Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover

Chapter 376: Toru Amuro: Why do you prefer cats?

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The next morning, Jing Baiye woke up very early.

Worried about Bourbon, he slept poorly all night. The mobile phone connected to the medical bracelet did not ring, but this did not mean that we could relax our vigilance, and more observations were needed in the past few days.

Thinking of what she said when she contacted Shirley last night, Jing Baiye sighed as he tidied up the quilt.

【Sulli can actually make such an expensive thing... 】

According to Jinjiu's description, Jing Baiye tried to find the effective drug in the system store, but he really found it. The one in the store is called [Fear Poison Gas], which is said to be used by a villain, and the price is not low.

Xue Li, who can make this medicine by accident, is indeed a genius who has reached the special A level in drug research. I don't know if she can make other medicines.

...Unfortunately, those potions in the store could not be tested for specific ingredients at all, otherwise he really wanted to ask Shirley to test those drugs for him, and then re-engraved them, so that he could save a lot of reward points.

The system guessed what Jing Baiye was thinking, and said faintly: [You are already exhausted, and you have to plan so carefully...]

[It is best to master the production method yourself, just like the robots I made by exchanging blueprints - it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. 】Jing Baiye said what his first teacher taught him.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Shirley's new type of anti-wolf spray. She was just an ordinary girl in terms of physical fitness. She couldn't compare with killers like Curacao and Belmod, and had to rely on other means to protect herself.

...I just didn't expect to accidentally pit his subordinates.

It is impossible for Jing Baiye to tell Bourbon or Scotland that this was researched by Shirley, nor to tell Shirley how miserable Bourbon was last night.

——He knew that she was very gentle, and she would definitely be sad if she found out that the medicine she made had harmed innocent people.

He left the bedroom to wash up. After washing up, I went to the first floor, Scotland was in the kitchen, and Bourbon was already up, sitting on the sofa and making a lot of money.

"How do you feel? Is your throat still uncomfortable?" Jing Baiye sat next to him and asked.

"It's much better, thank you for the medicine you gave me last night."

Bourbon smiled at him, his voice returned to normal, and he couldn't hear the damage he suffered last night. He handed over the money to Jing Baiye.

Jing Baiye hugged his male tricolor cat, lowered his head and kissed its head.

"...Angstra, why do you like cats so much?" Bourbon said suddenly.

"Because cats are very cute." And it was the first animal he came into contact with in his first life, and there was a certain "first love" plot. "Actually, I also like dogs, and I like them only a little bit worse than cats."

Bourbon still had a smile on his face, but the warmth in those purple-gray eyes disappeared in that instant.


Jing Baiye, who noticed the change in his eyes, frowned.

"Ah, it's nothing, just remembering some things I used to keep pets..."

Bourbon smiled, his eyes looking at Jing Baiye were as gentle as ever, as if the murderous coldness just now was just Jing Baiye's illusion.

With a regretful expression, he reached out and touched Qian Duoduo's head.

"It's a pity, I prefer dogs, and I want to keep one at home..."

"If you really like it, you can keep it. Just choose one that is gentler and won't bully Qianduoduo." Jing Baiye has two pets by himself, and he won't reject them with double standards.

Bourbon shook his head: "No, it takes energy to keep pets, just take care of Qian Duoduo and Dora together."

Seeing Bourbon's not-so-good-looking face, and thinking of his experience last night, Jing Baiye felt that it was time to give the gift he had prepared for a long time, so he took out a box from his pocket.

"...This is?" Bourbon asked curiously.

Jing Baiye opened the box, and inside was the second smart contact lens he made during the months of his training in Bourbon.

The glasses were far more cumbersome and delicate to make than a robot, and he failed several times before making the second one.

Since he intends to train Bourbon into a mystic like Belmod who is good at searching for information, he will also follow her in terms of skills and equipment.

"Celebrate the gift you got the code name, you will use it in the mission later."


Angstra was going to meet Shirley today, and he didn't let two of his subordinates send it off.

Amuro finished his breakfast, sat back on the sofa, and put his favorite corgi doll on his lap. Qian Duoduo's whole cat lay on the doll, and his hands stroked it one after another.

Dora sat on the other end of the sofa, and sometimes it likes to pounce on him, but at this time it is holding a magazine about the hostess and sitting far away from him.

"Do you like cats more..." Amuro muttered to himself.

Zhu Fu Jingguang came to him after finishing the kitchen.

Amuro raised his head and looked at the blue cat's eyes raised at the corners of his eyes.

No, rather than liking cats, it is better to say that the cat came to him first, so he would pay special attention to his feelings and would not ignore him for the later.

"Angstra may not be back until the afternoon. I will accompany you to see the cardiotherapy department."

Amuro understood the meaning of the fake Scotch whisky in front of him, and he wanted him to hide from his little boss to see a psychiatrist.

It's no wonder that I didn't say it when I was eating. If I said it just now, Angstra, the most gentle and considerate subordinate, would definitely choose to accompany him because he was worried.

Nasty undercover.

...It's a pity that he couldn't expose him.

Angstra likes [Cat] very much. If [Dog] bullies [Cat], no matter what the reason is - even if it is a very legitimate reason - he will have a bad impression on [Dog] in the future.

Jiang Guling put down the corgi and Qian Duoduo, and stood up without saying a word.

After he woke up in the morning, Hiro listened to the recording behind him, and he finally understood why his throat was hoarse. Facing the complex eyes of Faxiao, he took out his mobile phone and asked Feng Jian how the psychiatrist was looking. He must meet the other party as soon as possible.

The two were in the Lexus, Angstra's Lamborghini and motorcycle were still there, and he couldn't drive his car during the day.

Zhu Fu Jingguang in the driver's seat looked There were obvious blue and black eyes, which made Angstra's first sentence when he saw him just now was that he was worried about whether he slept well.

Xiaogu Ling noticed his expression and comforted: "It's just a small mental problem, things are not that bad."

"At least... the organization trusts me more."

After receiving the gift Angstra had given him, he realized why he had been so uncomfortable watching Belmod a few months ago—she also had such a pair of smart contact lenses in her eyes.

This pair of glasses has the function of live video recording, I am afraid that there are other people watching when she hands on him.

The intuition of the valley zero told him that this "other person" was most likely Gin.

Based on the information left by Japanese whisky in the past, he knew that Gin was a suspicious person, but he had a high status in the organization and had direct decision-making power in many places.

To be able to evaluate such a person as a loyal dog is beneficial to the development of Zero Valley in the organization.

Zhu Fu Jingguang knew intellectually that what he said was true, but emotionally, he could not accept the price he paid for his childhood.

Rei Tatani, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took out the smart contact lens that Angstra had given him, and rubbed his fingers against the shell.

Obviously going to a place that is very important and must not be exposed to the organization, but he is relieved to carry this thing on his body-because he believes that Angstra is giving him this gift sincerely and will not deliberately eavesdrop on him.

Zhu Fu Jingguang saw Jianggu Ling's expression in his eyes and sighed softly.

Xiaolin Qingzhi will graduate next month, and I hope this third undercover police officer can take the normal undercover path.

At least... don't go to Angstra's hands again.

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