Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 172 The Five Colleges (Please subscribe for a monthly pass!)

Wang Teng returned to the dormitory, put his things away, and then logged on to the school's official website to check the situation of the five branches.

Huang Haijun's official website can only be accessed through the school's internal network.

There are detailed introductions about the branches and the tutors of each school on the official website.

Wang Teng browsed carefully, and gradually got a more intuitive understanding of the situation of the five major branches.

Zhanzheng Academy mainly focuses on cultivating students' combat abilities. The warriors who come out of this academy are the strongest and are the main force on the battlefield.

So call it a war academy!

Students of Zhanzheng College face more dangers, and the death rate ranks first among the five colleges all year round.

If you choose War College, be prepared to die.

Not only Huang Haijun, but other schools as well.

This is the norm, and what the War College cultivates is a war machine.

The command academy trains tactical command talents.

A battle cannot be done without commanders. They are the brains. If there is no brain to command, all the soldiers will be like a mess of loose sand, fighting on their own.

Forging Academy, as the name suggests, is to train forging talents.

The forging technique on the Earth Star side came from another world, and after its own fusion and development, it has what it is now.

There are certain unique features of forging that even technology cannot achieve.

Even for hot weapons such as Force guns, low-level weapons may be better, but the higher the level, the higher the requirements for materials, and only blacksmiths can forge them.

In the era of warriors, warriors are inseparable from all kinds of weapons, and only by possessing suitable weapons can they give full play to their own strength.

Because of the above reasons, forging is becoming more and more important, which is why the sub-professional college of forging is derived.

Danding Academy, which cultivates alchemy talents, mainly teaches students alchemy.

For warriors, elixir is a very important resource, whether it is healing or cultivation, elixir is needed.

The efficacy of high-level healing elixir can even save human flesh and bones, which is unmatched by modern medicine.

The importance of Danding Academy is self-evident.

Finally there is a school of runes.

Runeology is an extremely profound knowledge, the content is all-encompassing, it involves a wide range, and it is applied in various aspects.

Forging, alchemy, array formation, etc., all require the knowledge of runes.

Even if you are not a student of Rune Academy, you are required to learn some rune knowledge in case you need it.

Of course, in fact, there are cross-disciplines in each college, which is the same as in ordinary colleges. For example, majors in science and engineering basically need to study advanced mathematics and physics, because these foundations are used in various professional fields. subject knowledge.

Rune literature is similar to this in the martial arts profession.

But rune literature is very advanced, if you don't study it in depth, it is difficult to achieve anything, so it is necessary to set up a special academy.

The above is the main information of the five branches.

I heard that there are some schools, as well as Lingchu Academy, Planting Academy and so on.

However, these colleges are not classified into major categories, and Huang Haijun did not specifically classify them into categories.

Of course, if students want to learn, it is also possible. Huanghai School also has similar elective courses, and students can take it as their interest.

In the final analysis, everything in the Warrior Academy is for warriors, and this era belongs to warriors after all.

In addition, there are information introductions of the instructors of each college, such as the strength of the realm, the field of weapons they are good at, and so on.

After Wang Teng watched it, he had some confidence in his mind. Of course, he had to see him in person tomorrow before he could make a final decision on how to choose.

After all, everyone has different temperaments. If the tutor and the students are difficult to get along with, no matter how strong the tutor is, no matter how good the teacher is, it will be useless.

"But can you choose from all five colleges?"

Wang Teng seemed to think of something, he couldn't help touching his chin and muttering to himself.

Anyway, it's all about picking up attributes, where is it not picking up!

It's a bit exciting to think about killing all five colleges!

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Who's here?"

Wang Teng got up and walked towards the door.

"Forget it, let's see the specific situation tomorrow." He put the thoughts of just now behind his head and opened the door.

Hou Pingliang and his roommates were standing outside the door.

"Wow, Brother Teng, the environment here is really good." Hou Pingliang looked in, and couldn't help but shouted.

"I've heard that Room 1 is more upscale, but looking at it now, it's true." Lu Shu nodded.

"Only a coquettish character like Brother Teng can live in such a dormitory as soon as he enters school." Song Shuhang said cheaply.

"That's it. With your family background, it's not like you haven't lived in this kind of house before." Wang Teng rolled his eyes and let them into the house.

"That's different. This is a school. Our freshmen all live in a four-person room. Not only do you live alone, but you also live in this small villa. You can't be envious!" Hou Pingliang said.

"Then you continue to be envious." Wang Teng said hehe.

"..." Hou Pingliang and the others.

Heartbroken old man!

A few people chatted and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

It was past five o'clock at this time, and there were already many people in the cafeteria, and the number was still increasing.

Not only old students, but also new students.

And some old students went directly to the second floor, where the spiritual food cooked by the spiritual chef required payment of credits.

"I don't know when our student ID card will be issued. Only with a student ID card can credits be used in the school. However, I heard that freshmen only have a few basic credits. It is best to use them in some places that are just needed, and they must not be used for food." , Of course, I probably can’t afford it.” Hou Pingliang looked at the students who walked up to the second floor and explained.

Several people had a meal, sat around a table, and ate with relish.

Although it is not a spiritual food, I have to say that the food in the cafeteria is indeed delicious, basically no different from the restaurants outside.

"By the way, those late freshmen are still running on the playground."

Several students passed by their desks, and one of them said to his companion with a smile.

"It's what you deserve. Anyway, it would be nice if you arrived earlier. You have to show off your presence." Another person said disdainfully.

"Hehe, they probably haven't changed their minds yet, thinking that they are still the teacher's treasure like in high school, and they can't be beaten or scolded. Huanghai is a top school, and the students in it are better than each other. Let's say Let’s just pick one of these freshmen, who hasn’t been a treasure before?”

"Well, I didn't know that there are people outside the world until I entered the Yellow Sea. Let's say that Wang Teng, the number one scholar in the martial arts examination in the East China Sea, is very good. He was awarded the title as soon as the school started."

"However, he is in serious trouble. I think there must be many people who are eyeing that rank. Not only freshmen, but also seniors will probably make moves."


They didn't see Wang Teng, and walked out of the cafeteria while talking.

Sorry, I was supposed to update it in the morning, but yesterday I took the train for 15 hours. I was too tired. I slept until 8 o'clock, and then I had to go out again, so I couldn't type.

There is another chapter tonight, it is being coded, wait a moment~

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