Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 318 Replenish your energy and store up your energy, fast enough

Regarding Qing Ling's nonsensical resentment, for a while, Mu Ziling was also speechless.

This girl's ability to understand vocabulary really shouldn't be judged by common sense.

Compassionate fellowship means, does it have to suffer the same sin and be injured in the same position to be regarded as fellow sickness fellowship?

Thinking of this, Mu Ziling shook his head speechlessly, and decided not to continue talking about this topic.

The poison in Qingling's body had been completely eliminated, Mu Ziling thought that it was time for him to get busy with his own affairs.

Because she couldn't wait to try the powerful effect stimulated by the poison.

Thinking about it, Mu Ziling turned around and walked towards the sleeping stalactite.

Seeing that Mu Ziling didn't seem to want to continue the conversation, Qingling turned to look at her, rubbed her chin suspiciously, and thought about it.

Then, she asked casually: "Hey, why do you plan to live here? You said you want to live here forever! Do you want to be a savage?"

Although Qingling knew that Mu Ziling would not be able to live permanently, she still wondered why Mu Ziling lived here, and it seemed that he would stay for a long time.

Still a savage... Mu Ziling twitched the corners of her mouth, her imagination is so rich!

She wanted to say again: what is being a savage? Inside the small cave, there is a 'frozen' person on the top of the mountain who completely enclosed himself.

However, when it comes to this safe house... Mu Ziling paused, rolled his eyes, and thought about it.

As for how long she will stay here, she doesn't know herself.

At least one thing is to wait for Ye Zimu to come out of retreat and make sure that he is really fine before she considers going back.

Furthermore, there is another reason why she is not leaving now, that is...

Mu Ziling looked back, smiled lightly, and said as a matter of course: "Don't you think this place is a good place to practice martial arts? The ground is big and spacious, and the most important thing is that no one disturbs you, it's very quiet!"

‘Of course, this was before you came, after you came, this undisturbed and quiet is another matter. '

With this sentence, Mu Ziling silently slandered in his heart.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, what she said was not false at all.

Qingling saw Mu Ziling's indifferent smile, like the morning dew in spring, fresh and beautiful, so beautiful that people couldn't bear to look away.

At this moment, even her girl became dizzy for a moment.

When Qingling came to her senses, Mu Ziling had already walked to the stalactite, ready to lie down.

"But you..." Qingling took two steps forward, wanting to ask something again.

Mu Ziling turned her head to the side and raised her hand to stop her words: "Don't be rude! If it wasn't for practicing martial arts, I wouldn't be so stupid that I wouldn't go home, but I just want to stay in this place that's freezing cold, and you Think about it... Only when you become stronger, you will not let others chase you around, if you can do a counterattack like a Jedi counterattack, that would be great! Isn't it?"

In the end, what she said was true!

Isn't that right, if he doesn't become stronger, think about the future, even if there are a hundred Mu Zilings with nine lives, they definitely won't be enough to die!

As for Mu Ziling's last words, Qing Ling also nodded in agreement.

Considering her strength is not bad, but in the end she was chased and killed like a bereaved dog, not to mention running for her life, and almost lost her life.

Therefore, becoming stronger is still very important!

Qing Ling clenched her fist secretly, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

Little did they know, Qing Ling's thoughts on the question were taken away at once.

Seeing Qingling's epiphany, Mu Ziling chuckled secretly.

This girl who is full of problems, is she innocent?

But thinking about the cruel methods she used to kill those people before, and the arrogance in her bones, I really can't see how innocent she is at all.

But now, I was bluffed in just a few sentences, isn't this purely what?

This is really contradictory, and it is puzzling!

Mu Ziling stretched her waist, pretended to lie down, and waved her hands: "I was woken up so early by you, I'm seriously lack of sleep, I'll squint for a while, recharge my batteries, stop yelling and making noise, you Don’t you want to be a savage? If you’re in a hurry, go out and catch more game.”

"Oh, that's right..." Mu Ziling seemed to have thought of something, and reminded: "When I sleep, sometimes I sleep too deeply, maybe I don't breathe at all, just like a dead person, so don't put me When the dead are thrown out."

Thinking about it before, there were many incidents where she fell asleep as a 'dead' because she couldn't breathe, which made people worry, so it is naturally necessary to remind her now.

After all, Mu Ziling closed his eyes immediately, and his soul entered the star system, completely denying Qing Ling any chance to ask questions.

But in the blink of an eye—

Seeing Mu Ziling's sleeping face immediately, soundless, seemingly unshakable, Qing Ling was a little dumbfounded.

This rejuvenation is fast enough!

Thinking of what Mu Ziling reminded just now, Qing Ling didn't believe it at all.

However, she still approached curiously, stretched out her hand to check Mu Ziling's breath, but in the next second she retracted like an electric shock.

Really not breathing!

Is this person... is he still human?

This is simply a veritable state of sleeping to death!

