Jiang Dafa took a deep breath after watching the entire process.

Brother Fan is really too shady.

The Hulk just kept roaring miserably when facing more than a dozen guns.

As soon as the biochemical game started, Brother Fan called his teammates to hide in this corner, while he himself went over to seduce the biochemical player.

Every time the creature was seduced, it would be blasted into pieces by the fire of more than a dozen guns.

Brother Fan, this old Yinbi, has a dirty heart.

Jiang Dafa muttered something in his mouth.

Lin Fan's ears twitched.

His ears have been systematically strengthened and are much more sensitive than before.

He seemed to have heard Jiang Dafa talking bad about him just now?

Lin Fan looked at Jiang Dafa with keen eyes:"Were you talking bad about me just now?"

Jiang Dafa was confused?

Brother Fan’s hearing is so good?

Can you hear this?

"The confusion from Jiang Dafa is worth 666!"


I played CF for another hour.

Lin Fan was tired of playing.

The main reason is that he is too strong and can kill the opponent in various ways.

Kill those players like piglets.

The gaming experience is completely lost.

After fighting for more than an hour, Lin Fan and Jiang Dafa were ready to escape.

When the two came out of the Internet cafe, they went to find their respective mothers.

After coming out of the Internet cafe, Lin Fan passed by a park.

In the park, there was a boy walking with his mother and grandfather.

When Lin Fan passed by.

I heard the boy say to his grandfather:"Grandpa, I want to wear your hat!"

Maybe it was because the grandfather had no hair on his head, so he needed a hat to cover his head.

So grandpa looked a little reluctant.

The boy's mother on the side said:"Stop coveting your grandpa's hat. If you do, I will beat you!"

As she said that, the mother pretended to beat her son.

When the son saw his mother's fierce look, he also pretended to cry.

The grandfather couldn't bear to see his grandson cry, so he sighed, took off his hat, and handed it to the boy.

The boy put the hat on his head.

The boy smiled happily and said to his mother beside him:"Look, do I look like your father?"


Lin Fan also smiled when he walked over.

This boy has some skin!

He felt a familiar feeling of Pippi Shrimp.

Seeing Lin Fan looking at him and smiling, the boy pointed at Lin Fan:"Uncle, are you the legendary single guy? You don't even have a girlfriend next to you? I will never be a single guy like you in the future.." uncle?


Lin Fan's face darkened.

He was actually called uncle when he was in his twenties?

And also laughed at him for being a single guy?

Lin Fan's expression turned bad on the spot.

This guy is a bit naughty!

If I don't teach this little kid a lesson, I'm afraid he will be another Pipi shrimp when he grows up!

Lin Fan walked over, touched the boy's head and said gently:"Don't worry, you are so fat, no girl will be able to like you in the future!" The little boy was stunned.

He didn't expect that the uncle in front of him would directly attack him!

There is really no magnanimity at all!

He used to make this kind of joke with his uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, but the brothers and sisters would never reply.

"The confusion from the little boy is worth 999! The little boy looked at his mother with an aggrieved look and began to complain:"Mom, this uncle bullied me and made fun of me for being fat!"

Lin Fan smiled when he saw the little boy complaining to his mother.

This kind of child who complains to his parents at every turn is obviously spoiled by his family. How can a well-behaved child in a normal family laugh at strangers outside at will? Are you single?

Lin Fan still hates such pampered children.

Lin Fan looked at the mother of the little girl beside him:"Auntie, have you heard about the Huacheng murder case last week? The mastermind of the murder case was pampered by his family. When he grew up, he killed people at will without restraint. In the end, something serious happened, and his parents regretted it."

The boy's mother originally wanted to say something, but when she heard what Lin Fan said, she stopped speaking. The grandfather behind him also nodded and said nothing.

Lin Fan continued:"The child still has to be beaten. If you beat them, they will go to the house and uncover the tiles!"

The boy was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"The confusion from the boy is worth 1222!"

After Lin Fan received the boy's one thousand and two oceans worth of money, he became more energetic.


He didn't even realize that this kid was actually rich.

Lin Fan continued in high spirits:"Auntie , does your child often fail in exams?"

The boy's mother also looked at Lin Fan in surprise and nodded.

She was a little surprised that Lin Fan could tell at a glance that her child's grades were not good.

Lin Fan also smiled. It was not like he could tell at a glance that the boy was not good. The one with bad grades.

He simply felt that such a naughty child could not have good grades.

Which Xiu'er in history had good grades?

He slapped the boy on the back of the head with a serious face.

After slapping him, Lin Fan said seriously :"Auntie, I need to give you a few more lessons for this kind of kid who likes playing tricks all day long and doesn't like reading! You also have to control him to play the game.

Lin Fan continued:"There is an answer to the summer homework at the end, which must be torn up. There is also a safety control in the King of Pesticide game that can time the game." When the time is up, the game will automatically close. Just give him five minutes to enjoy it every day."


King Pesticide is timed for five minutes?

Just give him five minutes to play with King Pesticide?


Absolutely devil!

Five minutes is not enough for King Pesticide!

The boy was confused

"The confusion from the boy is worth 1555!"

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