Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 96: - Hoshino Maple

Ten minutes later, the engine finally roared after the fourth engine start sequence.

"Finally..." The boy who had been standing behind the captain and co-pilot with a calm expression finally showed a smile. "Down a little further, down to 15,000 feet, a little further away from the ash cloud."

"Won't the volcanic ash melt again?" Conan was a little uneasy listening to the roar of the engine.

"The plane will not inhale any new volcanic ash, so even if it melts, the situation won't be worse than it is now." The boy frowned as he looked at the driver's window in front of him. "Or, if it's worse, it's definitely not ash-related. By the way, Mr. Captain, does the auto-landing system still work?"

"At Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, we can complete the automatic landing," the captain glanced at the autopilot screen. "Do we need to land on autopilot?"

"You'll know when you get to a brighter place." The boy shrugged. "But since the autopilot system can be used, there is no problem. I think my task is probably completed. Can I leave?"

"Okay... um, wait a minute!" The captain originally agreed subconsciously, but suddenly remembered something. "Little guy, you helped us a lot, what's your name?"

"Me?" The young man was slightly stunned. "Oh yes, I am indeed a little guy..."

To the captain who looked forty or fifty years old, the boy in his twenties was indeed a little guy.

"What's your name?" The captain looked at the boy.

"My name is not important," the boy shook his head with a smile, then looked at Conan and Qianyu. "In addition, two 'little guys', you come with me, I want to get to know you."

"Little guy..." Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "This guy is definitely venting his anger..."

. . .

The boy brought the two little guys to an empty seat, leaned on the seat, and looked at Conan and Qianyu playfully.

"What's your name?" Although the boy asked Conan and Qianyu, his eyes mainly fell on Qianyu. Qianyu felt very uneasy as if she was being targeted by a hunter.

"Edogawa Conan."

"Tachibana Chiba."

The two reported their names respectively.

"Since you are sitting in the area under the Yomiuri Group, you are also lucky fans of Kawasaki Luyin?" The boy continued to ask.

"Are you too?" Conan asked back.

"Although I also watch football, I'm not as lucky as you are," the boy raised his eyebrows. "Just wanting to go to Athens to meet a friend."

"Brother," Conan asked. "What's your name?"

"Me?" The corner of the boy's mouth twitched slightly. "My name is Hoshino Kaede."

"..." Chiyu looked at Hoshino Kaede's face, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of guard in her heart.

The tone was very kind, but there was no expression that matched it. There was only a faint sneer, indicating that this was not his real emotion. . . If Qianyu is a girl drinking in a bar, and encounters a man like Hoshino Kaede who comes to chat, no matter how handsome, Qianyu will not have any interest in chatting, but will sound the red alarm immediately and deal with it carefully.

"Brother," Conan asked again. "Then what did you come to us for?"

"I think you are two very interesting children," the corner of the boy's mouth twitched even more. "So I want to be friends with you."

"A ghost will believe it!" Conan's mind suddenly flashed this sentence.

"Okay~" Chiyu suddenly changed into a smile. "Nice to meet you, Brother Hoshino!"

"Ah?" Conan was surprised - this guy, didn't he see that something was wrong with Hoshino Kaede?

At this time, Hoshino Kaede also gave an answer that Conan did not expect at all.

"It doesn't matter if you have concerns." Although the change in his expression was not large, Hoshino Kaede's eyes were slightly narrowed into crescents. "Time will tell." His expression was much more real, as if he had been 100% sincere from the very beginning.

in addition. . . Conan looked at Chiyu, who was a little surprised beside him. Are you worried? Are you describing Chiba? Does he think Chiba is worried? On closer inspection, he does seem to have some concerns, but he didn't even see himself who was very familiar with him at the first time. How did this guy see it?

"In order to thank you, how about I get you some drinks?" Hoshino Kaede's expression has completely changed into a smile from the heart. "For example, give Chiba a glass of chilled white wine?"

"???" Conan was at a loss - in his understanding, Qianyu didn't seem to drink alcohol.

To his surprise, Qianyu just opened her mouth and finally nodded lightly. "Excuse me."

"Are you drinking?" Conan approached Qianyu with an incredible expression and whispered.

"Drink, but the taste is very picky," Qian Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and whispered in the same whisper. "I can't touch any wine except white wine."

. . .

"Barcelona really has a low chance of winning. Even if they have almost all their big names, and Milan is seriously short of players, Barcelona still has a very important game to play in a few hours." Hoshino Kaede commented, while putting a The small bottle of Cointreau orange wine, which was only about seven or eight milliliters, was poured into the coffee cup filled with three hot coffee, and a small bag of fresh cream and a packet of white sugar were poured into I think after getting off the plane , I can easily buy a wave of Milan wins. "

"European odds generally lowered the odds of Barcelona," Chiba held a wine glass with a straw inserted. "What do you think?"

"It's good news for Barcelona anyway," Conan said after taking a sip of the soda. "Either it was Barcelona's advantage to be known by these guys, so they lowered the odds in advance to deal with it. Or there were too many people betting on Barcelona - which means that most people support Barcelona, ​​so the betting funds on both sides are not equal. balance."

"Sir!" At this moment, the previous flight attendant hurried over. "Captain, please come to the cockpit!"

"Oh?" Hoshino Kaede opened the side window and saw a little light outside - if it was the downtown area facing the cockpit, there would be even more light. "Sure enough, as I guessed."

. . .

"I can't see outside, can I?" This was the first sentence Hoshino Kaede said after walking into the cockpit.

The windows of the cockpit seemed to be frosted, and the scene outside could not be seen at all, only a blur of halos could be seen.

"Yes, but the glass at the very edge still has a certain amount of light transmission, so you can still see what's going on outside. Since you can tell us what happened to the plane, would you mind telling me what's going on? Is it?" The captain stood on the edge of the glass and turned around after hearing Hoshino Kaede's voice.

"Isn't there an autopilot? Don't worry too much about landing." Hoshino Kaede smiled slightly. "As for what happened to the glass... it's just because the volcanic rock particles slashed through the window, causing serious damage to the outer surface. There's no way to deal with it, just replace it with a new glass after landing."

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