Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 263: Ah Lie Lie ~ Oh Gasi Zhuo

"Conan Mint Beluga (

Squatting in front of the victim, Mr. Sugimori, Matsuda inspected the wound on the right side of the head. It was a contusion caused by a blunt blow. There was no other trauma on the body, and there was no sign of poisoning. The wound on the head should be cause of death.

After calling the police, Sumiko Kobayashi came back and saw that Matsuda was conducting the same on-site investigation and preliminary autopsy as in the TV series. Is this teenager really a high school student... It feels so professional.

After the preliminary inspection, Matsuda looked at Conan who was standing at the door and said, "The time is 16:42. Judging from the extent of the corpse that has spread all over the body, he has been dead for at least 12 hours."

"What is the fatal wound?" Conan asked quickly.

"The right side of the head was hit with a blunt force. There were three concentrated contusions in total, resulting in craniocerebral injury and intracranial hemorrhage, which was the cause of his death."

Matsuda looked around and saw the camera tripod lying on the ground. After picking it up, he noticed a small amount of blood on the top, and said, "The murder weapon should be this tripod. It seems that an acquaintance committed the crime."

"Did an acquaintance commit the crime... Matsuda, do you have any other clues?"

"Conan! You are too rude, how can you call Matsuda brother's surname directly?" Yoshida Ayumi said with a puffed mouth.

Conan instantly turned into Doudouyan, he laughed awkwardly, and said, "Hahaha, I just want to imitate the way Watson and Sherlock Holmes talked~"

Haiyuan Ai, who was standing next to him, said that he had no eyes to see. This great detective was really helpless. Every time he encountered a case, he would forget that he was a primary school student.

Matsuda stood up and looked at the landline phone placed on the cabinet, there was blood splattered on it, and a drop of blood caught his attention——

The blood next to the answer button has been erased by something, which means that the murderer pressed this button... Is he planning to create an alibi after the murder is over?

Just as he was about to check the contents of the message, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated unsatisfactorily. When Matsuda took it out, he found out that it was a call from Amuro, so he had no choice but to go to the door and said, "I'm sorry, I have a phone number, Mu Mu. The police officer should be here soon, you wait at the door for a while."


Matsuda hurried to the alley behind the apartment building, made sure that no one could overhear the conversation before picking up the phone, and just heard the impatient voice from the opposite side.

"Are you doing something shameful? Mr. Matsuda ^?^~~"

"I accidentally encountered a case so I came to deal with it."

"Oh... Mihua Town has become very dangerous because of your existence. It seems that I have to buy an accident insurance for myself, or I will be killed by you one day ^?^."


Matsuda held his forehead and didn't know what to say. How could this public security policeman look like a twitchy child, and how could he put the blame for the frequent murders in Mikacho on his head, it was obviously Kudo's fault.

"If you have something to say, I don't have time to chat with you."

"The content of the task has been changed. At 00:30, at a bar in Katocho 3-chome, we need to disguise to enter the venue of the mud meeting, and please take the time to go back to the apartment to help me disguise."

"Okay, I get it now."

"Good ^?^~"

beep - beep -

Oh, I was ruthlessly hung up again.

Forget it, for Scotland's sake I'm too lazy to make trouble with you... Matsuda put away his mobile phone and walked upstairs, and found that Mu Mu Shisan had brought the police to the scene of the crime.

And Conan is using his witty little head to guide them to solve the case.

"Look for yourself, the answering function button light of this phone is flashing!" Conan pointed to the blood-stained landline phone and prompted.

"Really, there are four messages in there... But is there anything suspicious about this?" Takagi Shibu asked after looking at the phone.

"Look a little more carefully~" Conan said in a milky voice: "Something has wiped off the blood here, who would wipe it off?"

The two police officers came close to the phone and observed it carefully, and suddenly realized: "So that's the case, this is the bloodstain of the prisoner wearing gloves, which means that the prisoner left a message on the phone after the murder, in order to avoid being there. Prove!"

Matsuda glanced at the expression of Sumiko Kobayashi next to him, and he really wondered how Conan, a primary school student, would guide the police to handle the case. Hey, this guy froze again and forgot that there was another teacher Kobayashi here who hadn't seen him help solve the case.

"Miyano, go and remind this ecstatic guy." Matsuda crouched down and whispered.

"Why don't you go?" Haiyuan Ai yawned, not really wanting to take care of it.

"...Pretending to be cute, ahem, I'm not good at it, so I leave it to you."

"Oh, do you mean I'm good at it?"


Matsuda blinked twice, and saw that Haiyuan deliberately tiptoed close to his ear, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "So I'm so cute in your eyes..."

"Right? おにいちゃん~(Brother~


Matsuda only felt that his heart had suffered a critical blow, which was simply too foul. He coughed twice, stammered and left a sentence, "I'll give it to you", and ran to Officer Mumu to listen to the message on the phone.

Witnessing all this, Conan narrowed his eyes half-moon, what the **** are these arrogant couple Quiet Mimi said something she didn't listen to herself, could it be a message about the organization... But look at Matsuda That expression, more like flirting at the scene of the crime?

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"I'm discussing you."

"What kind of expression would Matsuda show when discussing me?" Conan's face wrote "You really coaxed me into a primary school student".

Haibara Ai didn't expect him to believe what she said, she turned her back and pointed at Chengko Kobayashi, and said softly, "Officer Takagi and the others are immune, so it doesn't matter, but Mr. Kobayashi is the first time I see your reasoning... You should also be a little more restrained."

Conan glanced cautiously, only to realize that Xiao Lin had been staring at him all the time, his teeth were defeated... Could it be that he doubted his identity.

He frowned in distress and said, "But you told me to restrain myself... I can't control myself."

"Ah, don't you use it often?"


Haiyuan Ai suddenly imitated Conan's mantra when he was acting cute and pretending to be stupid, and he spread his hands and said, "It's like... ahlielie... this, and... oh Gashizhuo... this, pretending to be a silly child."

"I said you..." Conan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, his mental age was only a seventeen-year-old high school student, but it was too miserable to be reduced to pretending to be stupid.

"If you let more people know about your superb reasoning ability, it will reach their ears sooner or later."

"I know." Conan said with a smile: "Isn't Matsuda still present today anyway? Just let him lead the reasoning."

At this moment, Matsuda quietly put away his mobile phone. Just now, he "risked his life" to record Miyano's imitation of being silly and cute.

Well, if you have more treasures, you have to put a few more locks on it to prevent it from being cracked and seen.

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