Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 302: ——The field service of Hoshino Kaede

When Qianyu jumped up from the small high platform in front of the finish line with an excited look and slid down holding the metal pole, he was greeted by cheers from the entire B group and the fifth grade B class who was already waiting on this side. A hug with a player from Class B of the third grade.

This is, the second place slid down from the metal pole out of breath - this is the reason for the cheers of Group B, Chiyu completed the reversal of all opponents by herself.

"Thirty-three seconds and twenty-seven..." The timing teacher looked at the result on the stopwatch in surprise. "This speed..."

"You're new here, so you don't know, this result is not particularly amazing," said another teacher who seemed to be older. "As long as you do some research on the equipment that was used in previous competitions in this project, it is easy to come up with the customs clearance method. And although this speed is also very fast, it is still slow in all the results of passing all obstacles at one time. ——If I remember correctly, the fastest record in the first grade should be 25 seconds of Hero Akagi thirteen years ago. Compared with the record of Hero Akagi, there is still a considerable gap between today's results and the record of Hero Akagi back then; and recently There are several first-year students who can run under 30 seconds in ten years, and he is not particularly surprised." (Chiba's auxiliary unit provides him with how to manipulate his body to pass as fast as possible, but if some If the students are physically stronger than Chiyu, and during the customs clearance process, because they know in advance how to pass the obstacles without making a big mistake, it is entirely possible to run faster than Chiyu.)

"Is that so?" Teacher Chrono said after being stunned for a while.


After the water cross-country relay, he competed in several events one after another, but because Chiba didn't sign up to participate, he sat off the field and chatted with the other detectives while eating the fruit shared by the others.

"When did you all get the letters?" Qianyu asked. "I'm referring to letters on matters related to the Games."

"I received it last weekend." Ayumi replied.

"My father told me after I came back from Matsumoto that I should have received it on Monday." Moto replied.

And Mitsuhiko and Conan's answer is also one of the two.

"Have you received everything?" Qian Yu frowned slightly. "OK then……"

Everyone else received it, but only if he didn't, he decided to talk to the teacher when he had the chance to confirm why they were the only ones who didn't receive the sports meeting letter.

At this moment, Qianyu suddenly remembered the wound she found on the cat in the early morning yesterday.

Two unusual things happened at the same time, I hope it's not related events...


"A mission?" Hoshino Feng glanced at the letter, then looked at the man in front of him with doubts. "My fieldwork this year should be finished in two trips to Germany in January and Athens in April?"

"This time it's a task directly assigned by the Boss." Gin shook the letter in his hand. "If you have any dissatisfaction, go to him directly."

"Uh, forget it..." Hoshino Kaede frowned, took the letter from Gin, and opened the envelope in three or two strokes. . "My field service this time is—are you sure it's okay? Why do you need to go to Portugal to correct South African public opinion?"

"There is no problem with the location of the field, you just need to go to Portugal to make some noise to correct public opinion in South Africa." Gin nodded. "You did get something other than money in your deals before. Not only did you get a big financier, but a very ambitious challenger to the world order - they hired us at a high price to help Mann at all costs. Della consolidates power."

"Help Mandela consolidate his regime?" Hoshino Kaede was stunned. "why?"

"Who knows," Gin walked towards the door. "But personally, this should be the best way to destroy South Africa."

"Too cruel, isn't it?" Hoshino Kaede was speechless. "If it really helped Mandela stabilize his position, South Africa would really be abolished..."

Although Mandela has just come to power, the policies he has made or are believed to be caused by him are already shocking.

Three years ago, following Mandela's push for equality of color, then-South African President de Klerk signed an agreement to destroy all nuclear weapons stockpiles on his own, out of fear of the risk of potential national destabilization due to an all-color election. hundreds of kilograms of raw materials), making South Africa a non-nuclear country again.

And after he took office in April this year, the policies passed are even more staggering.

First of all, Mandela vigorously implemented the policy of skin color equality, recruiting a large number of black people who did not have relevant professional skills into hospitals, government and other workplaces that required a certain level of ability to be competent, while laying off a large number of white people with professional skills, resulting in a large number of needs The high-paying industry of professional skills has been disrupted by declining standards.

Second, Mandela is a big believer in free trade, and he is currently doing his best to pass a resolution in Congress to remove tariff barriers - such freedom for a country whose domestic industry and commerce are not strong enough Trade is fatal. In just a few months, a large number of world oligarchs have poured into South Africa and competed with various enterprises. There are already many local enterprises in South Africa because they cannot resist foreign enterprises or rely on their own strength. crushed, or plunged into crisis and on the verge of bankruptcy due to massive dumping of foreign government subsidies.

Once again, Mandela was a believer in human rights, and believed that the strict prohibition of illegal immigration during the Boers' administration was very bad, and signed and approved the granting of legal nationals to all foreign illegal immigrants - according to the Cape Town local police. The number of public security incidents in May more than doubled from the same period last year, according to the Bureau of Statistics.

If such an idealist were to run a country like the Republic of South Africa, the result would be predictable...

The irony is that no one is going to fix this—the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in late 1993 to both President De Klerk, who turned South Africa's polity from nationalism to racial equality, and Mandela, who helped bring it about.

The core of racial equality is the equality of skin color and blood, but Mandela has established a de facto black supremacy state in a country that claims to be equal, which has also led to the completion of "sublimation" in South Africa in terms of humanity. "At the same time, it has caused numerous controversies in other aspects.

"It's just other countries, the rise and fall is nothing to worry about," Jinjiu opened the door and said before going out. "Friendly reminder, bring enough necessary supplies, you may need to work for more than a week."

...Somewhere, Belmod was driving, when the phone beside her suddenly rang.

"?" Belmod opened the phone and looked at the content on it.

[The Champs-Elysees has left, and now I want to see what you call "evidence."]

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