"Ahem, cough, calm down first, let's talk peacefully!"

At the table in the hall, Kasuga Nodome and Scarlet Ju sat across each other, and the night breeze in the middle was uneasy.

He finally knew why he always felt that it would be bad to come back.

It turned out that subconsciously, this situation had been foreseen.

"Young master~ This is the breakfast I made. "

Bingli's cute voice suddenly sounded, and Bingli, who was wearing a pure white kimono in the kitchen, walked out with a cute smile on her face.

She still had the "hot" food in her hand and put it in front of Night Breeze.

The icy cold air reached his heart, and the night breeze glanced at the food, which was basically cold and cold.

After all, it was made by the Snow Maiden, which is still predictable...... Why are you there?

"Where did you come from!?"

Kasuga Wild Dome looked at Bing Li, who suddenly came out, and almost didn't go away again.

Night Wind's palm hurriedly pressed down on the firmament's small hand, calming it down again.

It took him a lot of words to appease the two of them for the time being.

If there is another fight now, the family will really be turned upside down.

And hearing Kasuga Wild Dome ask her, Bingli replied humbly and cutely:

"Miss Qiong, I am Bingli, a monster of the Snow Maiden clan, and a member of the Young Lord's Highness. "

Compared with Scarlet Ju, Kasuga Wild Dome suddenly accepted the ice beauty in front of him.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, temporarily suppressing the anger in her heart.

"In other words, you're all here to guard the wind?"

"Yes, so to speak, this is a covenant that our people have always kept.

But for me, it's not a covenant, it's my heart. "

Scarlet Ju's tone responded sincerely to the Kasuga Wild Dome, which made her a little moved.

After all, Scarlet Ju has been with the night breeze since he was a child, so he should have made up his mind at that time.

However, Kasuga Wild Dome still wanted to drive them away, how did she see how unhappy this group of people was anyway.

A cat demon and a snow girl, all of them look like foxes.

At this point, Kasuga Nodome seemed to think of something, leaning over and beginning to prove how deep his relationship with the night wind was.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Scarlet Ju's expression was also a little moved.

Bingli even covered her cheeks with both hands, only daring to observe the scene in front of her through her fingers.

Because he was too shy, there was a trace of white smoke on his ruddy cheeks.

"What are you, I can do it too!"

Scarlet squatted down unconvinced, and began to practice for the first time.

As a cat demon, she may have been born with talent in this regard.

Just the first action, it almost suppressed the dome with practical experience.

In the middle of the battle, it was Dome who finally grabbed the last popsicle in the refrigerator.

Night Wind had nothing to say, hastily finished the breakfast made by Bingli, and immediately broke down the door.

If you quarrel, I'll ignore it.

If I continue to pay attention to it, I am afraid that I will not be able to protect my body, and I will be late for school.

School is not a place for him to study, but more of a space to relax and get to know his sister.

Because of this, if he is fine, he is still willing to go to school to listen to classes.

There's nothing fun in hanging out outside, it's better to flirt with Pochi-chan at school.

And the night breeze that left the house soon met Yi Yuan Nao and them.

It's just that this time, Aizawa Tomoto and Misuzu Quntang are also involved.

"Yo, Nao, and the wind!"

Aizawa, who came out of the corner, quickly came over and hugged Night Breeze's shoulders like a good buddy.

Misuzu Quntang, who followed her, still had that gloomy expression.

Looking at the girls gathered around her, her eyes were fixed on the night wind.

Sure enough, just as she thought, this group of girls all knew Night Wind, and the relationship was not simple!

This damn scumbag! From big to small, it's really all-in-one!

As if thinking of something, the black aura on Misuzu Gundo became thicker and thicker.

Sensing the keen night breeze, a drop of cold sweat couldn't help dripping on his forehead.

The oppressive power of this black-bellied woman is too strong, so I still have to find a way not to let things fall apart as soon as possible.

"That Ash-san, are you also a friend of Fengjun?"

Iyuan Nao looked at Aizawa Zhi, who looked like a good buddy with the night breeze, and couldn't help but ask.

And this is also a question from many people present, even Nagisa Kazuha is quite curious. ,

Aizawa didn't hide anything, and said that they were childhood sweethearts.

"And Meiling, she is too~ We played together when we were kids!"

"We play together in the city. "

Kuranaga looked enviously at Tomokazu Aizawa and Night Wind.

Everyone also understands that Aizawa Zhi and Night Wind are childhood sweethearts in the city.

"But Ash, you're really cool, if it weren't for such a great figure, I would have thought you were a very handsome boy!"

The goddess showed a sweet smile and teased Aizawa in front of her. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Aizawa Tomoya also looked distressed, and after secretly glancing at the night wind, he said:

"I'm also very distressed, I don't know why people around me always think I'm a boy. "


Her words instantly silenced those present.

To be honest, Aizawa's character does give them the first impression of a boy.

The main reason is that the manly temperament on her body is very conspicuous, and it inexplicably makes people ignore her great figure and fair and smooth skin.

"'I said, Ash, I've been playing with you since I was a kid.

I have to say two things to you here, didn't you bring it all on yourself!"

Misuzu looked at Aizawa Chi speechlessly, and couldn't help but answer.

Hearing Misuzu's words, Aizawa was confused.

How can I find myself here, I don't want to be so boyish!

After sighing, Misuzu Gundo said, "You always play with boys, and when you were in junior high school, you fought with Night Wind and people from other schools, right?"

In other words, when I was in kindergarten, whether it was playing at home or playing with dolls, you never accompanied me once!"

Misuzu Gundo's gloomy gaze swept towards Aizawa, which immediately made a cold sweat break out on her forehead.

"No...... Excuse me......"

Aizawa apologized awkwardly, but this apology was too late.

Then Misuzu's eyes were fixed on Night Wind.

Obviously, the three of them have known each other since kindergarten, but they played together and isolated her!

As long as I think about it, it feels like a fire has been ignited in my heart.

The only thing that made her happy was that Night Wind confessed to her when she was in junior high school.

But a period of time after that confession made her feel even more at the bottom.

The more I think about it, the more annoying it gets!

"But really, Meiling, do you also treat me as a boy!"

Aizawa couldn't help but complain at this time, and looked at Misuzu Quntang with a depressed face.

Misuzu Quntang suddenly turned her head and sighed helplessly.

"That's what I want...... But unlike others, I've seen a lot of ...... ...... with a girl's eyes"

Aizawa Tomo's proud figure when he baths, and Aizawa Tomo's fruitful figure when he changes clothes......

This scene flashed in Misuzu's mind.

She couldn't help but glance at herself, and suddenly became even more annoyed.

Why is mine so normal, although my mother is not as good as Aizawa Chi's mother, but at least there is some weight in Mao!.

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