Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover

Chapter 53: 50 steps can not laugh 0 steps

After lunch, Jing Baiye left the single-person barbecue shop and walked towards the safe house alone.

On the way back, he passed a bakery, which he had just seen on the food review app. The reviews were pretty good, and the most important thing was that the price was not expensive. He went in and bought two sweet breads and a cake for dinner today.

When he was still ten meters away from the safe house, Jing Baiye slowed down. He used the map to scan the surrounding situation. There was no suspicious person squatting at the intersection, and there was no one in the house. This is after he was trapped by Panno once. It is a habit to form, and as a member of a criminal organization, there is nothing wrong with being cautious in this regard.

He opened the door and entered the house, put the bread and cake in the refrigerator, and moved the notebook that he had thrown on the sofa to the study next to the bedroom.

Little White Bee entered the room, it jumped gently onto the desk, and extended a data cable from its right arm to connect it to the computer. A document popped up on the desktop immediately, recording the situation at home that day and what it did. what chores.

It can't speak, it can only perform the task assigned by the master, and then report the completion of the task in this way.

"Thank you for your hard work." Although he knew that Little White Bee had no self-awareness, Jing Baiye still touched its little mechanical head and thanked it.

He took Little White Bee aside to charge it, and wiped its body with a dry towel before going to browse the contents of the document.

He was the only one who entered here today. Amuro Toru, who came in the morning, did not come in, but was waiting at the door. The little white bee is equipped with a biological proximity sensor, whether it is a human or an animal, as long as it is still alive, it will be sensed when it enters the safe house.

Jing Baiye deleted the document when he found no abnormality.

He has nothing to do this afternoon. As for the software that BOSS asked him to develop to protect organizational data, he plans to discuss with Yuan Jiaming and the others after going to work on Monday. It's a holiday now, and during the holiday, they should have a good rest, and shouldn't make phone calls to harass them.

[System, can I get the apartment floor plan and data displayed on your map? 】Jing Baiye poked the system.

[Yes, yes, but it's a little troublesome. I can't directly link your computer or mobile phone. I can only print it as a drawing and put it in the backpack. There is no ready-made electronic version. You take it out of the backpack and scan it into the computer. You can only type the data yourself. 】

Jingbaiye's mobile phone has average pixels. After all, he doesn't like taking pictures at all, and he focuses on other functions when exchanging mobile phones. There was no scanner in the safe room, so he could only get it after he went to work in the information team on Monday. He remembered that there were professional instruments in the office.

He browsed the recent news from Japan, the United States, and France. He was speechless for a few seconds when he saw the entertainment gossip about Sharon Wynyard's feud, and then turned off the computer.

When he got off work on Thursday, he happened to go to the bookstore to buy a new novel by Yusaku Kudo, and now he has rare free time to read.

It was a dull day, just burning a colleague's body in the morning, and that's it.

The next day, 9 in the morning.

Jing Baiye got up on time, and while he was waiting to go downstairs to eat muffins, he found that Lu Chuan Xin hadn't come at all.


He was silent for a second in front of the empty kitchen, he felt that Midorikawa Shin would not let him dove for no reason... Suddenly he realized something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called Daijili.

After the call was connected, he asked straight to the point, "Is my subordinate Lu Chuan with you?"

The good breakfast just disappeared, which made Jing Baiye's voice a bit murderous.


It is true that Zhu Fu Jingguang did not deliberately release pigeons.

When he was about to go to the supermarket to buy muffin powder and syrup, he was called into the car by Friedman passing by, and then pulled directly to the ground floor training ground. He was watched on the road and not allowed to touch his mobile phone, so he did not ask his little boss for leave.

In the training ground, he saw the Daijili cocktail who was said to have been taught a lesson by Angstra.

This man looks very ordinary. If no one tells him, he will just think that he is an ordinary office worker. Unlike Gin or Angstra, Friedman standing beside him is more than He's more of an organization guy.

When Zhu Fu Jingguang saw Dai Jili, it was exactly nine o'clock, and there was a clock in the hall of the training ground. Just as Daijili was about to speak, his cell phone rang, and as soon as he pressed the answer button, Angstra's murderous voice came out.

"Is my subordinate Green River with you?"

Hearing Angstra's words, Daijili's hand shaking while holding the phone, almost dropped the phone.

Zhu Fu Jingguang suddenly heard a very light laugh. He looked back at the third person present, and saw the same contemptuous smile on Friedman's face that he reminded him that day.

He instantly understood why Friedman had that expression on the way. He didn't want to catch undercover agents at all, he just wanted to make a fool of himself.

"Answer." Angstra said coldly.

"...he is here with me, and I have something to ask him." Daijili said.

"Hurry up and let him come back after asking. I haven't had breakfast yet, and I'm so hungry now." Angstra's voice was impatient, "Don't be rough with him. I'll treat you how you dare to treat him. ." Then hung up the phone.

Zhu Fu Jingguang watched Dai Jili take back his phone, and his eyes changed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

That's not the expression of a code member looking at the bottom member, or the expression of a person who wants to catch an undercover agent looking at an undercover suspect, but an innocent person seeing a room full of bombs - or it will explode on the spot in ten seconds. The kind of terrified expression he had left.


Zhu Fu Jingguang felt that his cognition of the members of the organization had changed. He was an undercover agent who wouldn't be a coward to Angustra... No, he didn't seem qualified to laugh at Dai Jili's cowardice, and he himself had a lot of gaffes. .

Due to Angstra's intervention, Dai Jili only asked Zhu Fu Jingguang a few very bland questions, not to mention being rough at him, not even intimidating.

Zhu Fu Jingguang left the training ground intact. He was pulled over by Friedman, and now he is also sending him back.

When he was about to reach the safe house, Friedman, who had not spoken along the way, spoke up: "Green River, you are lucky, you have Angstra to protect you, Daijili dare not do anything to you. I told you before. You, he takes good care of his subordinates."

"...Well." The undercover police officer nodded in a complicated mood.

The car stopped in front of the safe house, and after Zhu Fu Jingguang got off the car, he couldn't help but turn his head and ask, "Dai Jili wants to interrogate others?"

"Of course, this is the task that Jinjiu gave him, and he doesn't dare to be lazy."

Friedman took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it, with a somewhat casual expression and tone: "He was so frightened by Angstra, and the people who are interrogated by him later, I am afraid they will suffer a little. ...he is likely to take his anger out on them, the guy who killed innocent bottom members in Paris."

Friedman drove away, not seeing the ugly faces of Zhufu Jingguang who remained in place.

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