Shi Lang immediately rubbed his hands and said happily.

   "Master, the rules of the system are that as long as the beauties of the three levels of A, B, and C are seen by the owner, the system can tell the owner their information for free. In order to help the owner get points as much as possible."

   "But the S-level stunning beauties are different. Inquiring about the basic information of the stunning beauties that you already know requires a 1,000-point intelligence fee."

   the system replied.

   "Damn, who has broken the rules?"

   Shi Lang couldn't help but yelled at him, one thousand points, he earned a few hundred points so hard, where to find a thousand points.

   "I don't know, but I have to follow the rules."

   The system is back.

   "So, the stunning beauty is temporarily hopeless."

   Shi Lang muttered, and at the same time, he made up his mind that he must speed up and take down the little loli who was rated as B grade, and then he would have points.

   Next, Shi Lang, who looked at the black screen, lost the interest in continuing to search, and directly exited the live broadcast room.

   Shi Lang ran to take a shower and fell asleep early. In his dream, Shi Lang dreamed that he was walking in a sea of ​​flowers holding the hand of a stunning beauty...

Chapter 31: Two Bad Ideas

   When Shi Lang came to the company, he found that the fat man had finally returned.

   Shi Lang first discussed some preparations with the fat man.

   After getting the fat guy everything is ready.

   Shi Lang happily said to the fat man: "Haha, fat man, that's just right, now the company is managed by you, don't come to me if there is nothing wrong."

   Shi Lang finished saying this, without waiting for the fat man to react, patted him on the shoulder and entered his office leisurely.

   "System, can't you provide the information for free? Hurry up and give me the B-level little loli information."

   Since the company is now managed by fat people, I have already experienced the feeling of being a boss.

   So, Shi Lang is about to start earning points by himself.

   "Okay, master."

   With the system's answer, the familiar screen appeared in front of Shi Lang once.

  Name: "Zhou Yutong."

  Age: "15 years old."

   Height: "1.55m."

   measurements: "82, 57, 82"

  Hobbies: "Singing, dancing, like eating sweets..."

  Family background: "Father Zhou Zhendong, chairman of the Eastern Group, the fifth largest group in Zhongdu."

  : "Mother Wang Shiyun, daughter of the mayor of Zhongdu City."


   Looking at this simple but not simple content, Shi Lang's face is a bit ugly.

   "It's another one that is not bad for money, and what's more troublesome is that there is an official background. It's difficult to do this now."

   "The main thing is that the object is a little loli, even if I want to approach it on the excuse of pursuit."

   "Well, if all the people who meet the system's high scores in the future are like this and don't need money, how can you do it!"

   Shi Lang looked at the information in front of him and thought very distressed.

   Shi Lang, who has won three women with money, has already fallen in love with this fastest and most direct way.

   However, if you meet a woman who is not bad for money, then this method will not work very well.

   "Really, do you want me to play innocence, first have a romantic pursuit, and then push it down? Isn't this a bullshit?"

   This incident let Shi Lang know again that there are some things that can't be done with money alone.

   So, Shi Lang was in the office in the next morning thinking about how to solve this problem.

   But, even after thinking about it all morning, when it was time for lunch, Shi Lang only came up with two bad ideas.

  The first idea Shi Lang thought was to establish a strong armed force first.

   At that time, I met a woman who couldn't afford to spend money.

   But Shi Lang didn't like this method very much. After all, Shi Lang felt that for women, whether it was temptation with money or threatening them to submit by various means, it was not too much.

   However, if you use it directly, it will look a little bit too tasteless.

   Shi Lang is not a good person, but he also instinctively doesn't want to use this trick.

   The second method is the threat just mentioned.

   Most of the wealthy women are in business at home, and Shi Lang's method is also very simple and rude.

   That is, set up a business empire of their own, and if they disagree, they will directly use the business empire to attack their family's business.

   The business of their family has been desperately desperate, and then they will use this to threaten when the time comes, and they are not afraid that they will not submit.

   For Shi Lang, who owns the system, it is not difficult to establish a business empire.

   There are a variety of technologies that surpass the current technology in the system. As long as there are points to purchase the technologies in it, Shi Lang believes that it will not take long to establish a business empire.

   Shi Lang was thinking about this problem while walking on the way to the company canteen.

   But now the problem comes back to points. If you want to establish a business empire, you must have points.

   is like doing business requires capital.


   The original canteen of the Star Company did not do very well, and many people would rather order their own takeaway than eat it.

   However, since Shi Lang went to the cafeteria once, everything has changed.

   When Shi Lang ate the canteen food for the first time, he fired the entire canteen on the spot.

