no need for the first vehicle to appear here, and it is a normal choice to directly let the combatants attack.

In addition, the young man heard the sound of gunfire from the opposite side through the walkie-talkie - this kind of gunfire was and could only be the standard firearms of the FBI field service, and the organization did not use such firearms at all.

It is now known that there are only two other forces surrounding the Orange Mansion - the organization and the Yankees. Since the strength of the car in front does not belong to the FBI, which party can it belong to?

"Then what should I do!" Ying pouted slightly. "Before, I brought this little girl back because you promised to achieve the goal. What should I do now?"

"Are you in trouble when you stay?" The young man frowned.

"How could it not stay..." Ying sighed. "Even if that little girl isn't too wary of me, I can't deceive her into a place where no one is. Although there are no surveillance probes nearby, I can't avoid being seen. Once I report the case, I may be exposed at any time. I had already taken this into consideration at the time, so I dealt with her in a covert way as much as possible, but the possibility that the witness pointed out that it was me who abducted the little girl was very likely. Brother, although your position in the National Police Agency is not low, you are also There's no way to directly stop the police department's detection work, right?"

"In that case, the only way is to fake that little girl as an accident at your house," the young man said after thinking for a moment. "Fortunately, you didn't come hard before, so it's still possible to fake it now."

"..." Hotaru frowned, apparently thinking of an excuse to explain her behavior of bringing Haibara Ai back.

At this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone came - Ying's mobile phone was on a call, so it was obviously not her call.

Hotaru walked quickly to Haibara Ai's side, and took out a cell phone from her pocket.

It is definitely impossible for her to answer, otherwise it will be exposed immediately - she will not be able to explain the previous text message saying that she will go back soon.

Wait a minute, her mobile phone... Ying Wei looked at her mobile phone in her hand in astonishment.

The two people's mobile phones are actually the same model. If the words are right, it seems that they can be used for tricks?

The corners of Yingying's mouth twitched slightly, then she picked up Haibara Ai's cell phone, threw it on the sofa, and then responded to the call of the young man who was already starting to feel a little anxious.

"I figured out a way," Ying said lightly. "Don't come to me today, as long as you guys come to do things, I'll be sure to handle it well."


Yingying was walking on the street, a purple pocket was hanging around her waist.

She made up such a scene.

She accidentally recognized Haibara Ai's cell phone as her own, and put it in her pocket. Then she replied that it was half an hour before she went back because she thought it was her cell phone that received the text message, and it was Fujiwara who came to ask. Or by true.

In order to achieve this lie, she must leave first, and then come back with some goods at the right time-although it was said at the time for half an hour, but as a girl, she has ample leeway to extend the shopping time in this regard.

But now is the time to go back, because...

(Chapter 314 here, when Fujiwara and Chiba were waiting for Hotaru in the fast food restaurant)

When he was about to get home, Hotaru held a mini telescope and looked at the second floor of the fast food restaurant downstairs about a hundred meters away. Fujiwara and Chiba were chatting and eating French fries.

"Did you actually lie? (Remember, according to the progress that Fujiwara said on the phone, it is impossible for them to arrive here now. Hotaru's tone was a little troubled. "Looks suspicious of me?"

(Actually, Hotaru has long been concerned about this, because when Fujiwara called her, she heard the loud voice of the uncle from the fast food restaurant in front of her house, so she temporarily bought a mini telescope.)

In this game, Hotaru scored one point.


Fifteen minutes later.

Chiba followed Fujiwara into the elevator and watched the elevator door slowly close.

"Just follow me when you go up," Fujiwara turned around and instructed Qianyu. "Don't talk too much, don't do too much, we'll leave after picking up the little girl."

Hotaru is the enemy, there is no doubt about that, so Fujiwara had already brought a gun before bringing Chiba. In such a dangerous situation, he naturally had to restrain Qianyu's behavior to ensure that he would not cause trouble or cause trouble.

"Oh" Qianyu Do you want to know why? "Fujiwara looked at Chiyu's expression, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

"Why?" Qianyu asked.

Of course, it was impossible for Fujiwara to tell him the real reason.

"That's the girl's room," Fujiwara said in a frivolous tone. "There are a lot of girls' secret items in it. If we see it, it will embarrass Hotaru."

Yes, there are indeed many secret items of "girls" (here is the proper noun, referring to Firefly), and if you see it, it will indeed make Firefly look ugly - for example, there should probably be all kinds of guns and ammunition there. Any information?

Saying these words, Fujiwara leaned against the wall of the elevator car in a relaxed manner, and there was a sound of metal crashing.

Of course, it is impossible for the human body to make a metal collision sound. The reason why Fujiwara can make this sound is because he is also wearing a bulletproof vest.

Come on, Yingying, let me see what your plans are.


After another five minutes, Hotaru, who heard the doorbell, opened the door, and then locked his eyes on Fujiwara. With just a quick glance, Hotaru confirmed that she had been suspected by Fujiwara.

Fujiwara had one hand in his pocket, and it didn't look any different on the surface - but for Hotaru, who was very familiar with Fujiwara's figure, it was very problematic.

If he was wearing normal clothes, Fujiwara's hand in his pocket wouldn't be able to fit in half of it -- after all, he usually wouldn't wear clothes with such a large pocket space.

If she guessed correctly, Fujiwara had a gun.

The corners of Ying's mouth twitched slightly.


(Author: There is no need to add the History prefix in the next chapter, because it is the latest plot rather than a memory.)

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