Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover

Chapter 55: The reason for not being the CIA is...

"Angstra, I..."

When Daijili saw Angstra, he took a few steps back, and his arrogant arrogance was instantly extinguished.

"You actually want to set fire to the forest? If it really does burn, it will be a large forest fire, and a large number of firefighters and helicopters must be deployed to put out the fire. Do you think all of Japan knows that there is an organized training base here?"

Angstra's face was not good, but her tone was quite calm.

Seeing that Angstra didn't come up with a beating like he did to Jean Fizz yesterday, Daijili breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to quibble: "I just want to force out that suspicious bottom member, he has been deliberately avoiding my scrutiny. , I'm worried he's the undercover agent."

"Can you call that censorship?"

Angstra approached Daijili, and he took another step back.

"I reminded you, don't go too far, Jinjiu won't shoot at people if they are slow to answer. Also, your attitude towards Amuro is not right. It's not like you're censoring undercover agents at all, it's more like he knows What you shouldn't know, you want to silence him."

Angstra stretched out the right hand that was in his pocket, and stretched it out towards Daijili, who started to tremble, but he didn't make any attacking movements, instead, he gently brushed off a piece of land on his shoulders for him. Leaves.

"It's just my nonsense, don't be so nervous."

He retracted his hand and looked at Friedman, who was not speaking. The instructor in charge of all the affairs of the training ground was even more ugly than him, and what he said was a bit murderous: "Dagilly, today you tried to burn I will truthfully report the matter of the surrounding woods to Gin.”

Amuro, who was sitting on the tree, breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what they would do with themselves, at least the two of them would not cause a forest fire to affect innocent people.

Daijili's legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. Friedman stepped forward and grabbed him.

He tried to struggle, but there was no movement around his hand. He said to the two in front of him, "Amuro is very suspicious. He is the same as Panno..."

Amuro was stunned when he heard the name of the wine. He lowered his breathing, on the one hand, to avoid people under the tree finding him, and on the other hand, to be able to hear the conversation of the people under the tree.

He knew that Panno was a kind of French pastis. Could this be the code name of that DGSE undercover agent?

"Amuro will not be an undercover agent of the CIA. This is the result of my review with Friedman. You should leave him alone," Angstra said.

Friedman slapped Dai Jili directly with a slap. The difference in physique between the two was too obvious. He held the person halfway in his hand like a chicken: "I'm going to take him to report to Gin now, how are you going to get back? "

"Someone will take me back." Angstra didn't go to see Daijili again, he raised his hand and touched the tree trunk beside him, "You are busy with your work, if there is anything else, I will call you ."

Friedman nodded and left with Daijili. Amuro watched them walk away, but still didn't make a sound.

He was about to see what Angstra was doing under the tree, but the moment he bowed his head, he met a crimson eye off guard.

Angstra's expression was calm, not surprised that he stayed on the tree: "Dagilly has been taken away, why don't you come down?"


It was all discovered, and Amuro Toru naturally wouldn't stay on the tree. He let go of his hand, jumped directly from a tree several meters high, rolled to cushion the force when he landed, and stood up smoothly.

"Good skill." Angstra praised.

He walked to Amuro Toru's side, looked at the things he had painted on his face for more concealment, reached out and touched it a little, then put it on his fingertips and twitched, "Actually, you don't need to paint your face, your skin itself is dark enough. It's impossible to see from the trees. You should cover up your hair the most, it's blond and it stands out in the sun."

"Thank you for the pointer, I will pay attention next time."

Anshitou found that he had no intention of attacking, and with what he said just now, he felt that his undercover identity was fairly stable: "I take the liberty to ask, you... how did you find it?"

"Mikawa asked me to save you. He didn't drive today, so I called Friedman to turn around and come back to pick me up."

"...What about the others?"

Amuro Toru saw that Zhufu Jingguang was brought by Friedman in the car in the morning, but he didn't see it later. From Angstra's description, it is very likely that the instructor drove the person to him.

"Prepare breakfast for me at the safe house..." Angstra took out her phone and glanced at the time, "Brunch."

"..." Amuro suspected that the fundamental reason why he was easily let go in the morning was because he was going to cook for others.

"Since you're fine, drive me back now." Angstra said to him with the phone back.

After spending some time in the tree and rolling around on the ground when he came down, Amuro Toru was a little dirty, but Mazda is his own Naturally, there is no need to care so much.

Out of prudence, Toru Amuro checked the car first, so as to avoid Dai Jili's anger when he couldn't find anyone and put some bomb on it. After inspection, it was found that there was no problem, and the door was opened.

After getting in the car, Angstra in the passenger seat took out a wet tissue and handed it to him: "You wipe your face first."

"Thank you." Amuro took the tissue, wiped things off his face, and threw the dirty tissue into the trash can on the side of the car.

For better concealment, he took off the light-colored coat he was wearing today, and wore a darker shirt to hide in a tree. His shirt had no pockets, and it was awkward to tuck his pants pockets—he was seated and seatbelt fastened—and had to temporarily throw the tissue with his fingerprints and dander in the car for a chance to dispose of it.

He glanced at Angstra, who was looking at his mobile phone. From his point of view, he could see pictures of delicious food flashing across the screen.

Seeing his defenseless appearance, Amuro suddenly asked, "Are you so sure that I'm not a CIA undercover agent?"

After the words were spoken, he was stunned for a moment, but the words he said were like water poured out. He could only watch Angstra hear these words and look at him.

"The time is wrong, that CIA undercover agent came in years before you joined the organization." Angstra tapped a few times on the phone, as if to retrieve something, "and in other ways, I also You can be sure that although you are of mixed blood, you are completely Japanese, and the possibility of getting involved with American intelligence agencies is not high."

Amuro's intuition told him that it wasn't that simple, so he asked tentatively, "What aspect?"

"Your English." Angstra answered directly.

"...?" Amuro was a little confused.

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