   Then people went to those star-rated hotels to invite chefs to cook, and the ingredients were changed. There was no shortage of chicken, duck, fish, shrimp and crab every day.

   There are even abalones and sea cucumbers and other premium ingredients for extra meals every few days.

   After a good lunch, Shi Lang returned to the office again and asked the system to open Shenhao Mall for himself to see.

   Shi Lang intends to see what suits his business empire first.

   How much capital is needed, oh, not right. It's the points, so I have a good number in my heart.

   After choosing Shi Lang among many products for more than an hour, he finally chose two things that suit his business empire in the early stage.


   The door of Shi Lang's office was pushed open, and the 78-minute woman who didn't finish the "work" Shi Lang gave her yesterday walked in in a panic.

   "Boss, it's not good, the company has an accident."

   The woman said to Shi Lang as soon as she came in.

Thirty-second day shield firewall system

   Looking at the woman who rushed into the office in a panic, Shi Lang said a little displeased.

   "Boss, the servers of several games operated by our company are currently being hacked."

   "Moreover, our live broadcast platform had a female anchor on it live striptease. Now the live broadcast platform has been reported, and the person on it has shut down our live broadcast platform and asked us to suspend business for rectification."

   The woman said everything quickly.

   When I said that Shi Lang, the live broadcast platform, remembered that he said yesterday that he was going to be in charge, but he did not expect to forget it today.

   It's all right now, don't have to play it up, just let him roll up and go home, a live broadcast room with only more than 100 people can not come over, and give people the opportunity to play striptease on it. Why do this kind of supervisor stay here?

   "What is the fat guy doing now?"

   Shi Lang thought about it, today he left the company's affairs to the fat man, so he asked.

   "The general manager is in the data room now, boss, the hacker on the other side is too powerful, and our technicians can't stand it anymore."

   The woman said anxiously.

   "Go, go to the data room and have a look."

   Shi Lang said and walked out of the office.

   "This should be done by the people of the Huiyao Group. I didn't expect the action to be quite fast."

Shi Lang just thought about it and knew that it was a ghost from the Huiyao Group. After all, he just bought the company and didn't offend people or anything. That is, Cai Meiqi, who was banned by Huiyao, offended Hui. It's just shining.

  Although he knew that he was targeting the Zhongdu First Group, Shi Lang was not worried at all. Anyway, when he bought the company, he was just trying to export evil for the fat man. Even if the company went bankrupt, it didn't matter.

   However, with the support of my own unlimited money, it is difficult to close down, let alone I have a system.

   It didn't take long for the two to come to the company's database.

  At this time, managers from the entire company gathered in the database, all staring nervously at a few young people operating in front of the computer.

   "Fat man, how is the situation."

   Shi Lang walked up to the fat man who was looking at the computer in front of him and asked.

   "It's not good. Our company's three firewalls for storing game data have now been breached by the other side."

   Fatty pointed at some red, green and green light spots on the computer and said.

   Shi Lang looked at the computer and found that he could not understand at all. After all, he was not in the computer department.

   "System, how about it, is there any solution?"

   Although Shi Lang can't understand, he has a system, the technology of the system is much higher.

   "The owner can purchase a super firewall system. With this system, no one in this world can attack."

   After finishing the system, Shi Lang appeared on the screen of Shenhao Mall. On it was a small thing similar to a card reader, and there was a price of 30 points next to it.


  Looking at the price of 30 points, Shi Lang felt a bit painful. He only has 190 points now. You must know that the points are not so profitable.

After Shi Lang confirmed the purchase, there were only 160 points left, and a card reader appeared in Shi Lang's hand.

   "System, how do you use this thing."

   "Just plug it into the computer, and he will do it automatically."

   Hearing the words of the system, Shi Lang came to a technician.

   "Plug this into the computer, this is a firewall system."

   The technician looked at his boss. Although he didn't report any hope, he still took the card reader and plugged it into the computer.

   "The Tiandun firewall system is activated."

   "Intrusion detected, intrusion level: very weak."

   "Turn on the rebound system."

   As soon as the card reader was plugged into the computer, a burst of beeping sounds kept coming.

   "Boss, God, our firewall is fine, and all intrusive data has been cleared out."

   The technician said to Shi Lang excitedly.

At this time, the company's management also looked at Shi Lang with surprise, and he was about to be hacked into the database by the other party. When the time comes, the other party only needs to delete the information in it, and those games will be abandoned. Unexpectedly, What the boss brought out is so powerful.

   "Pervert, when did you have this kind of thing."

   Fatty also came over and asked curiously.

   "It was given by a hacker friend of mine. I didn't expect it to work."

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