Qingling opened her mouth in astonishment, blinked her eyes, the questions that were still full of her stomach suddenly became empty, and she had nothing to say.

Mu Ziling fell asleep, and there was no one to chat with, so Qing Ling was really idle and panicked for a while.

Her gaze unconsciously glanced towards the small-hole again——

Unexpectedly, with this unconscious glance, the line of sight was fixed again and could not be taken back, and the curiosity that had been submerged suddenly resurfaced.

At this moment, the poisonous spider was still opening its big blue eyes, staring at Qingling for a moment, as if it was fascinated.

Qingling was a little apprehensive in the stare, she squinted her eyes slightly, and stared at the blue-eyed poisonous spider and its poisonous web for a long while.

However, with the lessons learned from the painful experience not long ago, Qing Ling was stunned, held his breath, and once again put aside the curiosity in his heart.

Afterwards, Qingling held the sword resentfully and went out to hunt.


But it said that Mu Ziling had entered the star system.

Since the poison of the blue-eyed poisonous spider was to be used to stimulate the meridians and blood vessels, Mu Ziling naturally wouldn't use the poison outside.

Otherwise, this will directly end up in the same tragic end as Qingling.

The pain is so severe, where is the thought and strength to exercise and stimulate the meridians and blood vessels?

Besides, the kind of thing that can benefit oneself only by hurting one's body, no matter how good the final effect is, it can't be done stupidly.

However, Mu Ziling knew that poisoning would be unbearably painful, so she wanted to study it and use it for her own use. This was due to her accidental discovery when she was practicing the elementary mental method given by Ye Zimu.

At that time, she also had the mentality of giving it a try, but unexpectedly, she discovered that the soul staying in the star system has another wonderful use.

You know, at the time I accidentally discovered this beauty, it really made Mu Ziling want to just have fun for three days and three nights!

Because she discovered that in the star system, the soul can do exactly the same things as in the outside world. It can even feel what it wants to feel. Of course, it can't feel pain.

It can also be deduced from this that she can directly use her soul to practice martial arts in the star system.

The most important thing is that the effect of the soul training is one with the real body after going out, it has not lost its effect, and the effect has not weakened, it is exactly the same.

Therefore, the soul can practice martial arts without feeling pain. This is why Mu Ziling wanted to study the magical poison on the blue-eyed poisonous spider, and dared to use it for his own use.

It can be seen from this that this can be done opportunistically, using the poison of the blue-eyed poisonous spider to stimulate the blood vessels and meridians in the body. In this world, only Mu Ziling can do it.

As soon as Mu Ziling's soul entered the star system, she directly used the bottle of poison on her soul without hesitation.

For a moment, her soul was poisoned, and immediately turned into the same blue color as Qing Ling was poisoned before.

The ethereal and illusory green is especially real.

The only difference is that the poisoned Mu Ziling doesn't feel any pain at all.

Although he couldn't feel the pain, Mu Ziling could clearly feel the toxin in the soul body, which was actively beating in the soul cells.

There is no doubt that the poison has already taken effect and is stimulating the veins in her body.

Mu Ziling sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, sank into his dantian, and directly awakened the power that was as big as a sesame seed in his dantian.

Just like in the beginning, under Mu Ziling's guidance, that little bit of power was still extremely mischievous, running around in her body wantonly.

While the toxin was stimulating the veins, Mu Ziling tried to control the little power with his thoughts.

I don't know if it's because the little power is slow to respond, or if the meridians are stimulated and the effect is about to take effect.

In short, Mu Ziling's attempt to control this time, it no longer quickly settled into the dantian.

At this moment, Mu Ziling was secretly happy, because she could already control that little power with her thoughts.

But who would have known that within three seconds of this joy, Xiaoli actually sank into his dantian again.

Feeling so far, Mu Ziling held back her anger, frowned, and continued!

After failing once, Mu Ziling tried again.

Unfortunately, as it turned out.

Tried again, failed again!

try again...

After repeated failures, Mu Ziling was not discouraged in the slightest, but was pushed harder and harder.

She tried again and again.

However, failure is a failure, but it is not a total failure.

Because, there is always a little harvest accumulated, which is why Mu Ziling tried again and again patiently.

And this harvest is... the little power returned to Dantian three seconds late in the initial reaction, and now its reaction has been delayed by a full ten seconds.

At this time, the toxin had already successfully broken through her meridians and blood vessels.

Although the goal was achieved, which was expected, but this success still made Mu Ziling very excited.

However, while being excited, there was also something that made Mu Ziling very depressed.

The breakthrough of the meridian and blood vessels is worthy of celebration, but what is depressing is that after ten seconds of her control of that small force, it seems to have reached the limit of control.

Because Mu Ziling tried again and again countless times, it just sank after ten seconds, and it was too stingy to give it another second.

But frankly speaking, there is still a little bit of comfort in this mere ten seconds.

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