Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 330: ——History: Skeleton is now

In fact, without Belmod's request, Fujiwara is already working to confirm whether Chiba is Icewine—and today is an important step in Fujiwara's confirmation work.

Fujiwara and Chiba's Class B in the first grade are somewhat related - Fujiwara's elementary school teacher is the father of Sumiko Kobayashi, the current class teacher of Class B, and Fujiwara has also met Sumiko Kobayashi. So Fujiwara just visited the Kobayashi's house one weekend after learning the news of Qianyu, and asked Kobayashi Sumiko to take the initiative to take him to meet the members of the Young Detective Team through side-talking - that is today.

Fujiwara prepared a mission for Chiba and the others—a mission to examine their mobility. Whether they are children or adults who are imprisoned in small bodies can be known after a try.

To be precise, this task was not prepared for them by Fujiwara, but a real problem that Fujiwara encountered.

Takeda's confession was successful and he became the boyfriend of a girl named Yuma Okazaki in the same grade, but Fujiwara found out that there was something wrong with Yuma Okazaki.

What's more troublesome is that this issue is also related to the relationship between Takeda and Okazaki Yujin.


"Hey!" Takeda shot a shot in the air, and then his body fell to the ground in an arc.

"!" Right where he was about to fall, Fujiwara had already arrived one step ahead, and then supported Takeda. "Don't be like this, okay? I won't help you next time."

"You have said this sentence more than ten times, haven't you?" a teammate next to him joked. "When can we do it for real?"

"I also told you that if I throw you again, I will kill you, right?" Fujiwara rolled his eyes at him. "Would you like to come over and die?"

"That's the only way to score points," Takeda smiled wryly, regaining his balance with Fujiwara's help. But just as he was about to resume his game, he was suddenly stopped by Fujiwara.

"?" Fujiwara's expression was a little subtle, and then he put his face in front of Takeda.

"!?" Takeda was shocked. "You... what are you doing?"

"You..." Fujiwara's expression was very strange. "Did anyone kiss you today?"

"Huh?" Takeda was stunned, while the other classmates began to boo.

"Is that Okazaki-san?"

"I'm so happy!"

"How do you know..." Takeda's face flushed, he quickly pulled Fujiwara aside and asked in a low voice. "Today... Today Yuzhen gave me a kiss..."

"Is that Okazaki-san?" Fujiwara frowned slightly, then stretched out again. "Yes, this is a very milestone step."

"Really?" Takeda asked excitedly.

"What did I lie to you for?" Fujiwara shrugged.


After returning home, Fujiwara's expression suddenly darkened.

The reason he was able to figure out that Takeda had been kissed was actually quite simple—he smelled lipstick and perfume.

The smell of this lipstick means that it is not a popular product, but a treasure - a new high-end lipstick that Chanel released a month ago. Only this kind of lipstick can leave a fragrance on the skin soaked with sweat and sweat.

As for perfume... This type of perfume itself is not something that is particularly cherished, but there are not many high school girls who use this perfume and such a high-end lipstick.

This is a pheromone perfume - a perfume with estrogen as the essence, which can effectively stimulate the nerves of men on a physiological level.

Moreover, the trivial information I had learned before also proved that the two of them have been good friends since childhood...

With a gloomy face, Fujiwara looked at a sticker hanging on the wall.

Hotaru's hands were shaped like cat's claws, and he clawed at Fujiwara's arm with a smile, but Fujiwara only made a slight smile that was not obvious.

Mizuki Ying should be the only girl he has ever met who uses both products at the same time... So the question is, what level of contact can make one girl's lipstick stay on another girl's lips? And how close contact can the pheromone perfume be transferred from one girl's perfume to another girl's body, but also strong enough for another girl to contaminate the perfume on the boy's body?

There is no doubt that this contact is definitely at the same level as the French wet kiss.

"Ke..." Fujiwara frowned slightly—if that's the case, she doesn't really care about Okazaki Yuma, but Takeda...

Being green is shameful enough. As a man, being greened by a girl is really shameful.

Fujiwara knew that he needed to verify it.


Late at night, in a hotel double room.

Fujiwara hugged Hotaru, who had already fallen asleep, and gently placed her in the bathtub filled with a lot of water.

It is not an easy thing to use up Huo Ying's physical strength in a serious way. It is very likely that even if Ying Ying is already tired, he has no energy to do anything anymore, so Fujiwara chose to use medicine.

First put enough caffeine in advance, and then drink the same bottle of wine with sleeping pills in a way similar to chewing wine, so that you can ensure that you still have enough energy to go to work even when Yingying is exhausted. Work.

Under the name "Takeda said that Yujin's lipstick tastes good", he asked Hotaru about the type of Yujin's lipstick and perfume, and then specially prepared a transparent ointment that could react with these two cosmetics. Then he asked Yingying out on the grounds of physical demands, and took this opportunity to play tricks on Yingying's lipstick. UU reading (Inject the ointment under the surface of the lipstick, as long as Ying smears the lipstick, the ointment will also be applied..

As long as Hotaru wears lipstick and Shin and Yuma do something very strange, the added ingredients in Hotaru's lipstick will react with Yuma's cosmetics, creating traces that can be discovered by Fujiwara.


Two days later, Fujiwara found the evidence he wanted.

It was a time when Fujiwara went to an amusement park with Hotaru, Takeda and Yuma. When riding the Ferris wheel, at the strong request of Yujin, who was obviously still a bit shy, she and Hotaru sat in the same box, while Takeda and Fujinohara sat in another Ferris wheel box.

"Did you take such a blow?" Fujiwara said lightly, looking at Takeda in a depressed state.

"I wanted to talk to her about something..." Takeda scratched his hair in frustration. "Just two people should have been a great opportunity to have a good conversation... I didn't expect it..."

"..." After hesitating for a moment, Fujiwara chose to comfort him. "It's okay, it's just because she's more introverted and shy, I believe she should still be very attached to you."

But I don't know which of her attachment to you or her feelings for Yingying is more attractive to her... If it is the latter, it will be a big problem.

When the Ferris wheel turned around and Fujiwara Takeda, Hotaru, and Yuma reunited, a trace of anger flashed in Fujiwara's eyes.

Hotaru and Yuma both showed obvious fatigue. Not only did they lose their energy, but they also yawned that, although they were quickly suppressed, they couldn't catch the eyes of the caring people.

This is exactly the effect of the ingredients added to Ying's lip balm after reacting with the real cosmetics - tiredness.

There is no doubt what they did, and Fujiwara was not happy to see it.

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