Comeback 1992

Chapter 707: promote

  Chapter 707 Promotion

  Lu Yongnian turned his head slowly, and was startled when he saw Han Songlin, Mi Yi, and Zhu Xiangping standing behind him at some point! You know, Mi Yi and Zhu Xiangping can wear high heels, and they are stilettos.

   Walking on the ground, there was a lot of noise.

  Lu Yongnian didn't hear it. You can imagine how devoted and focused he was before.

  A person who can do well in a field must have dedication and concentration.

  Han Songlin sneered: "Don't look at us with the expression of seeing a ghost! What's wrong with us, we are also handsome and beautiful."

  Han Songlin's voice was heard by everyone in the slightly quiet office, which made everyone feel a bit of a gap for a while!

  Yes, it is the sense of gap!

   For a long time, everyone felt that Han Songlin, as the boss, should be unsmiling, majestic and martial.

   But this is not true at all, Han Songlin is very humorous and narcissistic.


  Han Songlin patted Lu Yongnian lightly. It seems that Lu Yongnian is doing well here!

   "I remember you were working on a computer virus?"

  Lu Yongnian scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I just studied the virus casually. I haven't studied it since that happened."

  Others also looked at Lu Yongnian in surprise, the young man can do it, what do you mean, you used to be a hacker?

  Hackers are nothing in the programmer world at this time. In fact, many technicians of Internet companies have identities behind the scenes.

  According to the rumors, which Internet security companies are engaged in anti-virus software, and at the same time are constantly releasing viruses on the Internet.

  Han Songlin knew that the rumor was true.

   "It's better not to be a virus. Viruses are heavy damage, but what you are doing now is construction! Destruction can only be a temporary pleasure, and the satisfaction of construction will last forever."

  Han Songlin asked: "After you graduated, did you come here?"

   "Well, I'm interested in Chinese programming!"

   Interested, and then joined the Easy Language project team?

  Everyone is interested in many things, but I don't see any achievements in every field of interest.

  Interest is the premise, the most important thing is personal talent!

  Lu Yongnian's talent in computers is needless to say, it just needs to be very strong.

  Han Songlin clapped his hands, signaled everyone to focus on it, and said, "Your progress on the Yi language project is faster than expected, and you are doing better!"

   "I think many of you may be worried, now that there are various programming languages ​​abroad, why do we have to make one ourselves?"

"I'm only talking about the simplest reason, because the programming language abroad is English, which is inherently unfriendly to our domestic programmers. We need a Chinese programming language, which is our mother tongue, so that beginners Quick entry to mastery."

"The Internet will affect the whole world, and naturally it will profoundly change our Huaguo and the lives of each of us! We need more programmers to achieve this. The past training speed is too slow, and we need faster To train more programmers, Chinese programming is the best choice, and it will be our only choice!"

  Han Songlin did not say that Yi language is related to the Internet security of Huaguo.

   Smart people will naturally think of this.

   "This year, Easy Language will be promoted in elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities. I hope you can create a teaching material suitable for beginners so that everyone can quickly master Easy Language."

   "If you want to make Easy Language grow stronger, you need more people to use it."

   Write software teaching materials!

  To be honest, there are quite a lot of mistakes in various software teaching materials.

  It is the so-called classic software textbooks, in which many mistakes can also be found.

  Very helpless thing, but this is the truth.

  Hua people want to understand things written in English, there will be differences.

  A person's understanding difference is constantly transmitted to other people.

   And others have no way to find out.

  If you use Chinese programming, if the logic is wrong, you can find it yourself.

   "If the easy language is open, easy to use, and scalable, we need to gather more people's ingenuity to continuously improve and develop the easy language."

   "The easy language I want to see is not only used to write applications, but also to write systems and the underlying programs of computer chips. Even the entire Internet is built by easy language."

   As for the chip, Xinghai Group already has the ability to design and manufacture it.

   Moreover, these two abilities will become more and more powerful.

  So is it possible to use easy language to make the underlying program of the chip?

   It’s really okay.

   Mi Yi looked sideways at Han Songlin's words, and thought it was normal again.

  Xinghai Group emphasizes localization, even if there is no publicity in this area, it is just done.

   There is a good saying, a dog that bites does not bark, Xinghai Group has such a feeling.

   Coming out of the Yi language team, Han Songlin and Mi Yi went to find Lu Zhiyong together.

   At this time, Lu Zhiyong was sleeping on the sofa in the rest area.

   Mi Yi wanted to call, but was stopped by Han Songlin.

  Han Songlin whispered to Mi Yi: "If you have something to do, go and do it!"

   Mi Yi looked at Lu Zhiyong who was lying on the sofa. Since the boss wants to be a corporal, she has no reason not to cooperate: "Boss, if you have something to do, call me!"

   Nodding slightly to Mi Yi, indicating that Mi Yi can go.

  Han Songlin sat down on the sofa next to him. Is Wangwang Software allowed to sleep during working hours?

   It is very clear that it is allowed.

   When you are tired, you can go to rest.

  Forcing energy to do things is actually very inefficient.

   Not only is the efficiency low, but it is also quite uncomfortable, so why not just eat, drink, sleep and do things after getting enough sleep?

   itself, research and development is a very labor-intensive thing.

  Zhu Xiangping stood still by the side, and I don't know how long she will have to stand.

   He fixed his gaze on Lu Zhiyong who was soundly asleep, hoping that he would wake up early.

  Han Songlin didn't care about this, just sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to play.

  Anyway, there is still a lot of time today, so Han Songlin can afford to wait.

   Some classic games on mobile phones are still available, such as Snake!

  Han Songlin's highest record was achieved in his previous life.

  After playing games for a while, Han Songlin watched QQ again.

   At this time, the mobile phone QQ was already available. After Monternet came out, Penguin immediately made the mobile phone QQ.

  Penguin has been doing quite well in the preemption of the mobile terminal.

  On Han Songlin's QQ, there are no netizens. Han Songlin, who has experienced the era of online chatting, is no longer interested in finding people to chat with online.

  The feeling of curiosity and anticipation is gone.

  (end of this chapter)

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