Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 207: Invitation from Jiroji Suzuki

In the gray-green Nissan skyli-rr34, Matsuda opened the car door and went directly to the co-pilot's position, and tore off the human skin mask on his face and threw it in the back seat of the car.

Curacao directly launched the sports car to evacuate here. The huge explosion will soon attract the police, and if they don't leave, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"This bottle is evhz-9?"

Curacao, who is not very familiar with biological research, asked curiously.

"Well, doesn't it look ordinary?" Matsuda shook the ampoule in his hand, and the turbid green liquid produced small white foam during the vibration.

"It's quite ordinary indeed." Curacao listened to the mechanical sound coming from the headset and replied, "I'll rush to your side now."

Matsuda was stunned when he heard the words, looked sideways at Curacao, and asked, "Is it Rum?"

"Well, Rum said let me send the evhz-9 right now, and I'll put you in the parking lot, right?" Curacao asked.

"Of course there is no problem." Matsuda adjusted the seat back a bit, reached out and picked up the special metal box, opened it, and put the ampoule in carefully, preventing the bottle from breaking while driving.

According to Matsuda's understanding of the organization, the gentleman mostly wants to use the new bacteria in the ampoule to develop new poisons to use, and at the same time to develop medicines that can fight against such bacteria... He will not make money in a threatening way. In line with that gentleman's style.

"Porto, Rum asked you why the lab exploded."

"An armed group happened to steal evhz-9 as well. They mistakenly thought I was Yamazaki Masabu. I took advantage of this and waited until they left to steal the ampoules... Who knew they had planted a bomb in it, it's that simple."

When Rum heard Matsuda's answer through Curaçao's headset, even the processed mechanical sound could hear his delight.

"Then put the blame on this stupid armed group, the task is well done, it's hard work."

After getting off the car in Curacao, Matsuda walked to his motorcycle and started it to head back to Mika-cho... Once he was familiar with it, he could return to the same way without looking at the map.


The explosion at the National Research Institute really made Mr. Toru Amuro work overtime, and tomorrow's headlines must have something to do with it.

Matsuda pulled the curtains in the living room, took off his dirty clothes, and got into the bathroom to take a comfortable shower.

Putting on a loose white t-shirt and black silk pajama pants, Matsuda leaned on the sofa and picked up the remote control, constantly changing the channel.

Just when he felt bored, a string of unknown numbers was displayed on Matsuda's mobile phone. He was slightly puzzled to answer, waiting for the other party to speak first.

"Hello, young man."

The voice sounded quite hearty, but judging from the tone, the other party must be over fifty years old.

Matsuda deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "Hello, who is that?"

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Suzuki Jiroji, Sonoko recommended you to me, saying that your reasoning ability is comparable to that of the famous detective Mouri Kogoro, so I want to ask if you are interested in catching the phantom thief Kidd together. ?"

Matsuda's face sank involuntarily. He didn't want to be thought that his reasoning ability was the same as that of the unreliable uncle. This was simply an insult.

But I heard the last sentence... catch Kaito Kid? What is Kuroba Kaito trying to steal again?

"Phantom Thief Kidd takes a fancy to your things again?"

The word "again" is intriguing.

"Hahaha, I took the initiative to send him a challenge letter! Is Detective Matsuda interested in coming? This time the main stage is the giant spaceship Bell Shirley II that I spent a lot of money on!"

Did it evolve directly from the ship into the air? As expected of the Suzuki consortium... I really want to know how much money the Suzuki family has. Maybe there is a money printing factory hidden in the family.

"Of course I'm interested, please let Mr. Suzuki tell me the time and place."

——"I'll just say it~ Matsuda-kun will definitely come!"

Suzuki Sonoko's loud voice could be heard faintly on the other end of the phone.

"Seven days later, at 9:00 in the morning, the open space on the north side of the Tama River will be there."

"Okay, I will come."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Matsuda heard the sound of the elevator reaching the floor. He looked back, and sure enough, within thirty seconds, Toru Amuro appeared within his line of sight.

Amuro looked up at Matsuda, who was sitting on the sofa in his pajamas, and asked, "Have you and Curacao completed your mission?"

"Bourbon, your news is quite fast."

"Just listening to Belmod... The gentleman has arranged a task for the two of you. Speaking of this, this is your first cooperation, right?"

Toru Amuro, who was originally on a surveillance mission, temporarily received a message from his superior, telling him about the explosion at the Kazami National Institute, and thinking that Curaçao and Porto had tasks to perform today, Toru Amuro naturally thought it was organized by the organization. masterpiece.

The only thing that made him a little confused was why the organization wanted to blow up the laboratory, so Toru Amuro tried to get a few words from Matsuda.

Matsuda got up and took out a can of Coke from the refrigerator, with a faint smile in his eyes, and asked, "Bourbon, you seem to be very interested in me?"

"I'm really interested. Do you suggest to reveal the content of today's mission? With such a big commotion, do you think there are not enough bombings in Nishitamo City?"

It's not that you don't know that the people in the organization like to use bombs... Besides, this time you really wronged the organization. The person who planted the bombs is not him at all, but the Red Siamese cat armed group with unknown purpose.

"I can only tell you that this bombing has nothing to do with me, and the rest of the matter has nothing to say... There is no need to tell you the mission that the gentleman and Rum gave, Bourbon."

"...Che, if you don't tell me, I will know sooner or later."

"Then wait for your own investigation."

Seeing Matsuda walk into his bedroom, the smile on Amuro Toru's face disappeared instantly, and he walked towards the bathroom with a sullen face.

Hearing the sound of bathing in the bathroom, Matsuda picked up the reasoning from the bookshelf and sat on the sofa to read.

It's just that his business seems to be a little busy just sat down and received a message from Miyano.

[Shiho Miyano: I have won a ticket for a free stay at Hakone Onsen Ryokan, do you want to go? ]

Is this an invitation to a date? This seems to be... Miyano's first time asking himself out.

[Matsuda: Go, is it tomorrow? I'll pick you up at the doctor's house. ]

[Shiho Miyano: No, just meet at the station... You always show up here, which will cause suspicion in the organization. ]

[Matsuda: But you alone? ]

[Shiho Miyano: I will let the doctor send it to me, don’t worry. ]

[Matsuda: OK, see you tomorrow. It's getting late, go to bed early. ]

[Shiho Miyano: Oh [(--)]zzz]


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