[“Sister Calamus’s noodles are still delicious no matter how many times you eat them!”]

[Uzumaki Naruto said with a smile. 】

[“Really? It’s great that you like it, Naruto!”]

[A shy smile appeared on Acorus’s face, she felt happy from the bottom of her heart to be recognized by Naruto. 】

[Just when Uzumaki Naruto and Acorus were preparing to have an in-depth exchange, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded. 】

[“Naruto-kun, we haven’t seen you for a long time.”]

[Take off the rain ninja village hat you are wearing, revealing that disgustingly familiar face! 】

[I wonder which unlucky female ninja fell in love with Orochimaru. 】

[“Orochimaru, you actually dare to appear in Konoha.”]

[Uzumaki Naruto is not afraid at all. He can sense that although Orochimaru is very dangerous, he does not exude any malice now. 】

【In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. 】

【”Sister Calamus…”】

[Hearing Naruto’s voice, Acorus instantly understood something. 】

[She glanced at Orochimaru. His face was as delicate as a girl’s, looking pure and beautiful. 】

[It’s just that the pair of eyes under the willow eyebrows look out of place. 】

[After staring for a long time, it seemed that the guy in front of me was not a girl, but a poisonous snake! 】

[Acorus retreated into the house knowingly, leaving the space for Naruto and Orochimaru. 】

[“Naruto-kun, you worked very hard to see you again!”]

[“Orochimaru, you deliberately made all the ANBU in Konoha come to see me. Are you just trying to show how powerful you are?”]

[“I’m not that boring. I came to you just because I recognize your strength.”]

[“Recognize my strength?”]

[Naruto took a bite of noodles and felt very calm. 】

[“Yes, to be honest, I know you hate Konoha, Naruto-kun!”]

[As Orochimaru spoke, he seemed to be worried that Naruto would not believe it. He slowly took out a bottle of perfume from his arms. 】

[This bottle of perfume is nothing special. It is sold in many stores in Konoha Village. 】

[It’s just that Uzumaki Naruto recognized that the bottle in Orochimaru’s hand was exactly the one he bought when he left. 】

[He doesn’t know much about perfume, he only knows that a small bottle like that… is very expensive! 】

[Naruto already understood what Orochimaru meant, and his voice was a little cold. 】

[“What did you do to the fragrant phosphorus?”]

[“Don’t get excited, Naruto-kun, I have no interest in that girl.”]

[“What I’m interested in…is the Uchiha clan.”]

[“Do you want Uchiha Sasuke?”]

[Seeing Orochimaru not answering, but looking at him expectantly, Naruto understood. 】

[He wanted to trick Sasuke into his hands in exchange for fragrant phosphorus. 】

[After all, Sasuke is now said to be practicing with Kakashi, although Kakashi is not Orochimaru’s opponent. 】

[But with Konoha’s 50-50 reputation, there should be no problem in holding on until Konoha’s rescue team arrives. 】

[“Why are you so obsessed with the Uchiha clan?”]

[In the forest of death, Naruto saw that Orochimaru was clearly coming for Sasuke! 】

[Orochimaru was not surprised at all by Naruto’s clear understanding. 】

[After all, such an outstanding guy, if it weren’t for the presence of Nine-Tails in his body, he would really want to have Naruto’s body! 】

[“You should know the unique blood inheritance limits of the Uchiha clan!”]

[Naruto thought for a while, the blood successor limit Orochimaru mentioned should be the Sharingan. He had seen it in Kakashi and Sasuke. 】

[Those eyes are indeed very special and convenient. I don’t know if they are suitable for the Uzumaki clan…]

[“Only the best Uchiha clan members can open the Sharingan. Ninjas with Sharingan will become outstanding beings without exception!”]

[Orochimaru thought of the man he longed for again, and he easily killed him instantly with just a raise of his hands and feet. 】

[If I could also possess the Blood Chakra Eye, I might actually be able to defeat him, but that’s not necessarily the case! 】

[“Naruto-kun, do you know the relationship between the Sharingan and the tailed beasts?”]

[Seeing that Uzumaki Naruto didn’t speak, Orochimaru continued. 】

[“The genjutsu possessed by the Sharingan can easily control any tailed beast in the ninja world!”]

[“And having the power of a tailed beast, you should know what this means, right?”]

[“That will quickly rise to become the sixth largest country in the ninja world!”]

[Orochimaru said so excitedly that he actually started coughing. 】

[Obviously this new

Her body doesn’t seem to fit well with his, and it seems that it won’t take long for her to be abandoned by him. 】

[“So…your goal is to control the tailed beast?”]

[Naruto directly revealed Orochimaru’s thoughts. 】

[But Orochimaru shook his head and said meaningfully,]

[“Honestly, Naruto, I’m not very interested in tailed beasts.”]

[“But if I can use the power of tailed beasts to destroy Konoha, I would still be quite happy.”]

[Naruto finally smiled. Sure enough, Orochimaru’s purpose in coming to Konoha this time was not simple. He actually had the same plan as himself! 】

[“Naruto, I want to cooperate with you!”]

[Orochimaru said directly, he knew very well that he and Naruto were the same kind of people. 】

[The hatred for Konoha’s injustice, the determination to destroy Konoha! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto slowly shook his head, which surprised Orochimaru. 】

[Does this Naruto look down on his own strength? 】

[Does he really think that he is at full strength in the forest of death? 】

[You are underestimating yourself too much! 】

[Seeing that Orochimaru looked wrong, Naruto knew that he had misunderstood. 】

[“No, Orochimaru, I mean, Sasuke cannot be handed over to you for the time being.”]

[“However, as long as you can hold off the Third Hokage, leave the rest to me.”]


[After hearing what Naruto said, Orochimaru was silent for a moment. 】

[He looked Naruto up and down in front of him. Why on earth could this guy be so confident? 】

[In addition to the Third Hokage, there are countless powerful ninjas in Konoha. 】

[How can we deal with Naruto alone? 】

[Could it be that… the seal of the Kyuubi has been released? 】

[Orochimaru thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only possibility. Apart from releasing the Nine-Tails, he could not think of any other possibility that Naruto could do. 】

[However, if the Kyuubi is released from his body, won’t Naruto die too? 】

[Orochimaru smiled coldly, it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t really care whether Naruto is dead or alive. 】

[“In this case, I am looking forward to that day.”]

[Orochimaru slowly stood up and put the hat on his head again. 】

[It’s just that the symbol of Rain Ninja Village has been replaced by that of Sand Ninja Village. 】

[Seeing Orochimaru about to leave, Naruto suddenly called out to him. 】

[“Wait a minute, Orochimaru, there is one more important thing I forgot to mention.”]

[“Oh? Naruto-kun, what’s going on?”]

[“Um…please settle the bill.”]

[Naruto pointed to the dozen bowls of ramen that had accumulated in front of him and said calmly. 】


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