Clan Cultivation: I Transmigrated With My Smartphone

Chapter 330: Deep into the hinterland of the demon clan

"Family cultivating immortals, my mobile phone has passed through (

In the hall, Lu Fan left happily.

Lu Xuanji sighed and wanted to say something, but was silent.

That's fine, only in battle can the mind and will be transformed.

Some Jindan often fight, have excellent fighting skills, have rich fighting experience, have experienced life and death trials, have firm beliefs, and have extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

But many of the cultivators of the Lu family lacked the corresponding combat skills, lacked combat experience, and had relatively poor combat effectiveness.

It is precisely with this battle that the spiritual will of the Lu family cultivator is tempered.

Half of the monks who set out on this expedition may die in the battle, but as long as the remaining half are elites, the probability of entering the next realm will increase accordingly.

Then, Lu Xuanji opened some secret vaults and sold some rare items, which were quite precious in small quantities, and could be used to save lives at critical moments.

After a day's rest, a flying boat appeared in the void, and everyone boarded the flying boat one after another.

The flying boat was moving forward, but a moment later, it arrived at Ziyang Mountain.

When they arrived at Ziyang Mountain, they saw the flying boats staying here, with a terrifying aura on them, and obviously a large number of monks were among them.

Many immortal cultivators have gathered a large number of monks, corresponding to the recruitment of the Danyang faction, and gathered here.

Lu Xuanji stood on the bow of the boat and his spiritual thoughts flashed. About 30 families of cultivators gathered here one after another, and the follow-up flying boats came one after another.

It's not a big problem to procrastinate for a second or two on other issues.

But at the moment of the war with the monster clan, if it is delayed and destroyed, it is also well deserved.

About three days later, all the monks arrived one after another.

Standing on the flying boat, Jin Xi said, "Let's go!"

The flying boat is advancing, sweeping in a mighty force, gathering towards the front line.

On the way, I also encountered some other flying boats.

On the borders of Chu State, the monks were gathering in a mighty mass, as if ants were gathering toward the designated location.

A foundation-building cultivator is considered a middle-class in the world of immortality. If it is in some small clans, it can be called a patriarch, a great elder, and so on.

But in this huge battle, the base-building cultivators are just soldiers, just bigger cannon fodder.

Soon, the army arrived at the indicated location.

Counting the time, Jin Xi pushed the token and contacted the other True Monarchs of Nascent Soul, and then said: "Now start the attack, attacking the territory of the demon clan. The demon clan has repeatedly launched beast tides against my human race area and attacked it. Our human territory. Now, we will also launch an attack to attack the human area!"

"Advance the 30,000-mile area, sweep and attack as much as you like!"

"The demon emperor of the demon clan, I will resist for you. As for the battle below, you can go as you please. You must complete the corresponding target of killing demons. If you can't do it, the deity will be severely punished!"

Jin Xi stepped up and stood above the 10,000-meter-high sky, the sword intent soaring into the sky, tearing everything apart and shattering all methods.

At this moment, in the void, there was a loud noise, and a giant python appeared, with a body of more than ten meters long, black scales hanging on the body, and a huge snake letter sticking out, looking hideous and terrifying.

Above the body, the demonic energy surged into the sky, and the dark clouds swept over.

Boom boom boom!

The void is colliding, the two are fighting together, the black demonic energy and the golden sword energy are colliding together, the two are tearing each other, shattering each other, and strangling each other.

Above the 10,000-meter altitude, waves of destruction were formed.

Occasionally, a wave of destruction swept down, and a trace of sword energy slammed down, and some unlucky ghosts should not be killed on the spot.

"This is the confrontation between the Yuanying cultivators... a bit terrifying!"

Looking at this scene, Lu Xuanji was slightly stunned.

The thought of wanting a cross-level war completely dissipated.

never mind!

Still don't think about it, Jin Dan has defeated Yuan Ying in a cross-level battle.

Or be honest, cultivate to the realm of Nascent Soul and then defeat Nascent Soul!


Lu Xuanji stopped drinking and began to command the battleship to attack the depths of the mountain.

Starting to stay away from the battlefield of the Nascent Soul cultivator, if he died in battle, he would be considered a hero, but if he was bombarded by the residual energy of the Nascent Soul, leading to heroism, it would be a little embarrassing.


The flying boat was advancing, and after advancing three thousand miles, it came to a mountain range of monsters, and the flying boat stopped.

Lu Xuanji gave an order, and some of the monks went down and started to attack this mountain range.

In less than ten minutes, the mountain range was breached, and the Zifu monsters inside were besieged and killed.

Then, boarded the flying boat again, and began to move forward quickly, attacking another mountain range.

One mountain range followed another mountain range, and there were multiple divisions in the middle, attacking the territory of the monsters, the battlefield area was constantly expanding, and the battlefield radius expanded to a thousand miles.

Within this thousand-mile radius, the Lu family cultivators were slaughtering quickly and cleaning up the demon clan.

Lu Xuanji did not take action, but waited.

Waiting for the arrival of the demon master.

About a moment later, the void sounded, and a huge golden eagle appeared, with a strong with the breath of the wind, it seemed to soar for nine days.


Lu Xuanji stepped forward and rushed out.

This punch seemed to condense a hundred punches together.

The golden eagle waved its wings, and the wings were cut like blades.


The two collide!

The golden eagle's wings were broken and fell to the ground.

The next moment, a figure flashed, sticking to the body of the golden eagle, and punched.


The body of the golden eagle burst open, and a golden pill fell on the palm.

"It turns out that I'm so strong, an ordinary golden core demon can be killed with two punches..." Lu Xuanji sighed slightly, re-examined his own strength, and began to position himself.

It turned out that he was so powerful.

After entering the golden core, this was the first golden core he killed.

Whether in the demon clan or the human clan, Jindan cultivator is a giant king with a noble status.

Behind the Jindan cultivator, there is True Monarch Nascent Soul as a backer.

He couldn't kill at all, and he didn't dare to kill.

Only now, when the two sides are caught in a war, chaos and disorder, and the demon clan's Nascent Soul being restrained, can he start the killing spree.


Thinking of this, Lu Xuanji urged the flying boat and put everyone on the flying boat. The flying boat was getting smaller and turned into a miniature shape.


The figure flickered, heading towards the hinterland of the demon clan.

Since it's here, do a big vote.

Here, attacking piece by piece, killing the monsters at the bottom is meaningless.

Go to the hinterland of the demon clan, open the killing ring, slaughter a lot of demon clan Jindan cultivators, and kill one demon clan Jindan is better than killing twenty big demons in Zifu.

Similarly, in the hinterland of the demon clan, various treasures, resources, etc., are more numerous, richer, and more rewarding.

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